Students supervised by Bill Cunningham

Doctoral Students

Alfred B. Marsh, III, Ph.D. 1979, Johns Hopkins University, 
Thesis title: "Matching Algorithms."
Present position: U.S. National Security Agency (retired) 

J.M. Jimmy Tan, Ph.D. 1981, Carleton University, 
Thesis title: "Matroid 3-Connectivity"
Present position: Professor, Department of Computer Science, 
National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan

Fan Zhang, Ph.D. 1992, Carleton University. 
Thesis title: "Degree Sequence Polyhedra and Separation Algorithms." 
Present position: Senior Operations Research Analyst, Modelling and 
Projection Section, SRAD-CIDPC, Public Health Agency of Canada 

Eddie Cheng, Ph.D. 1995, University of Waterloo. 
Thesis title: "Wheel Inequalities for Stable Set Polyhedra." 
Present position: Distinguished Professor, Department of Mathematical 
Sciences, Oakland University, Michigan.

James Geelen, Ph. D. 1996, University of Waterloo. 
Thesis title: "Matchings, Matroids, and Unimodular Matrices". 
Present position: Professor and University Research Chair, Department of 
Combinatorics and Optimization, University of Waterloo.

Kevin Cheung, Ph.D. 2003, University of Waterloo. 
Thesis title: "Subtour Elimination Polytopes and Graphs of Inscribable Type"
Present position: Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, 
Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada.
Francisco Zaragoza, Ph.D. 2004, University of Waterloo. 
Thesis title: "Postman Problems on Mixed Graphs"
Present position: Professor, Department of Systems, Universidad Autonoma 
Metropolitana Unidad Azcapotzalco, Mexico City, Mexico

Masters Students

Jan Green-Krotki, M.Sc. 1980, Carleton University,
Thesis title: "Matching Polyhedra"

Michael Davies, M.Math. 1993, University of Waterloo.
Essay title: "Applications of Lagrangean Relaxation to the
Capacitated Warehouse Location Problem".
Present address: Canadian Tire Corporation, Toronto, Ontario.

Matthew Becker, M.Math. 1997, University of Waterloo.
Thesis title: "Connected Domination and Related Problems".
Present address: Department of Research and Development, Spicer
Corporation, Kitchener, Ontario.

Kevin Cheung, M.Math. 1998, University of Waterloo.
Essay title: "Distances, Cuts, and Flows"

Lawrence Tang, M.Math. 2001, University of Waterloo.
Essay title: "Graph Embeddings and k-vertex connectivity"
Present address: Hong Kong Monetary Authority, Hong Kong

Mark Russell, M.Math. 2001, University of Waterloo
Thesis title: "Restricted Two-Factors"
Present address: Google, California.

Michael Russell, M.Math, 2006, University of Waterloo
Essay title: "Cutting planes in mixed integer programming"
Present address, Department of National Defence, Ottawa, Ontario

Alan Tsang, M.Math, 2012, University of Waterloo
Essay title: "Graph Decomposition and Applications"
Present address, School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo

Christopher Price, M.Math, 2015, University of Waterloo
Thesis title: "Combinatorial Algorithms for Submodular Function 
Minimization and Related Problems"