Hello MathJax

MathJax examples:

{\bf X} + {\rm a} \ \geq\
\underline{\hat a} \sum_i^N \lim_{x \rightarrow k} \delta C

\begin{equation} \left[ {\bf X} + {\rm a} \ \geq\ \underline{\hat a} \sum_i^N \lim_{x \rightarrow k} \delta C \right] \end{equation}

{\bf X} + {\rm a} \ \geq\
\underline{\hat a} \sum_i^N \lim_{x \rightarrow k} \delta C

\[ \left[ {\bf X} + {\rm a} \ \geq\ \underline{\hat a} \sum_i^N \lim_{x \rightarrow k} \delta C \right] \]

AsciiMath mode

When `a != 0`, there are two solutions to `ax^2 + bx + c = 0` and they are
<p style="text-align:center">
`x = (-b +- sqrt(b^2-4ac))/(2a) .`
`a in A,  A subsetof B,  C supersetof D`

When `a != 0`, there are two solutions to `ax^2 + bx + c = 0` and they are

`x = (-b +- sqrt(b^2-4ac))/(2a) .`

`a in A, A subsetof B, C supersetof D`

Read the Getting Started page to learn how to include MathJax math on your HTML pages.

MathJax recreates LaTeX math expressions, not LaTeX text formatting, although, current version 2 of MathJax allows defining your own LaTex macros and has optional automatic equation numbering and \label and \ref macros. See more options and extension on the MathJax TeX and LaTeX Support page.

Paul Kates
Mathematics Faculty CTE Liaison
pkates@uwaterloo.ca, x37047
Last modification date: Thu 02 May 2013 02:52:30 AM EDT