Statistics Contest 2012-2013 Submission Name(s): UW email: Current Year of study: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Add as many lines as needed to complete the parts below. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- List any courses at UW you have completed in statistics or probability (e.g. STAT 202, 206, 211, 220, 221, 230, 231, 232, 240, 241, CIVE 224, ENVE 224, CHE 220, ME 202, NE 115, SYDE 213 ARTS 280, ECON 221, ENVS 278, ISS 250A/B, ISS/SDS 250R, KIN 222, PSCI 214/314, PSYCH 292, REC 371, SMF 230, SOC/LS 280, SWREN 250A/B/R SYDE 212, ECE 316): * * * List any courses at UW you are currently taking in statistics or probability (see list above): * * * File formats used for project: Estimated file sizes used for project: (Total maximum not to exceed 100 MB for all project files.) Statistic/Probability topic choosen for contest: Description of work submitted: Sources used for your project: - Include what you used for background material, ideas and inspiration. - Adapt, change, improve upon what others have done. Other comments you want to include, if any: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applicants agree to allow their names and submitted material to be used for educational and promotional purposes. Applicants retain copyright of their material.