Instructor: Jon Yard
Office hours: Mondays 3:30-5:30 QNC 3126 (3rd floor of QNC - NOTE: if you don't have a key, you'll need to enter QNC on the ground floor)
Course web site:
Teaching Assistants
- Connor Paul-Paddock
- Nitica Sakharwade
- Sam Winnick
- (12/3) Office hours moved to Tuesday, Dec 4, 4pm - 5:30pm.
- (11/9) FINAL PROJECT INFORMATION: Guidelines (pdf) and Potential topic list (pdf)
- (9/28) Homework 1 due date extended to Monday, October 1 (11:59 PM) as some issues with the Crowdmark invite are not yet resolved.
- (9/17) No class on Thursday, September 19.
- (9/17) Office hours Monday, September 17, 3:40-5:30 (after IQC Colloquium)
- First class Tuesday, September 6.
- Lecture 17 (11/8) Quantum key distribution, BB84 protocol, Lo-Chau security proof via entanglement purification.
- Lecture 16 (11/6) Singular value decomposition, impossibility bit commitment.
- Lecture 15 (11/1) Entropy, classical and quantum data compression.
- Lecture 14 (10/30) Trace distance, fidelity, purifications and Uhlmann's theorem.
- Lecture 13 (10/25) GHZ paradox and Bell's inequality.
- Lecture 12 (10/23) Measurements and POVMs.
- Lecture 11 (10/18) Quantum channels.
- Lecture 10 (10/16) Density matrix formalism, normal matrices.
- Lecture 9 (10/11) Order-finding and factoring.
- Lecture 8 (10/4) Circuit for QFT, phase estimation.
- Lecture 7 (10/2) Discrete logarithm problem, Simon's mod m, quantum Fourier transform.
- Lecture 6 (9/27) Quantum algorithm for Simon's problem.
- Lecture 5 (9/25) Quantum algorithms for Deutch's problem, 1-out-of-4 search, Deutch-Josza problem.
- Lecture 4 (9/18) No cloning, classical circuits, simulating classical/randomized computation with quantum, simulating quantum with classical, complexity classes.
- Lecture 3 (9/13) Superdense coding, quantum teleportation, Bell measurements, incomplete measurements.
- Lecture 2 (9/11) n-qubit states, entanglement, quantum circuits, single-qubit and controlled operations, Holevo's Theorem.
- Lecture 1 (9/6) Introduction and overview, bra-ket notation, unitary operations, orthogonal measurements.
- Course description (pdf). An outline of what we cover in the course.
Suggested references
- Last year's lecture slides, Richard Cleve (with edits and additions by Jon Yard).
- Quantum Computation and Quantum Information, Michael A. Nielsen and Isaac L. Chuang (Cambridge University Press, 2000)
- An Introduction to Quantum Computation, P. Kaye, R. Laflamme, M. Mosca (Oxford University Press, 2007)
- Quantum Computation Since Democritus, Scott Aaronson (Cambridge
University Press, 2012).
- John Preskill's lecture notes on quantum computation.