

World TSP

National TSPs

Bonn Institute


This collection of 102 TSP instances was provided by Andre Rohe, based on VLSI data sets studied at the Forschungsinstitut für Diskrete Mathematik, Universität Bonn.
The Bonn Institute is a leading academic site for applied research in VLSI design.
The instances in the VLSI collection range in size from 131 cities up to 744,710 cities.
In these examples, the cost of travel between cities is specified by the Eulidean distance rounded to the nearest whole number (the TSPLIB EUC_2D-norm).
Like the National TSPs, this collection porivides additional tests to complement the TSPLIB set of instances.
The VLSI collection is presented in a group of 11 pages, with 10 instances per page.
The entire collection can also be downloaded as a single gzipped tar file vlsi_tsp.tgz.
We will be most happy to report any improved tours or improved lower bounds that you may find.
A summary of the current solution status for the instances can be found here.

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Last Updated: May 2013
Contact: bico@uwaterloo.ca