Bertrand Guenin - matroidsI am interested in two classes of matroids, even-cycle matroids and even-cut matroids which are single element binary lifts of graphic and co-graphic matroids respectively. More specifically, I would like,
We can do (1), but (2) seems to be still out of reach (but not hopeless). Let me describe formally, (1) and indicate some of the ingredients in the algorithm. An overview of these results is available at,
What are even-cycle and even-cut matroids anyway?By a cycle in a graph we mean a subset of the edges with the property that every vertex of the subgraph induced by these edges has even degree. An inclusion-wise minimal non-empty cycle in a graph is a circuit. A matroid is graphic if its circuits are precisely the circuits of some graph. A matroid is cographic if its circuits are precisely the inclusion-wise minimal non-empty cuts of some graph. A signed-graph is a pair where is a graph and . A cycle is even (resp. odd) if is even (resp. odd). is an even-cycle matroid if its circuits are precisely the inclusion-wise minimal non-empty even-cycles of some signed-graph . If then the even-cycles of are just the cycles of . Hence, graphic matroids are even-cycle matroids. The matrix obtained from the vertex-edge incidence matrix of by adding a row corresponding to the characteristic vector of is a matrix representation of over the two-element field. In particular, even-cycle matroids are binary and are elementary lifts of graphic matroids. A graft is a pair where is a graph and where is even. If there exists a component of with an odd number of terminals then every cut of is defined to be even. Otherwise, a cut is even (resp. odd) if is even (resp. odd). is an even-cut matroid if its circuits are precisely the inclusion-wise minimal non-empty even-cuts of some graft . If then the even-cuts of are just the cuts of . Hence, cographic matroids are even-cut matroids. Even-cut matroids are binary and are elementary lifts of cographic matroids. The recognition algorithms.Tutte proved that one can recognize if a binary matroid is graphic in polynomial-time. Seymour extended this result and showed that there exists a polynomial time algorithm to check if a matroid specified by an independence oracle is graphic. Thus given a binary matroid described by its matrix representation we can check in polynomial time if the matroid is graphic and we can check in polynomial time if the matroid is cographic. We prove the corresponding results for even-cycle matroids and even-cut matroids, namely,
By “polynomial time”, we mean polynomial in the number of entries of the matrix representation. We believe that these algorithms ought to be fast in practice but have not conducted numerical experiments. Why is this problem hard?For this discussion I will focus on even-cycle matroids but analogous results hold for even-cut matroids. Given a graphic matroid we say that is a graphic representation of if the circuits of correspond to the circuits of . Consider a graph with a two vertex cutset. If is obtained from by flipping the subgraph on one side of the -separation as indicated in the following figure then is a 2-flip of . We call a 1-flip the identification of two vertices in distinct components or splitting two blocks into different components. Two graphs are equivalent if they are related by a sequence of -flips and -flips. Given a graphic matroid where the circuits of correspond to the circuits of a graph we say that is a graph representation of .
In 1933 Whitney proved that, Theorem
Any two graphic representations of a graphic matroid are equivalent. This result explains why it is relatively easy to recognize graphic matroids. A signed-graph is a signed-graph representation of an even-cycle matroid if the cycles of are precisely the even-cycles of . If is a signed-graph representation of an even-cycle matroid then so is where is equivalent to and for some cut where denotes the symmetric difference of two sets. We say that and are equivalent in that case as well. Is there an analogue of Whitney's result for even-cycle matroids? Alas no, indeed we have the following, Remark
An even-cycle matroid may have an exponential number of pairwise inequivalent signed-graph representations. This bad behaviour arises for degenerate instances of even-cycle matroids. Let us formalize this. We say that an even-cycle matroid is pinch-graphic if it has a signed-graph representation with a blocking pair i.e. a pair of vertices that intersects every odd circuit. Pinch-graphic matroids generalize graphic matroids but form a proper subclass of even-cycle matroids. We indicate in the following venn diagram the relation between these classes of matroids.
In contrast to the previous remark we have that, Theorem
There exists a constant such that every even-cycle matroid that is not pinch-graphic has fewer than pairwise inequivalent signed-graph representations. We show in the following paper that if we have polynomial algorithm to recognize pinch graphic matroids then we can use it to recognize in polynomial time both even-cycle and even-cut matroids.
But what to do about pinch-graphic matroidsOf course we still need to know how to recognize pinch-graphic matroids. Here connectivity helps, namely, Theorem
Let be a pinch-graphic matroid that is not graphic. If is internally -connected then the number of signed-graph representations with a blocking pair is polynomial. We then show that this allows you to check if an internally -connected matroid is pinch-graphic, see
The last piece of the puzzle is how to handle matroids that are not internally -connected. We prove structure theorems for separations of order at most three in pinch-graphic matroids and leveraging these, we give an algorithm that takes as input an arbitrary binary matroid (described by its matrix representation) and either certifies that is pinch-graphic, or certifies that is not pinch-graphic, or finds a proper minor of that is internally -connected where is pinch-graphic if and only if is. We then can use our previous algorithm to check whether is pinch-graphic. This work can be found in,