Another fact about perfect state transfer is that it can only take place between strongly cospectral vertices, which we will define soon. Suppose there is perfect state transfer between vertex $u$ and vertex $v$ at time $\tau$ with respect to the matrix $H$. Then \[exp(i\tau H) e_u = \gamma e_v\] for some phase factor $\gamma$. Using spectral decomposition, \[\sum_r e^{i\tau \theta_r}E_r e_u = \gamma e_v.\] Premutiply both sides by $E_r$ and we have \[e^{i\tau \theta_r} E_r e_u = \gamma E_r e_v\] for each eigenvalue $\theta_r$. Since both $E_r$ and $e_v$ are real and $|\gamma|=1$, moving phase factors to one side yields \[E_r e_u = \pm E_r e_v\] for all $r$. Formally, if two vertices satisfy the above equation for all eigenvalues, then we say they are strongly cospectral to each other.
If $u$ and $v$ are strongly cospectral, then they are cospectral. This is because for all $r$, \[(E_r)_{u,u} = e_u^T E_r e_u = (\pm) e_u^T E_r e_v = (\pm) e_v^T E_r e_u = (\pm) (\pm) e_v^T E_r e_u = (E_r)_{v,v}.\] However, being strongly cospectral is more than just being cospectral. It also requires that for each idempotent $E_r$, the $u$-th column is a scalar multiple of the $v$-th column. We say two vertices $u$ and $v$ are parallel if \[E_r e_u = \alpha_r E_r e_v\] for all $r$. It is not hard to prove the following.
We consider strongly cospectral vertices in graphs and trees. Here is a list of our computational results, with respect to the adjacency matrix only. The data is in .sobj format.
- Cospectral orbits, for trees on up to 15 vertices. data
- Cospectral orbits which are also cospectral in the complements, for trees on up to 15 vertices. data
- Strongly cospectral vertices, for trees on up to 14 vertices. data
- Vertices that are both strongly cospectral and periodic, for trees on up to 15 vertices. data figures
- Lists of at least three vertices that are strongly cospectral to each other, for connected graphs on up to 8 vertices. data
The following questions remain unanswered.
- Is there a tree with at least three strongly cospectral vertices?