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Computational OPtimization Solutions cluster

managed by the
Math Faculty Computing Facility
University of Waterloo -- Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
[MFCF logo]

News about the cluster

When we have news to announce about the cluster, you'll find it here. If you're not also on the COPS mailing list, you should ask to be added.

Availability of the cluster

The cluster was opened for use in mid-October 2010.

October 2011: Node 12 is down with apparent hardware problems. Motherboard has been replaced; we have a bit of reconfiguration to do though.

Requested software not yet installed

The list of requested software that's not yet installed includes:

Installed software not yet working properly

The list of software that's installed but either has some problems to fix or awaits configuration includes:

Recently added or fixed software

Send feedback to: Robyn Landers

COPS Home | University of Waterloo.

Last Updated September 19, 2012, by Robyn Landers