Several of my colleagues and/or collaborators and/or students
in Alphabetical order:
(Note you can also search:
the netlib white pages; or
the nanet email database; or
Operations Research Directory
to the home page of Henry Wolkowicz
and Semidefinite Programming web page
Natalia M. Alexandrov
Research Scientist
Multidisciplinary Optimization Branch
NASA Langley Research Center,
Abdo Alfakih,
Al-Homidan, Suliman,
KFUPM - Department of Mathematical Sciences,
Numerical Analysis, Area of Specilization Optimization,
Operation Research
Farid Alizadeh
at Rutgers University (RUTCOR) - working in
combinatorial optimization and in semidefinite programming;
Erling D. Andersen
MOSEK, Software in SDP, LP, etc...
Prof. Miguel F. Anjos
interested in Semidefinite Programming and
Applications and Facility Layout (or Floorplanning); at
University of Waterloo
Kurt M. Anstreicher
Department of Management Sciences, The
University of Iowa, interested in interior-point methods
and SDP.
Hossein Arsham,
interested in sensitivity analysis for various
problems and maintains a long list of links and a bibliography.
Prof.Dr. A.O.H. Axelsson,
Department of Mathematics, University of Nijnegen,
Postbus 9010, 6500 GL Nijmegen,
Toernooiveld 1, 6525 ED Nijmegen,
Fax: +31 24 3652140; +31 24 3653231,
interested in numerical linear algebra, e.g. preconditioning.
Venkataramanan Balakrishnan,
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Working in semidefinite
programming (linear matrix inequalities) and systems-control.
Jesse Barlow,
Professor in Department of Computer Science and
The Pennsylvania State University. Interested in numerical linear
Professor Earl Barnes,
in the School of Industrial and Systems
Engineering of Georgia Institute of Technology. His
interests include linear and nonlinear programming techniques, and graph
Alexander Barvinok,
Department of Mathematics,
University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1109,
1858 East Hall
Heinz Bauschke,
at UBC Okanagan;
interested in Optimization, e.g. projection algorithms.
J.R. Beasley,
senior lecturer at Imperial College, London, with interests in
O.R., e.g.
O.R. library.
Amir Beck, Dept Ind. Eng. at
Technion, Israel. Interested in SDP relaxations of hard NLP.
Adi Ben-Israel,
at Rutgers University.
(see also
Prof. Aharon Ben-Tal
William Davidson Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management,
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology,
Technion City, Haifa 32000, Israel
Dimitri P. Bertsekas,
professor in the Department of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science at MIT, Nonlinear Programming, etc...
Dimitris Bertsimas at HRI,
his home page is E. Pennell Brooks Professor of Operations
Research at
the Sloan School of Management, Massachussetts Institute of Technology
(MIT). worked in the areas of optimazation of stochastic
systems arising in manufacturing, transportation and
telecommunications and semidefinite programming,
approx. algorithms, prob. analysis, complexity, ...
Natashia Boland
Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
The University of Melbourne,
Parkville, Vic 3052, Australia.
Brian Borchers,
Endre Boros,
RUTCOR, Rutgers Center for Operations Research,
Rutgers University, The State University of New Jersey,
640 Bartholomew Road, Piscataway, NJ, 08854-8003, 732-445-3235
Jon Borwein
Moved to Univ of Newcastle, as of 2006.
Was at CECM; interested in just about
anything in Math but especially optimization.
Stephen Boyd
Jon Breslaw
friend at Concordia - runs Econotron Support, Economics, access to Gaussx
Homepage and JustArtHomepage;
Nathan Brixius
at Microsoft, interested in interior-points and SDP;
responsible for
Solver Foundation's IPM solvers (currently LP and QP);
and co-author of
SDPHA solver.
Richard Brualdi
at Madison Wisconsin - interested in matrix
theory/combinatorial matrix theory. (Interesting links from home page
Primordial Soup Kitchen)
Oleg P. Burdakov
at Division of Optimization,
Department of Mathematics,
Linkvping University, S - 581 83 Linkvping, Sweden,
Managing Editor of the international journal Optimization
Methods and Software
Sam Burer,
Assistant Professor,
Department of Management Sciences,
S346 Pappajohn Business Building,
The University of Iowa,
Iowa City, IA 52242-1000.
Interested in SDP and large sparse problems.
Jim Burke, Univ. of Washington, Seattle; in Optimization and
Nonlinear Programming
Richard Byrd
at University of Colorado, Boulder. Interested in
Tim Davis
Computer and
Information Science and Engineering Department , at the University of
Florida, interested in large sparse linear algebra.
Michel Delfour
Dipartement de mathimatiques et de statistique,
Universiti de Montrial, 5151, Pavillon Andri Aisenstadt, Montreal,
Ron Dembo
president of Algorithmics in Toronto (financial math)
James Demmel
John Dennis
Jacques Desrosiers
crew scheduling, at
GERAD in Montreal.
Antoine Deza
Interested in Combinatorics at McMaster University
Gianni Di Pillo
Yichuan (Daniel) Ding
Finished Masters with me at University of Waterloo; finished April 2007.
Interested in Optimization and health care; at Sauder School of
Business, University of British Columbia
Shaun M. Fallat
at Mathematics and Statistics Department, University of Regina,
interested in matrix theory.
Leonid Faybusovich
at Notre Dame
University, interested in e.g. semidefinite programming.
preprints, are available.
Michael C. Ferris
Industrial Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison; interests:
mathematical programming, modeling and applications of operations research,
complementarity problems, internet tools and problem solving environments,
numerical algorithms
Sjur Didrik Flam
Department of Economics, University of
Anders Forsgren
Antonio Frangioni
Univ. de Pisa, Dipart. Informatica, Italia,
Corso. Works on bundle type methods for dual algorithms, multicommodity
flows, nondifferentiable opt., bilevel problems.
(Phd Thesis is available.)
Robert M. Freund
at MIT, interested in e.g. interior point methods
and condition numbers.
publications and this includes a survey paper on interior points.)
Roland W. Freund
at Bell Labs, Murray Hill, interested in e.g.
scientific computing, numerical linear algebra, numerical solution of
partial differential equations,
large-scale optimization, and algorithms for circuit simulation.
QMRPACK, quasi-minimal residual (QMR) algorithms is available)
Michael Friedlander
at Univ. British Columbia, Dept C.S., interested in e.g.
numerical linear algebra, Optimization, Regularization.
David Fuller
at Management Sciences, University of Waterloo, interested in
Research in Energy Economics and Operations Research,
Mathematical Programming Models of Economic Equilibrium, with
Applications to Energy Markets Forecasting and Electricity Market Design
Laurent El Ghaoui
Jean Charles Gilbert
INRIA, interested in optimization.
Phillip Gill
Michel X. Goemans
Applied Mathematics at MIT, interested in
semidefnite programming,
combinatorial optimization, e.g. approximation algorithms. (Course notes
on , randomized algorithms, network flows, linear
programming, and approximation algorithms are available - as well as
research reports);
has moved to
new address at
CORE in Belgium.
Jean-Louis Goffin
Faculty of Management, McGill University, 1001
Sherbrooke West
Montreal, Quebec, H3A1G5, CANADA
PH: 15143984003 FAX: 15143983876
Gene H. Golub
Fletcher Jones Professor of Computer Science,
Stanford University.
Prof. Jacek Gondzio
Univ. of Edinburgh, Large Scale Optimization
Prof. Clovis Gonzaga
Department of Mathematics,
Federal University of Santa Catarina, Caixa Postal 5210,
88040-970 Florianspolis, SC, Brazil
Nick Gould
Muddappa Seetharama Gowda
Department of Mathematics and
Statistics, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Harvey Greenberg
Oleg Grodzevich, graduate student in C&O and Management Science at
University of Waterloo (as of 2005)
Prof. Dr. Martin Groetschel
Osman Guler
, Department of Mathematics and
Statistics, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
swh consulting inc - Scott Hadley
Waterloo graduate in O.R.
Bill Hager
at University of Florida, Department of Mathematics.
Peter Hahn
Raphael Hauser, Oxford Univ., Cone Optimization.
Christoph Helmberg
J. William Helton
Bruce Hendrickson
at Sandia National Labs, Applied & Numerical
Mathematics Dept., interested in graph partitioning
(special problem: load balancing).
Didier Henrion
Charge' de recherche au CNRS;
Research interests:
Numerical algorithms for polynomial matrices, convex optimization over
linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) and robust multivariable control.
Applications to aircraft turbofan engine control.
Danel Hershkowitz
interested in linear algebra, at Technion.
Nick Higham
interested in numerical linear algebra, books, papers
a large bib file are available.
John Hodgson
Dept Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of
Alberta (supervisor of Harmut Von Gaza). Works on location-allocation
Leslie Hogben
Allen Holder
Tibor Illes
is at Dept of O.R., Eotvos Lorand Univ., Budapest
Florian Jarre
Vaithilingam Jeyakumar
is Professor and Head of Department of Applied Mathematics at
University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.
He is interested in convex programming, duality, optimality conditions.
Holly Jin
President, Chief Scientist and Founder of
Cardinal Optimization, California.
Charles Johnson
Prof. Dr. Hubertus Th. Jongen
Aachen University of Technology and University of Hamburg,
Mathematics, Section C,
RWTH Aachen,
Templergraben 55,
52056 Aachen,
Telefon: +49 241 80 4540,
Interested in parametric programming and sensitivity analysis.
Stefan Karisch
working for
Carmen Systems AB in Gothenburg, Sweden as an
optimization specialist;
interested in
optimization and in particular the quadratic assignment problem;
involved in upkeep of
Dennis F. Karney
at Kansas U. working in mangament science.
Tim Kelley
North Carolina State University. Interest:
linear/nonlinear equations, multilevel methods for integral
equations , radiative transfer problems, and optimal control , large
scale optimization , optimization of noisy functions , and flow in
porous media. Distributes matlab software for
linear and nonlinear equations and
Homepage von Prof. Diethard Klatte
Kenneth O. Kortanek
University of Iowa, John F. Murray Research Professor,
Department of Management Sciences
Etienne de Klerk
associate professor at Department of Econometrics and Operations
Research of Tilburg University, The Netherlands; interested in
Semidefinite and Cone programming, Approximation Algorithms for
Combinatorial and Global Optimization, Interior Point Algorithms
PhD thesis online)
Masakazu Kojima
Kartik Sivaramakrishnan,
Harrelson Hall 235,
Department of Mathematics,
Campus Box 8205,
North Carolina State University,
Raleigh, NC 27695-8205, USA;
areas of interest include convex optimization, especially conic
programming with a special emphasis on second order cone programming
(SOCP) and semidefinite programming (SDP).
Nathan Krislock
PhD April/2010, Comb. & Opt., University of Waterloo.
Currently working on e.g.
sensor localization; Postdoc at INRIA.
Serge Kruk
Jean Bernard LASSERRE
Directeur de Recherche au CNRS,
Postal address: LAAS-CNRS,
7 Avenue du Colonel Roche,
31 077 Toulouse Cedex 4,
Til : (33) 5 61 33 64 15,
Fax : (33) 5 61 33 69 36,
Monique Laurent
PO Box 94079, 1090 GB Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Jon Lee
Claude Lemarechal
at Uniti de recherche de Rhtne-Alpes (INRIA),
entretient des liens priviligiis avec l'Institut d'informatique et
mathimatiques appliquies de Grenoble (Imag).
Yuri Levin
Queen's School of Business; Algorithms; Optimization
Publications are available.
Adrian Lewis
John Lewis
University of Kentucky (Numerical Analysis, eigenvalue
Sven Leyffer
Yuying Li
Computer Science, University of Waterloo. Interested in Computational Finance.
Wu Li
Associate Professor, Department of Math and Statistics,
Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia 23529, USA,
interested in:
Optimization Theory (e.g. parametric programming) and Approximation Theory.
P.O. Lindberg
C.K. Li,
Joseph W.H. Liu
Department of Computer Science , York University,
CCB Building, room 224
Phone: (416) 736-2100 ext. 33928
Fax: (416) 736-5872 ,
Interested in sparse matrix computations.
Philip Loewen
at Department of mathematics, Univ. of British
Columbia; interested in control theory and optimization.
Laszlo Lovasz
at Department of Computer Science Yale University New
Haven, CT, interested in Combinatorial optimization, algorithms,
complexity, random walks on graphs.
Tom Luo
at ECE Univ. of Minnesota; interested in parallel and
distributed computation, theoretical computer science and
large scale optimizations.
papers by Irvin Lustig
Jitendra Malik
at Berkely, interested in e.g. graph partitioning
and in computer vision.
Olvie Mangasarian
at Madison, Wisconsin, optimization.
Murray Marshall
Professor, Mathematical Sciences Group, Department
of Computer Science, University of Saskatchewan.
Research Interests:
Quadratic forms, Real algebraic geometry (moment problem, spaces of orderings, minimal generation of semialgebraic sets, noncommutative real
Helene Massam
Mehran Mesbahi
at Department of Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics,
University of Minnesota- Twin Cities ,
interested in optimization, systems theory, semidefinite programming.
Juan Meza
at Sandia National Laboratories
PO Box 969, MS 9217, Livermore, CA 94551-0969, USA
Marcel Mongeau
Renata Monteiro
home page at Georgia Tech - interested in interior
Boris Mordukhovich
home page at Wayne State University - interested in various aspects of
Variational Analysis.
Jorge More´ 's
home page on various optimization related topics.
Masakazu Muramatsu
home page, interested in semidefinite programming
and interior point methods.
Anna Nagurney
home page, interested in variational inequalities.
John Nash
home page, at the University of Ottawa. Interested in math.
computations and
Stephen Nash
home page, optimization related topics.
Madhu Nayakkankuppam
home page, semidefinite programming,
Prof. Arkadi Nemirovski
Yurii Nesterov
Professor, Universiti catholique de Louvain, at
CORE in Belgium.
Arnold Neumaier
Prof. Dr. Arnold Neumaier, Institut f|r Mathematik,
Universitdt Wien, Strudlhofgasse 4, A-1090 Wien, Austria. Interested in
e.g. nonconvex QPs.
Jorge Nocedal
Professor, ECE Department, Northwestern University,
Deputy Director, Optimization Technology
Manuel Nunez
School of Business and Economics, CHAPMAN University ,
interested in ill-posed problems and convex programs.
Dianne P. O'Leary
in linear algebra, at Department of Computer
Science, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS),
University of Maryland at College Park.
Dale Olesky
Department of Computer Science,
University of Victoria. Interested in matrix theory.
Francois Oustry
graduate engineer from ENSTA, interested in SDP and
nonsmooth optimization.
Michael Overton
Department of Computer Science,
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, optimization, semidefinite
programming, eigenvalue optimization.
Chris Paige
McGill University; interested in Numerical Linear
Algebra, e.g. sparse eigenvalue problems.
Panos Pardalos
Pablo A. Parrilo
Automatic Control Laboratory,
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology,
Physikstrasse 3, ETL I 26,
CH-8092 Z|rich;
in Control and Dynamical Systems and interested in SDP
Dmitrii V. (Dima) Pasechnik;
research scientist at
Theoretical Informatics Group,
Informatics Institute, Faculty of Biology and Informatics,
J.W. Goethe-University, Frankfurt(Main), Germany;
research interests are
optimization, complexity theory,
combinatorics, group theory, and scientific
computing (computational algebra, geometry and logic).
Gabor Pataki
at Department of Operations Research
CB #3180, Smith Building, University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC 27599; interested in semidefinite programming.
Pena, Javier
Graduate School of Industrial Administration,
Carnegie Mellon University
Jiming Peng,
at McMaster University, interested in interior-point methods.
Edward D. Kim,
Delft University of Technology,
Faculteit EWI - Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics,
Section Optimisation and Systems Theory,
Mekelweg 4,
2628 CD Delft,
The Netherlands
Veronica Piccialli,
Department of Computer and Systems Science "Antonio Ruberti",
University of Rome "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy,
Optimization (nonlinear programming).
Mustafa Pinar
Industrial Engineering Department, Bilkent University, 06533 Ankara
Janos D. Pinter
at TUNS in Halifax; interested in global
optimization. (Pinter Consulting Services (PCS))
Svata Poljak
Unfortunately, Svata had a fatal car
accident April 2, 1995. He will be sorely missed.
I have collected
several of his papers, pictures,
and a bibliography list locally. The special issue
of the Mathematical Programming Journal
on the topic of Semidefinite Programming is devoted to
Roman Polyak, at George Mason University.
Alex Pothen
(collaborator) is interested in
large sparse numerical linear algebra; he is
Professor of Computer Science and
Director of
CSCAPES Institute
Florian A. Potra
interested in interior-point methods, Univ. of
Maryland - Baltimore County.
Mike Powell
Irwin S. Pressman
School of Mathematics and Statistics, Carleton University.
Danny Ralph
at the University of Melbourne, Math and Stats;
interested in Opt/Oper. Res.
Motakuri Ramana's Home Page
Visiting Assistant Professor in Industrial Engineering at University of
Florida. Interested in: Algorithms and Complexity ;
Semidefinite Programming ;
Global and Combinatorial Optimization ;
Network flows and Graph Theory.
James Renegar
at Cornell Univ., Professor, Operations Research and
Industrial Engineering.
Franz Rendl
Mauricio G.C. Resende
Peter Richtarik
Marielba Rojas
Wake Forest University,
Department of Mathematics. Interested in nonlinear programming, e.g. TRS
and regularization.
Kees Roos
Romesh Saigal
at Univ. Michigan, Dept. Industrial Eng and O.R.
Fadil Santosa
at Univ. Minnesota, School of Math., works on Inverse
Michael Saunders
at Computer Science, Stanford.
at Univ California, Riverside, interested in
generalized concavity (convexity for us mathematicians).
Prof. Klaus Schittkowski
Bobby Schnabel
at Univ Colorado, Boulder, Numerical computation
including numerical solution of unconstrained and constrained.
Simon Schurr
Alan Selby,
Alexander Shapiro,
from ISyE, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA 30332-0205,
does work in optimization with special interest in semidefinite
programming, eigenvalue problems, sensitivity analysis, uniqueness
conditions, etc....
Related papers
of his with various co-authors are available off a subdirectory
from his home page;
Hanif Sherali
interested in operations research and combinatorial
Philip W. Smith
WindWard Technologies,
Inc., (Nonlinear Programming Software, GRG2)
14311 Kellywood,
Houston, TX 77079 ,
Fax (713) 564-6921, Phone (713) 556-5751
Joseph So,
in differential equations, at University of Alberta.
Ariela Sofer
Professor at George Mason University, Systems
Engineering and Operations Research Department.
Danny C. Sorensen,
Professor at Rice University; works on e.g. large
sparse eigenvalue problems, see
ARPACK software.
Renata Sotirov,
Oliver Stein,
At Karlsruhe Univ., interested in e.g. SIP.
Ron Stern
from Concordia University, is a collaborator of mine and we
have several papers together.
Related papers
of his with various co-authors are available;
G.W. (Pete) Stewart,
in linear algebra, at Department of Computer
Science, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS),
University of Maryland at College Park.
Interested in Numerical Analysis, e.g.
roundoff error embarrassments - transparencies.
Jos Sturm,
in Optimization. Also interested in SDP.
Faculty of Economics, Department of Econometrics, Tilburg University,
P.O. Box 90153 5000 LE Tilburg, The Netherlands, Tel +31 13 4662031,
Fax +31 13 4663280, e-mail:
K. Subramani
in Optimization/combinatorics, at CSEE - Computer Science and
Engineering, West Virginia Univ.
Matthias P.L. Takouda
researcher at UQAM in Montreal.
Richard Tapia,
in Optimization, at Rice University.
Tamas Terlaky
Jorgen Tind,
Operations Research and Math Progr., Univ. of
Mike Todd
in Optimization, at Cornell University,
School of Operations Research
and Industrial Engineering.
hobbies and local copy)
Philippe Toint,
in Optimization, at Facultis Universitaires ND de la
Dr. Toh, Kim-Chuan
Department of Mathematics , National University of Singapore ,
2 Science Drive 2, Singapore 117543, Singapore
Gerardo Toraldo
at The University of Naples Federico II. Agronomy
School, Dpt of Agricultural Engineering and Agronomy (Land and Water Management
Division) and at
CPS, Center for Research on Parallel Computing and Supercomputers.
Virginia Torczon
The College of William & Mary, interested in e.g. nondifferentiable
Professor L N (Nick) Trefethen,
Jay Trieman,
at Univ of Western Michigan, Kalamazoo
Michael W. Trosset,
Adjunct Associate Professor,
Computational & Applied Mathematics,
Rice University. Interested in Euclidean Distance Matrices.
Paul Tseng,
University of Washington, Research Interests: Continuous
and discrete optimization, parallel optimization, network and
graph algorithms.
Levent Tuncel,
University of Waterloo is a colleague of mine.
Publications are available.
Reha Tütüncü
Lieven Vandenberghe
Robert J. Vanderbei,
SOR group, CE-42 E-Quad Princeton University,
is a colleague. He is interested in interior point methods for linear and
convex problems. (Originator of LOQO)
sailing Java demo)
Paul Van Dooren
Professor of Mathematical Engineering ,
Catholic University of Louvain ,
Department of Mathematical Engineering ,
Bbtiment Euler (A.202) ,
Avenue Georges Lemaitre 4 ,
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, BELGIUM.
Charles Van Loan
Joseph C. Ford Professor of Engineering,
Department of Computer Science ,
4130 Upson Hall,
Cornell University,
Ithaca, New York 14853, interested in Numerical Linear Algebra.
Anthony Vannelli
Faculty of Engineering, University of Waterloo,
Interested in Optimization with applications to e.g. VLSI.
Stephen A. Vavasis
Professor & University Research Chair (PhD, Stanford, 1989),
Department of Combinatorics & Optimization,
University of Waterloo,
200 University Avenue W.,
Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1;
research interest is numerical analysis: Numerical
optimization and complexity issues ;
Numerical methods for boundary value problems ;
Geometric problems arising in scientific computing ;
Sparse matrix computations.
Curt Vogel
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Montana State University, interested in: Inverse and
Ill-Posed Problems, Image Processing,
Numerical Analysis, Scientific Computing (and
preconditioning of CG).
Luis Nunes Vicente
Departamento de Matematica,
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal, interested in optimization.
Mark Voorthuyzen
in England; friend (with Tracy, Jenny, Ryan,
Michael, Alixandra); works for
MICAN Limited.
David S. Watkins
Alistair Watson
University of Dundee, interested in Numerical
Analysis, e.g. norms of matrices.
Clark P. Wells
interested in protein folding problem, matrix
Room 277 Mackinac Hall,
Grand Valley State University,
Allendale, MI 49401,
(616) 895 - 3691,
Roger Wets,
Department of Mathematics,
University of California, Davis,
Davis, CA 95616-8633;
interested in:
VARIATIONAL ANALYSIS, Optimization, Stochastic Programming
Hugo Woerdeman,
College of William and Mary in Virginia, with
interests in
modern analysis problems originating from control theory
and signal processing.
Margaret Wright
Steve Wright
Computer Sciences Department,
University of Wisconsin,
1210 West Dayton Street,
Madison, WI 53706.
Interested in Mathematical Programming
SUNY at Stony Brook,
Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Jane J. Ye,
UVic Department of Mathematics and Statistics;
Research Interests: Optimization and Optimal Control via Nonsmooth Analysis
Yinyu Ye,
Professor of Management Science and Engineering
and, by courtesy, Electrical Engineering
Director, Industrial Affiliates Program, MS&E
Terman Engineering Center 316
Department of Management Science and Engineering
School of Engineering,
Stanford University.
Research Interest:
Mathematical Programming ;
Optimization Algorithm Design and Analysis ;
Computational Complexity ;
Operations Research and Its Applications.
Ya-xiang Yuan,
Professor and Director
Institute of Computational Mathematics and
Scientific/Engineering Computing,
Chinese Academy of Sciences,
P.O. Box 2719, Beijing 100080, China
tel +86-10-6255-9001, +86-10-6255-4590
Fax +86-10-6254-2285,
working papers.
Vera Zeidan
at Department of Mathematics, Michigan State University.
Interested in Control Theory and Optimization.
Shuzhong Zhang,
Department of Systems Engineering & Engineering Management,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Interested in convex programming, e.g. semidefinite programming
(reprints available).
Qinghong Zhang
Dept. Math. and Comp. Sc., Northern Michigan University.
Yin Zhang
Rice University, Department of Computational
and Applied Mathematics, interested in SDP and interior-point methods.
Qing Zhao,
Was a student of mine here at
University of Waterloo. He has now moved to Lucent Technology:
Room 3N324,
101 Crawford Corner Rd.,
Holmdel, NJ 07733
Yuriy Zinchenko
Mathematics and Statistics,
University of Calgary.
Interested in: Mathematical programming with applications to
computational geometry;
Applications to medicine and healthcare, optimal radiation therapy;
Scientific parallel computing and high-performance linear algebra;
Operations research, optimization algorithms and software
Jochem Zowe
Department of Applied Mathematics, FAU,
Lehrstuhl für Angewandte Mathematik II,
Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg,
Martensstr. 3, 91058 Erlangen, Germany

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Last update: 08/08/2016 13:22:33, by Henry Wolkowicz