June 25 (Wed)                                                      STARS VS. SARS

Concert for Toronto, a Canadian-star studded rock concert to boost the sagging tourism industry of Toronto in the wake of SARS.  (June 21st)

Dragon Boat Race Festival, Center island, Toronto, also featured by Chinese traditional performances, food, freebies, and cultural exhibition. We enjoyed the sunshine, had a piece of really good watermelon, hmm...., some colorful ice cream, and bloody expensive Chinese dumplings ( $3.00 for 6 tiny ones). Not surprisingly, "Fa Lun Gong" disciples were practicing and propagandizing in front of the ferry gate, I felt sorry for them. You practice and sacrifice for your belief, whatever it is, it's fine; why do you have to desperately draw attention and seek acceptance from others? What you're trying so frenziedly to gain is identification or sympathy? (June 22nd)

Something beautiful is vanished
                  And we sigh for it in vain
We behold it everywhere,
On the earth, and in the air,
                  But it never comes again!

Downtown Toronto Jazz festival,  Christian von der Goltz-Trio. Eliot Zigmund on drums, was quite impressive.


June 14 (Sat)                                                                                  Congratulations !!

沈巍炜同学的毕业典礼, 阳光明媚,夏日来临。Convocation of WeiWei, Master of Math. This degree means much more than you may think. Two years ( felt like 10 ) of pure math studying explored the extreme of her diligence. "我终于开始恢复原形了( Finally I am going back to my original form)", I remember she told me right after finishing her thesis.

And a great cook too!!   
the girl who's so smart that she always says that she is not. Whoever wants to go on the same path, WeiWei will tell you, "Simply forget it!"


June 13 (Fri) 5:39pm   

Got an email from my little cousin, a lovely boy of 12 or 13 years' old. Find it's quite interesting. 不太记得我十二三岁的时候是怎样写东西的了,但好像没有这么随机跳跃和单纯。又想起我的少年,那些坐在窗前写作业的午后,拼命的想象灿烂丰富有意义的生活好写在作文里给老师看。When your current life is mostly mere commuting between two points, home and school, you have to have good imagination and faith in your future.  原文附上,一字不差。

Three or four years ago


         好久没有给你发E-mail了,very very sorry!How are you?你们那里SARS厉害吗?我收到你的信了,欧洲真美,当然了,你也很美。我们这里停课了,是从4月25号一直到7月14号,真爽!但是教育局开办了“空中课堂”,“空中课堂”就是用电视转播的。学校给我们留了一大堆作业,“空中课堂”也留作业,烦死人了!北京今年夏天非常凉快,冷的我妈都穿长袖了。听说加拿大的SARS听厉害的,你要多加小心。:-)鹏姐,你去过英国吗?英国好玩吗?多伦多的电视塔有多高?
         Last sunday,I went to the 香山park with my parents,we went to
there by bus.It is  fine day!香山park is beautiful place.I hope you can
go to there with us when you come bick Beijing.Do you know 丘吉尔?I am
reading a book that about him.It is a interesting book!I like it a lot.

                                                 your brother: Wang

 Have been working hard recently, well, harder than before.
 Lotfi Zadeh, the father of Fuzzy Logic, came and gave a talk this afternoon. I was expecting more from him to be frank. One hour was far from enough for him. I think Fuzzy is a great idea which can be employed in many fields of science, arts, economics, etc. However he seemed more interested in Natural Language Processing. Hmm... Still, he is an interesting professor and has a watch made in China, sometimes works sometimes won't.