The 19th Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization (IPCO XVIV) will take place from June 26 to June 28, 2017 at the University of Waterloo, in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. It will be organized by the Department of Combinatorics & Optimization.
The conference will be preceded by a Summer school (June 24-25).
The IPCO conference is under the auspices of the Mathematical Optimization Society. It is held every year, except for those in which the International Symposium on Mathematical Programming takes place. The conference is a forum for researchers and practitioners working on various aspects of integer programming and combinatorial optimization. The aim is to present recent developments in theory, computation, and applications in these areas.
For questions or suggestions, please contact us.You may also be interested in attending the following conferences and meetings:
- STOC 2017 (June 19-23, Montreal) :
- CanaDAM 2017 (June 12-15, Toronto) :
- SIAM Conference on Optimization 2017 (May 22-25, Vancouver) :
- 24th Ontario Combinatorics Workshop (June 19-20, Guelph) : URL forthcoming
- MIP 2017 (June 19-22, Montreal) :
- SiGMa 2017 (July 17-21, Waterloo) :