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Cut Applet
Cutting Plane Applet
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Cut Applet
TSP Cutting Plane Applet

The idea of the Cutting-Plane Applet is to introduce the Dantzig, Fulkerson, and Johnson cutting-plane method by providing an interactive tool that can be used in the solution of some mid-sized TSP examples.

A short introduction to the applet and to the cutting-plane method can be found in the help page, and a step-by-step guide for the applet can be found in the tutorial. More information on the cutting-plane method can be found on the page Dantzig, Fulkerson, and Johnson's Cutting-Plane Method.

Please note that the applet uses Java 2. If you are using an older browser, then the applet may not load properly. (If you are not able to load the applet, you can view the tutorial to see snapshots of cutting planes for the WI29 example.)

Applet Examples

Western Sahara
29 Cities in Western Sahara.

United States
41 Cities in the United States.

Fulton County
47 School Locations in Fulton County, Georgia.

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Last Updated: Jan 2005