Slice of 100-star tour

star100 data

The point set for star100 consists of the locations of the nearest 100 stars in the HYG instance of the TSP. The xyz triples of coordinates are listed in each of the following two files, one star per per line.

  •, list of coordinates
  • star100.tsp, the coordinates in TSPLIB format.

An optimal tour for star100 is given in the following files.

  • star100_tour.txt, a list of integers from 1 up to 100, giving the order the stars appear in the tour,
  • star100_order.txt, the points for star100 permuted in the tour order,
  • star100.tour, the tour in TSPLIB format.

Computing Distances

To create an instance of the TSP, we need to specify precisely the point-to-point distances we use. For this we adopt the standard TSPLIB norm for 3D Euclidean data. This norm takes the straight-line distance between two points and rounds the resulting value to the nearest integer. In our case, the star-to-star distance is therefore measured to the nearest 1/10th parsec. Here is a simplified version of the computer code used in Concorde for the distance calculation.

Interactive Views

Rotating -- See the point set rotating in 3-space. Stars are represented by twinkling points.