Session R.2 Chairman: Kurt Anstreicher
Kurt Anstreicher, (The University of Iowa)
title: Solving Quadratic Assignment Problems Using
Convex Quadratic Programming Relaxations (with N.W. Brixius, J.-P.
Goux, J. Linderoth)
talk photo)
Jonathan Eckstein, (Rutgers University),
title: PICO: a massively parallel branch-and-bound toolbox
talk photo)
Catherine Roucairol, (University of Versailles,France),
title: Revisiting lower bounds based on linear formulations in
the exact solution of the QAP
(with Van-Dat Cung, Thierry Mautor, Peter Hahn, Monique Guignard-Spielberg)
talk photo)
(talk in PowerPoint
Diaporama format (.pps))