Supplement to the Classical Algebra text

Chapter 0: Logic and Proofs


Sometimes a conjectured result in mathematics is not true. In that case, we would not be able to prove it. However, we could try to disprove it; that is, try to prove that its negation is true. If the conjectured result is of the form forall x  P(x)  then its negation is  NOT ( forall x  P(x) ),  which by the Quantifier Negation Rules 0.2.6, is equivalent to exists x  NOT P(x).  Hence to disprove the statement forall x  P(x)  we only have to find one x0 such that P( x0) is false. This x0 is called a counterexample to the conjecture forall x  P(x).

If the conjectured result is of the form forall x  P(x) => Q(x)  then its negation is exists x  NOT ( P(x) => Q(x) )  which, by Example 0.1.6, is equivalent to the statement exists x ( P(x) AND NOT Q(x) ).  Hence x0 is a counterexample to the conjecture if P(x0) is true while Q(x0) is false.

Example.    Let x be a real number. Disprove the statement:

if  x2 < 9  then  x < 3.

Solution. One counterexample to the statement is obtained by taking x0 = - 4 , since x02 = 16 < 9 and x0 =< 3. This counterexample disproves the statement.

Note that if we wanted to disprove an existence statement such as exists x  P(x)  then its negation is NOT (exists x  P(x)),  which is equivalent to forall x  NOT P(x).  In this case we cannot use a counterexample, because we have to show that P(x) is false for all values of x.

© 1998 William J. Gilbert and Scott A. Vanstone, University of Waterloo

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