LaTeX and MapleTA

December 6, 2005
Paul Kates, Mathematics Faculty LT3 Liaison(1)

Included here are a collection of files showing the various stages that transform a question bank of LaTeX formatted questions into a MapleTA question bank and subsequently into a MapleTA assignment. MapleTA is a server that delivers questions through the web to students. Answers returned can be graded with the computer algebra system Maple when necessary.

Example questions for the sample files are available from the web sites of Maplesoft and Brownstone.

PDF slides showing a sample latex input file and the route from latex to MapleTA.

A LaTeX file showing the variety of MapleTA questions, including algorithmic and graphic. About 10 questions.

The resulting file from formatting by LaTeX of a question .tex file. The result is *not* a quiz, but a restatement of the questions found in the input file to verify the question types.

The MathML file created by the Brownstome EDU service. Questions are converted to MapleTA keyword syntax. LaTeX math is converted to MathML. The EDU .edu syntax looks the like it follows the same keyword syntax as the MapleTA .qu question bank files.

What the MapleTA assignment looks like when the LaTeX questions above are installed with the MapleTA question bank editor and a MapleTA assignment is ready for use. Students would normally take the assignment/quiz online, but the quiz can be printed for classroom settings.

Please contact me if you would like further information.

Paul Kates, Mathematics Faculty LT3 Liaison,, x7047

More information about the services of the Centre for Learning and Teaching through Technology - LT3 is available at

This file is located at

(1) More information about learning and teaching Mathematics and Computer Science, plus a description of the services I provide as Mathematics Faculty LT3 Liaison is available here.