Slice of HYG data set

hyg119614 tour

A shortest-possible tour for hyg119614 is given in the following files, using three different data formats to list the order the stars are visited.

  • hyg119614_order.txt, the points for hyg119614 permuted in optimal order,
  • hyg119614_tour.txt, a list of integers from 1 up to 119,614, giving the order the stars appear in the tour,
  • hyg119614.tour, the tour in TSPLIB format.

The tour's total length is 25,307,773.4 parsecs, measured as described on the data page.

Interactive Views

The Tour -- Zoom, pan, and rotate the point set to see the 3D structure. Stars are represented by twinkling points, using color to represent each star's position in the tour. The tour is traced by colored lines.
Light version -- Stars are represented by colored particles, resulting in an image that is easier to render (in case you have trouble with the main version).
Particles -- An even lighter rendering, where no edges are drawn. The tour is represented by the colors of the particles.

Snapshots of the Tour

HYG Tour Full View
HYG Tour Zoom 1
HYG Tour Zoom 2