Mobius question types listed with examples: Mobius "how-to" videos, including how to make 15 different question types: Mobius algorithm functions: More Mobius lesson and question examples: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Title your mobius question with your name and a phrase describing the question E.g. paulkates numeric sum question # Q1 # algorithm numeric question type with exact answer # illustrates number variables and making random numbers # question text: What is the sum of $a + $b? [numeric answer box] # algorithm section $a = rint(10); # random 0..9 $b = rint(10,20); # random number 10..19 $ans = $a + $b; # answer is sum a+b ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Q2 # algorithm string multiple-choice question type # illustrates 5-option multiple-choice question using algorithmic strings # and functions rint, switch (pick from list), mathml (pretty looking math) # question text: Two lines are parallel when they have * the same y-intercept * the same x-intercept * equal slopes * all of the above * none of the above # algorithm section $alt1 = switch(rint(2),"the same x-intercept", "two or more intersection points"); $alt2 = switch(rint(2),"the same y-intercept", "an intersection point at the origin"); $alt1_prettyX = switch(rint(2),strcat("the same ", mathml("x"), "-intercept"), "two or more intersection points"); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Q3 # multi-part question with algorithm plot multiple-choice question type # and math formula question type # # illustrates 4-option multiple-choice question using algorithmic plots # and functions - range(2,9,1) is integer 2..9 (step =1) - frac(a,b) is a/b in lowest terms - maple("$r^2") to keep $r^2 as fraction not floating pt number - plotmaple command with plots library call to pointplot function # question text: Consider the following sequence:  $t1ML, $t2ML, $t3ML, $t4ML, $t5ML, ... (a) Which of the following graphs best represent the above sequence?   $plot1 $plot2 $plot3 $plot4 (b) Determine an expression for the general term an if the sequence begins at n=0. an= [math formula question answer box] # algorithm section $r1 = range(2,9,1); $r = frac(1,$r1); $rML = mathml("$r"); $t1 = 1; $t2 = maple("$r"); $t3 = maple("$r^2"); $t4 = maple("$r^3"); $t5 = maple("$r^4"); $t1ML = mathml("$t1"); $t2ML = mathml("$t2"); $t3ML = mathml("$t3"); $t4ML = mathml("$t4"); $t5ML = mathml("$t5"); $plot1 = plotmaple(" with(plots); pointplot([[1,$t1], [2,$t2], [3,$t3],[4,$t4], [5,$t5]],colour = blue, gridlines = true, symbolsize = 10,symbol = solidcircle, size=[300,300]); "); $plot2 = plotmaple(" with(plots); pointplot([[$t1,1], [$t2,2], [$t3,3],[$t4,4], [$t5,5]],colour = blue, gridlines = true, symbolsize = 10,symbol = solidcircle, size=[300,300]); "); $plot3 = plotmaple("plot($r1 * exp(-2.197*x),x=0..1,y=0..5,colour = blue, gridlines = true, size=[300,300])"); $plot4 = plotmaple(" with(plots); pointplot([[1,1], [2,2], [3,3],[4,4], [5,5]],colour = blue, gridlines = true, symbolsize = 10,symbol = solidcircle, size=[300,300]); "); $ansb = $r^n; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Q4 # multi-part question - algorithm number variables with numeric question type # and math formula question type # # illustrates # answers: 2 simple formulas n and n-1, 3 numbers from question text and # number with tolerance +/- 1 from formula # - chicken image changes # question text: A poultry farmer has $c chickens in a barn. The hens lay eggs such that the population increases by $p% each month and the farmer harvests $h chickens per month. Denote the population after n months by Pn. Determine a recursive formula for the poultry population of the form Px=aPy+b . x= [math formula answer box]  y= [math formula answer box] a= [numeric question answer box] b= [numeric question answer box] P0= [numeric question answer box] How many chickens are in the barn after 4 months? Answer to nearest whole number [numeric question answer box] # algorithm section # $c = initial # chickens, $p = % increase per month in chickens # $h = monthly harvest (reduction) in chickens # $P1 = # chickens at end of 1 month, ... $P4 = # at end of 4th month $c = range(500,5000,100); $p = range(5,15); $h = range(100,500,50); $P1 = (1+$p/100)*$c - $h; $P2 = (1+$p/100)*$P1 - $h; $P3 = (1+$p/100)*$P2 - $h; $P4 = (1+$p/100)*$P3 - $h; #; # For image, 4 possibilities; #; $Which=rint(4);