Roberto Hernández Palomares

Mathematician Researcher in Operator Algebras, Quantum Symmetries and Quantum Information

Research only e-mail: robertohp (dot) math (at) gmail (dot) com --- Teaching only e-mail: r5hernan (at) uwaterloo (dot) ca

About me:

I am Postdoctoral Fellow at U Waterloo, Pure Math

My research mentors are Michael Brannan and Matthew Kennedy

Previously I was a Visiting researcher at Universität der Saarlandes during the Focus semester in quantum information

visiting Moritz Weber (Sep- Dec 2022)

I was a postdoc at Texas A&M University, Mathematics Department (Aug 2022- Dec 2023)

My research mentor at Texas A&M was Eric Rowell

I received my PhD degree from OSU in 2021 under the supervision of David Penneys

Publications and preprints:

Articles in preparation:

Current teaching:

Win2025 MATH237 Calculus for Honours Math MATH237 website --- Teaching contact method e-mail: r5hernan (at) uwaterloo (dot) ca

Current and Past Students:

Conferences and talks (Future and Past):