MapleTA and Maple Documents


MapleTA Documentation

Each MapleTA installation has extensive online documentation in the Help section with

Some quick links into the UW MapleTA documentation.


LaTeX Interface to MapleTA

Class assignments written in LaTeX with special MapleTA macro can be converted into the MapleTA question bank format ready to upload into a MapleTA course.


MapleTA functions

Random Numbers Description
rand(m,n) Generates a random real number [m,n] rounded to 6 decimal places
rand(m,n,k) As above but expressed to k Significant digits (k truncated to integer)
unfinished ...
List Operations Description
min(a,b,c,d,...) Returns the smallest element from a list
max(a,b,c,d,...) Returns the largest element from a list
unfinished ...
Conditions Description
condition:x where x id the definition of the condition
if(a,b,c) ...
eq(a,b) ...
unfinished ...

Maple functions

... Description
type ...
remove ...
evalb ...
degree ...
nops ...
solve ...
indets ...
simplify ...
expand ...
op ...
rank Statistics[Rank]
... ...

Maple Programming

Paul Kates
Mathematics Faculty CTE Liaison, x37047
Last modification date: Wed Jun 23 13:16:02 2010.