QSopt QSopt Beta 1.1 QSopt > Beta
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We are working on QSopt Version 1.1.  You are welcome to test the current experimental version (040712 or 050913) given below, if you would like to have access to the new library functions listed under Changes.  Please let us know if you have find any errors or if you have some comments.

To download software, right click on the link (to save as a file).

Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP
QSopt.dllDynamic link library
QSlib.libLibrary interface file
qsopt.hC-source header file
qsopt.a Function Library
qsopt.h C include file
Red Hat Linux 8.0 (Intel 32-bit)
qsopt.a Function Library (050913)
qsopt.h C include file (050913)
Red Hat Linux, gcc 3.4.3 (AMD 64-bit)
qsopt.a Function Library (070825)
qsopt.h C include file (070825)
qsopt Solver Executable (070825)
Red Hat Linux, gcc 4.4.7,
-fPIC (Intel 64-bit)
qsopt.PIC.a Function Library (070825)
qsopt.h C include file (070825)
qsopt Solver Executable (070825)
CentOS Linux 6.6 (Intel 64-bit)
qsopt.a Function Library (070825)
qsopt.h C include file (070825)
qsopt Solver Executable (070825)
Intel MacOS 10.5
qsopt.a Function Library (050913)
qsopt.h C include file (050913)
qsopt Solver Executable (050913)
Intel MacOS 10.6 (64-Bit)
qsopt.a Function Library (070825)
qsopt.h C include file (070825)
qsopt Solver Executable (070825)
Changes (Sept. 13, 2005)
Functions Added
QSget_basis_order Obtain the variable ordering in the current basis
QSget_binv_row Access a row of basis inverse
QSget_tableau_row Access a row of LP tableau
QSget_objsense Get the sense of the objective (max or min)
Bug Fixes
MAX objective Signs of dual variables and reduced cost reversed (to match the natural signs for the LP dual problem)
Memory Use Altered scheme in basis factorization to save memory on instances having a large amount of fill-in (050612)
QSchange_sense The sense of the changed row is now set (050612)
QSload_basis Force a resolve when a new basis is loaded.(050913)
QSchange_coef Basis factorization reset after function call.(050913)
QSchange_sense Basis factorization reset after function call.(050913)
QSchange_bound Basis is adjusted if variable goes for free to bound or vice versa.(050913)
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Last Updated: June 2015