Roberto Hernández Palomares
Mathematician Researcher in Operator Algebras, Quantum Symmetries and Quantum Information
Research only e-mail: robertohp (dot) math (at) gmail (dot) com --- Teaching only e-mail: r5hernan (at) uwaterloo (dot) ca
Copy of my My CV/Resume (Last updated: 1 Oct 2024)
I proudly lead, support and sponsor the initiative Outsourcing Math Research, supporting third-world-based young mathematicians. (Sponsors & mentors welcomed!)
Publications and preprints:
Remarks on C*-discrete inclusions arXiv: 2409.18161 , joint with Brent Nelson
Quantum graphs, subfactors and tensor categories I arXiv: 2409.01951 , joint with Michael Brannan
Discrete inclusions of C*-algebras arXiv: 2305.05072 , joint with Brent Nelson
Dynein localization and pronuclear movement in the C. elegans zygote, Cytoskeleton , with D. A. Dawes, J. Henry, D.Ignacio, and N. Kravtsova
K-theoretic classification of inductive limit actions of fusion categories on AF-algebras Commun. Math. Phys. 405, 83 (2024). , arXiv: 2207.11854 , with Q. Chen and C. Jones
Q-system completion for C* 2-categories J. Func. Analysis DOI 10.1016/j.jfa.2022.109524, arXiv: 2105.12010 , with Q. Chen, D. Penneys and C. Jones
Realizations of Rigid C*-Tensor Categories over GJS C*-algebras J. Math. Phys. DOI: 10.1063/5.0015294, , arXiv: 2005.09821 preprint , with M. Hartglass
Classifying module categories for generalized Temperley–Lieb–Jones ∗-2-categories Int. J. of Math. DOI: 10.1142/S0129167X20500275, arXiv: 1905.00471 with G. Ferrer
Geometric Measure of Arens Irregularity Preprint , with E. Hu, G. Maierhofer, and P. Rao
Articles in preparation:
Inclusions of Operator Algebras from Tensor Categories: beyond irreducibility, joint with Lucas Hataishi
Quantum graphs, subfactors and tensor categories II, joint with Michael Brannan
C*-discrete inclusions from Cuntz-Pimsner algebras, joint with Brent Nelson
Highly-regular quantum graphs, joint with Outsourcing Math Research
Complex Hadamard Matrices, Symmetries, and Quantizations, joint with Michael Brannan and Daniel Gromada
Current teaching:
Win2025 MATH237 Calculus for Honours Math
MATH237 website --- Teaching contact method e-mail: r5hernan (at) uwaterloo (dot) ca
Current and Past Students:
Conferences and talks (Future and Past):
- 2025
Quantum graphs, subfactors and tensor categories. AMS Central Sp Sectional Meeting, Quantum Theory and Operator Algebras, KS, USA, Abstract (29-30 March 2025)
Quantum graphs, subfactors and tensor categories. Quantum groups seminar (virtual), Abstract (17 March 2025)
Quantum graphs, subfactors and tensor categories. Quantum Information and Analysis Seminars, U of South Carolina, USA, Abstract (28 Feb 2025)
Quantum graphs, subfactors and tensor categories. Quantum groups, tensor categories and quantum field theory, Oslo U, Norway, Abstract (14 Jan 2025)
- 2024
Quantum graphs, subfactors and tensor categories. Graph Theory Seminar, University of Waterloo, ON CAN Abstract (28 Oct 2024)
Quantum graphs, subfactors and tensor categories. South Atlantic Noncommutative Geometry Seminar, Universidad de Buenos Aires, ARG (virtual) Abstract (22 Oct 2024)
Una mirada a las matemáticas cuánticas a través de los grafos. Seminario Jr. de estudiantes, U. de Guanajuato, MX Recording (24 April 2024)
C*-Quantum Dynamics. Analysis Seminar U Waterloo, ON Canada Abstract (14 Mar 2024)
C*-Quantum Dynamics. Mathematical Physics and Operator Algebra Seminar, Michigan State U, MI USA Abstract (25 Jan 2024)
- 2023
Mini-course Speaker: actions of tensor categories on operator algebras, Twinned Conference on C*-Algebras and Tensor Categories, The Fields Institute, Canada Website (6-10 Nov 2023)
Discrete Inclusions of C*-algebras, Canadian Operator Symposium 2023, Western University, London, ON, CA Abstract (25 May 2023)
Discrete inclusions of C*-algebras, Great Plains Operator Theory Symposium 2023, OSU, Columbus, OH, USA Abstract (15 May 2023)
Discrete inclusions of C*-algebras, NCGOA 2023, Vanderbilt U, Nashville, TN, USA Website (10 May 2023)
K-theoretic classification of inductive limit actions of fusion catsegories on AF-algs, Carleton-Ottawa Joint Analysis Seminar, Ottawa, ON, CA (22 March 2023)
K-theoretic classification of inductive limit actions of fusion catsegories on AF-algs, Analysis Seminar University of Waterloo, ON CA Abstract (16 March 2023)
- 2022
Quantum symmetries for operator algebras, Polish-German seminar on quantum groups, graphs and symmetries via representation theory, Saarbrucken Univeristy, Germany Abstract (24 Nov 2022)
Discrete inclusions of C*-algebras, Quantum Symmetries Seminar, Ohio State University Mathematics, Columbus, OH USA Abstract (22 Nov 2022)
Unitary tensor categories and their actions, Malý Seminar, Karlin Univeristy, Prague, Czech Republic (4 Nov 2022)
K-theoretic classification of inductive limit actions of fusion categories on AF-algebras, NCG&T Seminar, Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic Abstract (1 Nov 2022)
K-theoretic classification of inductive limit actions of fusion categories on AF-algebras, Operator algebras Seminar, Mathematics KU Leuven, Belgium Abstract (14 Oct 2022)
K-theoretic classification of inductive limit actions of fusion categories on AF-algebras, Functional Analysis Seminar, University of Ofxord Mathematical Institute Abstract (4 Aug 2022)
K-theoretic classification of inductive limit actions of fusion categories on AF-algebras, Operator Algebras: Subfactors, K-theory and CFT: David Evans 70th Birthday Program and slides (1 Aug 2022)
- 2021
Q-systems and higher idempotent completion for C* 2-categories, Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar, Texas A&M University (8 Oct 2021)
Q-system completion for C*-Algebras, YMC*A 2021, slides (13 Aug 2021)
C*-algebras, right correspondences, and Q-systems, GPOTS 2021, notes (10 May 2021)
UNAM: Seminario de categorias: Actions of unitary tensor categories on C*-algebras, (27 Jan 2021) notes , video (17 March 2021)
IPAM: Actions of Tensor Categories on C*-algebras: Actions of unitary tensor categories on GJS C*-algebras, slides , (27 Jan 2021)
Joint Mathematics Meeting 2021: Advances in Operator Algebras: Representations of unitary categories on C*-algebras (7 Jan 2021)
Joint Mathematics Meeting 2021: Hopf Algebrasand Tensor Categories: Classification of module categories for generalized TLJ *-2-categories (6 Jan 2021)
- 2020
Texas A&M, Brazos Analysis Seminar: Realizing unitary tensor categories as bimodules over GJS C*-algebras and Hilbertification (7 Nov 2020) Abstract
Indiana University Bloomington, Algebra Seminar: Classifying unitary modules for generalized TLJ *-2-categories (16 Nov 2020)
Vanderbilt University, Subfactor Seminar: Representations of RC*TC over GJS C*-algebras Abstract
OSU NCGOA seminar: Constructing the Jiang-Su algebra
OSU-Ox:Realizations of RC*TC over GJS C*-algebras and Hilbertification Slides
OSU Hayes Graduate Forum: Quantum symmetries of quantum spaces. Poster
- 2019
- 2018
OSU: NCGOA Seminar. Geometric measure of Arens Irregularity Abstract
OSU: NCGOA Seminar. There exists a unique separable hyperfinite II1 factor Abstract
- 2017
OSU: Quantum Algebra & Quantum Topology Seminar. Jones’ Index Rigidity Theorem Abstract
OSU: Quantum Algebra & Quantum Topology Seminar. Jones’ Index Rigidity Theorem pt. II Abstract
- 2014