Date & Time | Speaker | Title | Host |
Sep 20 | Adam Logan (University of Waterloo, TIMC and Carleton University) | Computational exploration of Hilbert modular surfaces | David |
Sep 25 Special talk 3:30pm-5:00pm, Wed MC 5479 |
Lucia Martin Merchan (University of Waterloo) | About formality of compact manifolds with holonomy G2 | Local |
Sep 27 | Roberto Albesiano (University of Waterloo) | A degeneration approach to Skoda’s division theorem | Local |
Oct 4 | Nikolay Bogachev (University of Toronto) | Commensurability classes and quasi-arithmeticity of hyperbolic reflection groups | Xuemiao |
Oct 11 | Jesse Huang (University of Waterloo) | Birational coherent constructible correspondence | Local |
Oct 16 Special talk 3:30pm-5:00pm, Wed MC 5479 |
Viktor Majewski (Humboldt-Universität) | Resolutions of Spin(7)-Orbifolds | Spiro |
Oct 18 | Reading Week | ||
Oct 25 | Candace Bethea (Duke University) | The local equivariant degree and equivariant rational curve counting | Aleksandar |
Nov 1 Special time 2:00pm-3:00pm MC 5501 |
Tristan Collins (University of Toronto) | A free boundary Monge-Ampere equation with applications to Calabi-Yau metrics | Benoit |
Nov 8 | Tobias Shin (University of Chicago) | Almost complex manifolds are (almost) complex | Aleksandar |
Nov 29 | Mingyang Li (UC Berkeley) | On 4d Ricci-flat metrics with conformally Kahler geometry | Xuemiao |
Dec 6
3:30pm-4:30pm. Only online option. |
Ruiran Sun (University of Toronto) | Rigidity problems on moduli spaces of polarized manifolds | Xuemiao |
Holidays | |||
Jan 10 | Dror Varolin (Stony Brook) | Extending sections of Holomorphic Vector Bundles | Roberto |
Jan 24 | Luis Fernandez (CUNY) | The Dirac operator in the Clifford bundle and Kaehler identities for almost complex manifolds | Spiro |
Feb 21 | Reading Week | ||
Mar 7 | TBD | TBD | TBD |
Mar 14 |
Ababacar Sadikhe Djité (Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dankar & University of Waterloo) |
TBD | Benoit |
Mar 21 | Clair Dai (Harvard) | TBD | Jerry |
Mar 28 | TBD | TBD | TBD |
April 4 | Yidi Wang (Western University) | TBD | Matt |
April 11 (Exam week) | Lorenzo Sarnataro (University of Toronto) | TBD | Spiro |
April 18 | TBD | TBD | TBD |
April 25 | TBD | TBD | TBD |
May 9 | Enric Solé-Farré (University College London) | TBD | Spiro |
May 22 |
Bernd Sturmfels (UC Berkeley)
Tentative |
TBD | Matt |
Our seminar is held regularly in the Fall and Winter terms (September-April) including some special talks in the Spring term (May-August).
This webpage is maintained by Xuemiao Chen. If you have any questions, please email me.
Records: Jan 2023-Aug 2023, Sep 2023-Aug 2024.