Working Papers
in Refereed Journals
- Meng, F., Saunders, D., and Seco, L., 2018, “The Myth of Hedge Fund Fee
Diversification”, Forthcoming, Journal of Alternative Assets, 22
Pages. Download the
Appendix here.
- Hardy, M., Saunders, D., and Zhu, X., 2018,
“Valuation of a Bermudan Defined Benefit Underpin Hybrid Pension
Benefit”, Forthcoming, Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, 35 Pages.
- Zhu, X., Hardy, M., and Saunders, D., 2018,
“Liability Driven Dynamic Hedging Strategies for Cash Balance
Pension Plans”, Forthcoming, ASTIN Bulletin, 31 Pages.
- Hardy, M., Saunders, D., and Zhang, S., 2018,
“Updating Wilkie’s Economic Scenario
Generator for U.S. Applications”, Forthcoming, North American
Actuarial Journal, 30 Pages.
- Saunders, D., Tsui, L.K., and
Iyengar, S., 2018, “Lower Tail
Independence of Hitting Times of Two-Dimensional Diffusions”,
Forthcoming, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 21
- Lin, H., Saunders, D., and Weng,
C., “Optimal Investment Strategies for Participating Insurance
Contracts”, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 73, 137-155.
- Hofert, M., Memartoluie, A.,
Saunders, D., and Wirjanto, T., 2017,
“Improved Algorithms for Computing Worst Value-at-Risk”,
Statistics and Risk Modeling, 34(1-2), 13-31.
- Memartoluie, A., Saunders, D., and Wirjanto, T., 2017, “Wrong-Way Risk Bounds in
Counterparty Credit Risk Management”, Journal of Risk Management in
Financial Institutions, 10(2), 150-163.
- Escobar, M., Krayzler, M., Ramsauer, F., Saunders, D., and Zagst,
R., 2016, “Incorporation of Stochastic Policyholder Behavior in
Analytical Pricing of GMABs and GMDBs”, Risks, 4(4), 31 Pages.
- Rosen, D., and Saunders, D., 2016, “Regress Under
Stress: A Simple Least-Squares Method for Integrating Economic Scenarios
with Risk Simulations”, Journal of Risk Management in Financial
Institutions, 9(4), 391-412.
- Hardy, M., Saunders, D., and Zhu, X., 2014,
"Market-Consistent Valuation and Funding of Cash Balance
Pensions", North American Actuarial Journal, 18(2), 294–314.
- Escobar, M., Mitterreiter,
M., Saunders, D., Seco, L., and Zagst, R., 2013, "Market Crises and the 1/N Asset
Allocation Strategy", Journal of Investment Strategies. 2(4),
- Saunders, D., Seco, L., Vogt,
C., and Zagst, R., 2013, "A Fund of Hedge
Funds under Regime Switching", Journal of Alternative Investments,
15(4), 8–23.
- Marshall, C., Hardy, M., and Saunders, D., 2012,
"Measuring the Effectiveness of Static Hedging Strategies for a
Guaranteed Minimum Income Benefit", North American Actuarial Journal,
16(2), 143–182.
- Rosen, D., and Saunders, D., 2012, "CVA the
Wrong Way", Journal of Risk Management in Financial Institutions,
5(3), 252–272.
- Hernandez-Cortes, J., Saunders, D., and Seco, L., 2012, "Algorithmic Estimation of Risk
Factors in Financial Markets with Stochastic Drift", Computers and
Operations Research, 39(4), 820-828.
- Chen, X., Cheng, L., Chadam,
J., and Saunders, D., 2011, "Existence and Uniqueness of the Solution
to the Inverse Boundary Crossing Problem for Diffusions". Annals of
Applied Probability, 21(5), 1663-1693.
- Nedeljkovic, J., Rosen, D., and
Saunders, D., 2010, "Pricing and Hedging CLOs with Implied Factor
Models", Journal of Credit Risk, 6(3).
- Garcia-Cespedes, J.C., de
Juan Herrero, J.A., Rosen, D., and Saunders, D., 2010, "Effective
Modelling of Wrong-Way Risk, CCR Capital and Alpha in Basel II",
Journal of Risk Model Validation, 4(1), 71-98.
- Marshall, C., Hardy, M., and Saunders, D., 2010,
"Valuation of a Guaranteed Minimum Income Benefit", North
American Actuarial Journal, 14(1), 38-58.
- Rosen, D., and Saunders, D., 2010, "Risk
Contributions of Systematic Factors in Portfolio Credit Risk Models",
Journal of Banking and Finance, 34(2), 336-349.
- Saunders, D., 2009, "Pricing Timer Options under
Fast Mean-Reverting Stochastic Volatility". Canadian Applied
Mathematics Quarterly, 17(4), 737-753.
- Rosen, D., and Saunders, D., 2009, "Valuing CDOs
of Bespoke Portfolios with Implied Multi-Factor Models", Journal of
Credit Risk, 5(3), 3-36.
- Rosen, D., and Saunders, D., 2009, "Analytical
Methods for Hedging Systematic Credit Risk with Linear Factor
Portfolios", Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 33(1), 37-52.
- Buckley, I., Saunders., D., and Seco,
L., 2008, "Portfolio Optimization when Asset Returns Have the
Gaussian Mixture Distribution", European Journal of Operational
Research, 185(3), 1434-1461.
- Saunders, D., Xiouros, C.,
and Zenios, S., 2007, "Credit Risk
Optimization Using Factor Models", Annals of Operations Research,
152(1), 49-77.
- Cheng, L., Chen, X., Chadam,
J., and Saunders, D., 2006, "Analysis of an Inverse First Passage
Problem from Risk Management”, SIAM Journal on Mathematical
Analysis, 38(3), 845-873.
- Mausser, H., Saunders, D., and Seco, L., 2006, "Optimising
Omega", Risk Magazine, November, 88-92.
- Ermentrout, B., and Saunders, D.,
2006, "Phase Resetting and Coupling of Noisy Neural
Oscillators", Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 20(2), 179-190.
- Consiglio, A., Saunders, D., and Zenios, S., 2006, "Asset and Liability Management
for Insurance Products with Minimum Guarantees: The UK Case", Journal
of Banking and Finance, 30(2), 645-667.
- Nerouppos, M., Saunders, D., Xiourous, C., and Zenios,
S., 2006, "Risk Management in Emerging Markets: Practical
Methodologies and Empirical Tests", Multinational Finance Journal,
10(3/4), 179-221.
- Consiglio, A., Saunders, D., and Zenios, S., 2003, "Insurance League: Italy vs.
UK", Journal of Risk Finance, Summer, 47-54.
- Dembo, R., Rosen, D., and
Saunders, D., 2000, "Valuation in Incomplete Markets: An Optimization
Approach", Algo Research Quarterly, 3(2),
in Refereed Books
- Bhaduri, R., Djerroud, B., Meng, F.,
Saunders, D., Seco, L., and Shakourifar,
M., 2018, “Fixed-Income Returns from Hedge Funds with Negative Fee
Structures: Valuation and Risk Analysis”, Forthcoming in Innovations
in Insurance, Risk, and Asset Management, 17 Pages.
- Djerroud, B., Saunders, D., Seco, L., and Shakourifar,
M., 2016, “Pricing Shared-Loss Hedge Fund Fee Structures”, in
Innovations in Derivatives Markets: Fixed Income Modeling, Valuation
Adjustments, Risk Management, and Regulation, edited by K. Glau, Z. Grbac, M. Scherer,
and R. Zagst, pages 369-383.
- Rosen, D., and Saunders, D., 2014, "Re-Thinking
CVA: Valuations, Counterparty Credit Risk, and Model Risk", in
Counterparty Credit Risk Management, edited by E. Canabarro
and M. Pykhtin, pages 183–227.
- Nedeljkovic, J., Rosen, D., and
Saunders, D., 2011, "Valuation of Structured Finance Products with
Implied Factor Models", in Credit Risk Frontiers: Subprime Crisis,
Pricing and Hedging, CVA, MBS, Ratings and Liquidity, edited by T. Bielecki, D. Brigo and F. Patras, John Wiley & Sons.
- Rosen, D., and Saunders, D., 2011, "Credit Risk
Contributions", in Credit Risk Frontiers: Subprime Crisis, Pricing
and Hedging, CVA, MBS, Ratings and Liquidity, edited by T. Bielecki, D. Brigo, and F. Patras, John Wiley & Sons.
- Rosen, D., and Saunders, D., 2010, "Computing and
Stress Testing Counterparty Credit Risk Capital", in Counterparty
Credit Risk, edited by E. Canabarro, RiskBooks, pages 245–292.
- Rosen, D., and Saunders, D., 2010, "Economic
Capital", Encyclopedia of Quantitative Finance, edited by R. Cont, John Wiley & Sons.