On Sunday, July 23, 2006, we had our first annual Mike's grad student reunion. We all got together at "A Taste of Japan" in Markham. We sat at the Teppanyaki table which is a special cooking table where the chef cooked food right in front of our eyes and entertained us while he cooked. It was wonderful to see old friends again and also make some new ones. Left pic (L-R), front: Parker, Julia, myself, Baoyan, DongMei; rear: Alex, Marina and Zhengzheng. The right pic was taken outside the restaurant. Notice that Charlie is in this one (he usually takes the pictures). Some people wanted to come, but couldn't. Ruo Yang had to catch a plane for the US that afternoon and Graeme was already in the US. Haiyan had some school work that couldn't wait. Any of my former graduate students out there who are interested in joining us next year, please send me an email and I'll put you on the list. How about the people from Ottawa coming down ? (Did you hear that Lise and Andy :)?
Jarka came for her annual visit from mid-June to mid-July. During that time, Julia, Victor and Parker came for a visit. Notice that the two T-shirts that Jarka brought for Victor and I (top left) are identical (except for size :). In the bottom left pic, Victor is watering our garden. This took him some time (about an hour) as he was very thorough. In the bottom right pic, Victor needed to examine every knob, lever, dial and button in my Miata. Again he was very thorough and insisted upon seeing in the trunk and under the hood. When he was satisfied, he asked me to put the car away in the garage (his Mom and Dad have taught him to put away his toys when he's finished playing with them :) When I started the Miata, lights flashed, bells rang, the windshield wipers were on and the stereo was blaring! A good time was had by all :)
Marina didn't quite get her thesis corrections completed in time for the June convocation. But when she did get her thesis signed off, Jarka and I gave her some congratulatory flowers and took her and Peter out for dinner. On the left pic, note Peter's sly wink :) Marina was one happy girl that night!
Convocation, May, 2006.
Patti had been taking some gourmet cooking courses from The Food Diva and invited Zhengzheng to take some too. She did and they learned to cook Chipotle & Lime Glazed Cornish Hen, Spiced Root Vegetable Chips, Chipotle Orange & Pistachio Dressed Greens and Lemon Sour Cream Ice Cream. On the left is Zhengzheng and Maribel and on the right is the same two with Patti.
Copyright © April 15, 1997
Most recent revision July, 2006