- Miguel Anjos - Canada Research Chair (Tier II) on Discrete Nonlinear Optimization in Engineering (2011 - present).
- Mohammad Chehreghani, Best Novel Use of Mathematics in Technology Transfer Award, MPRIME (2011).
- Antoine Deza - Visiting Professorship, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie -- Paris VI Jussieu, France (Jan-June 2011).
- Antoine Deza - Fellowship, Fondation Sciences Mathematiques de Paris (Oct - December 2010)
- Antoine Deza - Visiting Professorship, Universite Paris Sud -- Paris XI Orsay, France (September 2010).
- M.F. Anjos, A. Vannelli. Discrete Optimization Top Cited Article 2005-2010, 2010. (Awarded paper: M.F. Anjos, A. Kennings, A. Vannelli, A semidefinite optimization approach for the single-row layout problem with unequal dimensions, Discrete Optimization, 2 pp. 113-122. (2005))
- Andrew Baker, McMaster University, NSERC Graduate Scholarships, 2010.
- Grant Custard, McMaster University, CAE Scholarship in Computing and Software Engineering, 2010.
- Yang Li, McMaster University, Honorable Mention for the Canadian Operations Research Society (CORS) Best Student Paper Competition, 2010.
- Bissan Ghaddar, University of Waterloo, Honorable Mention for the Canadian Operations Research Society (CORS) Best Student Paper Competition, 2010.
- Oleksandr Romanko, McMaster University, MITACS Elevate Post-Doctoral Fellowship to be held at McMaster University and Algorithmics Inc, 2010.
- M.F. Anjos, Humboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers, 2009-2010.
- Alexander Engau, University of Waterloo, MITACS Best Student Paper Prize, 2009.
- Andrew Baker, McMaster University, Ontario Graduate Scholarship in Science and Technology, 2009.
- Oleksandr Romanko, McMaster University, 2nd Place at MITACS Poster Competition, 2009.
- William Hua, McMaster University, NSERC Graduate Scholarships, 2009.
- Andrew Baker, McMaster University, Ontario Graduate Scholarship in Science and Technology, 2008.
- Joe Naoum-Sawaya, University of Waterloo, Honorable Mention for the Canadian Operations Research Society (CORS) Best Student Paper Competition, 2008.
- Amirhossein Hajimiragha, University of Waterloo, is a winner of the 2008 MITACS Best Novel Use of Mathematics in Technology Transfer Prize
- Tamás Terlaky, McMaster University, MITACS Award for Excellence in Mentorship, 2008.
- Feng Xie,McMaster University, IBM Watson Internship, 2008.
- Feng Xie and William Hua, McMaster University, NSERC Graduate Scholarships, 2008.
- Yuriy Zinchenko, McMaster University, MITACS Award for Best Novel Use of Math in Technology Transfer, 2008.
- Kimia Ghobadi, Olesya Peshko and Oleksandr Romanko, McMaster University, 1st Prize at the International Operations Research Case Competition, 2007.
- Ismael El-Samahy, University of Waterloo, is a winner of the 2007 MITACS Best Novel Use of Mathematics in Technology Transfer Prize
- Kimia Ghobadi, Olesya Peshko and Oleksandr Romanko won the first prize at the 1st International Operations Research Case Competition (IORCC 2007).
- Kimia Ghobadi, Olesya Peshko, Imre Pólik and Oleksandr Romanko won first prize at the 1st CORS/VISUAL8 Student Simulation Competition, that was sponsored by the Visual8 Corporation as part of the 2007 Canadian Operational Research Society conference held in London (ON), May 13-16, 2007.
- Oleksandr Romanko received a First Prize for his poster presentation at the annual MITACS meeting, Winnipeg, MB, 2007.
- Eissa Nematollahi was finalist of the Young Researcher Competition, ICCOPT-II, August 2007.
- Olesya Peshko, Winner of the research presentation competition at the Computational Engineering and Science Student Symposium Day, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, October 15, 2007.
- Y. Ding, N. Krislock, J. Qian, Student Poster Competition, Honourable Mention, University of Waterloo. Title: Sensor Network Localization, Euclidean Distance Matrix Completions & Graph Realization. Presented at CORS 2007, London, on May 15, 2007.
- Imre Pólik was finalist of the Best Student Paper Competition, INFORMS Optimization Society, November, 2007.
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Refereed Contributions
Journals articles (published or accepted)
- K. Jansen, H. Zhang, Scheduling malleable tasks with precedence constraints. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 78 (1), pg. 245-259. (to print, 2012). [Link to the article]
- B. P. W. Ames and S. A. Vavasis, Nuclear norm minimization for the planted clique and biclique problems. Math. Progr. 129. pp. 69-89. (2011)
- A. Baker, A. Deza, Frantisek Franek, On the structure of run-maximal strings. Journal of Discrete Algorithms. (accepted 2011) [Link to the article]
- A. Deza, T. Stephen, and F. Xie, More colourful simplices. Discrete and Computational Geometry, 45, pp. 272-278. (2011) [Link to the article]
- A. Deza, C. Dickson, T. Terlaky, Antony Vannelli, and Hu Zhang, Global routing in VLSI design: algorithms, theory, and computational practice. Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing. (accepted 2011) [Link to the article]
- Y. Ding, D. GE, H. Wolkowicz, On equivalence of semide?nite relaxations for quadratic matrix programming. Math. Oper. Res., 36(1) pp. 88�104. (2011)
- X.V. Doan, S. Kruk, H. Wolkowicz, A robust algorithm for semide?nite programming. Optim. Methods Softw., pp. 1�27. (2011)
- A. Hajimiragha, C. A. Cañizares, M. W. Fowler, S. Moazeni, and A. Elkamel, A Robust Optimization Approach for Planning the Transition to Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 26(4), pp. 2264-2274. (2011)
- A. Hajimiragha, C. A. Cañizares, M. W. Fowler, S. Moazeni, A. Elkamel, and S. Wong, Sustainable Convergence of Electricity and Transport Sectors in the Context of a Hydrogen Economy. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 36(11), pp. 6357-6375. (2011)
- V. J. Gutierrez-Martinez, C. A. Cañizares, C. R. Fuerte-Esquivel, A. Pizano-Martinez, and X. Gu, Neural-Network Security-Boundary Constrained Optimal Power Flow. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 26(1), pp. 63-72. (2011)
- I. Jankovits, C. Luo, M.F. Anjos, and A. Vannelli, A Convex Optimisation Framework for the Unequal-Areas Facility Layout Problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 214(2), pp. 199-215 (2011)
- J. Ostrowski, M.F. Anjos, and A. Vannelli, Tight Mixed Integer Linear Programming Formulations for the Unit Commitment Problem. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. (accepted 2011)
- S. Shontz and S. Vavasis, A robust solution procedure for hyperelastic solids with large boundary deformation. Engineering with Computers. (to appear, online first 2011) [Link to the article]
- A. A. Sousa, G. L. Torres, and C. A. Ca�izares, Robust Optimal Power Flow Solution Using Trust Region and Interior-Point Methods. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 26(2), pp. 487-499. (2011)
- G. Srijuntongsiri and S. Vavasis, A condition number analysis of an algorithm for solving a system of polynomial equations with one degree of freedom. SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 33. pp. 433-454. (2011)
- M.H. Ahmed, K. Bhattacharya and M. M. A. Salama, A Stochastic Model to Incorporate Wind Penetration in LMP-Based Energy Markets. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. (2010)
- A.Y. Alfakih,
On bar frameworks, stress matrices and semidefinite programming.
Mathematical Programming, accepted, (2010).
DOI: 10.1007/s10107-010-0389-z [Link to the article]
- A.Y. Alfakih, M.F. Anjos, V. Piccialli, and H. Wolkowicz,
Euclidean Distance Matrices, Semidefinite Programming, and Sensor Network Localization.
Portugaliae Mathematica, accepted, (2010).
[Link to the article]
- M. Allarakhia, M. Kilgour and J. D. Fuller,
Modeling the Incentive to Participate in Open Source Biopharmaceutical Innovation.
R&D Management. 40(1), pp. 50-66, (2010).
[Link to the article]
- B.P. Ames and H. Sendov,
Asymptotic Expansions of the Ordered Spectrum of Symmetric Operators.
Nonlinear Analysis, Ser. A: Theory, Methods and Applications, 72(11), pp. 4288-4297. (2010)
- B.P. Ames and S. Vavasis,
Nuclear Norm Minimization for the Planted Clique and Biclique Problems.
Math. Programming, accepted, (2010).
[Link to the article]
- H. Barot and K. Bhattacharya,
Load Service Probability Differentiated Nodal Pricing in Power Systems.
IET Proceedings on Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Vol. 4(3), pp.333-348. (2010)
- C.A. Cañizares, K. Bhattacharya, I. El-Samahy, H. Haghighat, J. Pan, and C. Tan,
Re-defining the Reactive Power Dispatch Problem in the Context of Competitive Electricity Markets.
IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, special issue on Markets and Economics in Power Systems, invited paper, Vol. 4(2), pp. 162-177. (2010)
- R.J. Caron, T. Traynor and S. Jibrin,
Feasibility and Constraint Analysis of Sets of Linear Matrix Inequalities.
INFORMS Journal on Computing 22 pp. 144-153. (2010)
- W. Chung and J.D. Fuller,
Subproblem Approximation in Dantzig-Wolfe Decomposition of Variational Inequality Models with an Application to a Multi-Commodity Economic Equilibrium Model.
Operations Research, accepted, to appear 2010.
doi 10.1287/opre.1090.0803
- G. Custard, A. Deza, T. Stephen, and F. Xie,
Small Octahedral Systems (submitted)
- A. Daniilidis and C.H.J. Pang,
Continuity and differentiability of set-valued maps revisited in the light of tame geometry.
Journal of the London Math Society, accepted, (2010).
[Link to the article]
- A. Deza and F. Franek,
A d-step analogue for runs on strings. (submitted)
[Link to the article]
- A. Deza, F. Franek, W. Hua, M. Meszka and A. Rosa,
Solutions to the Oberwolfach problem for orders 18 to 40.
Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, 74, pp. 95-102, (2010).
[Link to the article]
- A. Deza, S. Moriyama, H. Miyata, and F. Xie,
Hyperplane Arrangements with Large Average Diameter: a Computational Approach.
Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics, accepted, (2010).
[Link to the article]
- A. Deza, T. Stephen, and F. Xie,
More colourful simplices.
Discrete and Computational Geometry, accepted, (2010).
[Link to the article]
- A. Deza and F. Xie,
Generalized Berge Sorting Conjecture.
Journal of Discrete Algorithms. 8(1), pp.1-7, (2010).
[Link to the article]
- Y. Ding, N. Krislock, J. Qian, and H. Wolkowicz,
Sensor Network Localization, Euclidean Distance Matrix Completions, and Graph Realization.
University of Waterloo, CORR 2006-23, Optimization and Engineering. 11(1), pp. 45-66, (2010).
[Link to the article]
- K. Durda, R.J. Caron and L. Buchanan,
An application of operational research to computational linguistics: Word Ambiguity.
INFOR. 48(1/2), pp. 1-11, (2010).
[Link to the article]
- B. Eagen, R.J. Caron, and W. Abdul-Kader,
An agent-based modeling tool (ABMT) for scheduling diagnostic imaging machines.
Technology and Health Care, accepted, (2010).
- S. Elhedhli, L. Li, M. Gzara, and J. Naoum-Sawaya,
A Branch-and-Price Algorithm for the Bin Packing Problem with Conflicts.
INFORMS Journal on Computing, accepted. Available online DOI: ijoc.1100.0406v1-11000406. (2010)
- S. Elhedhli and H. Wu,
Lagrangean Heuristic for Hub-and-Spoke System Design with Capacity Selection and Congestion.
Informs Journal on Computing, 22(2), pp. 282-296. (2010)
- A. Engau, M.F. Anjos, and A. Vannelli, On Handling Cutting Planes in Interior-Point Methods for Solving Semidefinite Relaxations of Binary Quadratic Optimization Problems. Optimization Methods and Software. (accepted 2010)
- A. Engau, M.F. Anjos, and A. Vannelli,
An Improved Interior-Point Cutting-Plane Method for Binary Quadratic Optimization.
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 36, pp. 743-750. (2010)
- A. Engau, M.F. Anjos, and A. Vannelli,
On Interior-Point Warmstarts for Linear and Combinatorial Optimization.
SIAM Journal on Optimization, 20(4), pp. 1828-1861. (2010)
- S.A. Gabriel and J.D. Fuller,
A Benders Decomposition Method for Solving Stochastic Complementarity Problems with an Application in Energy.
Computational Economics. 35(4), pp. 301-329, (2010).
[Link to the article]
- J.M. Gonzalez, C.A. Cañizares, and J. M. Ramirez,
Stability Modeling and Comparative Study of Series Vectorial Compensators.
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 25(2), pp. 1093-1103, (2010).
[Link to the article]
- V. J. Gutierrez-Martinez, C.A. Cañizares, C. R. Fuerte-Esquivel, A. Pizano-Martinez, and X. Gu,
Neural-Network Security-Boundary Constrained Optimal Power Flow.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 99, pp.1-10, (2010).
[Link to article]
- A. Hajimiragha, C.A. Cañizares, M. Fowler, and A. Elkamel,
Optimal Transition to Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles in Ontario-Canada Considering the Electricity Grid Limitations.
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, special issue on Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles, Vol. 57(2), pp. 690-701, (2010).
[Link to the article]
- N. Krislock and H. Wolkowicz,
Explicit sensor network localization using semidefinite representations and facial reductions.
SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 20(5), pp. 2679-2708, (2010).
[Link to the article]
- J. Naoum-Sawaya and S. Elhedhli,
A Nested Benders Decomposition Approach for Telecommunication Network Planning.
Naval Research Logistics 57(6), pp. 519-539, (2010).
[Link to the article]
- S. Paudyal, C.A. Cañizares and K. Bhattacharya,
Optimal Operation of Distribution Feeders in Smart Grids.
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. (2010)
- S. Shontz and S. Vavasis, Analysis of and workarounds for element reversal for a finite element-based algorithm for warping triangular and tetrahedral meshes. BIT Numerical Mathematics, 50. pp. 863-884. (2010)
- A.A. Sousa, G.L. Torres, and C.A. Cañizares,
Robust Optimal Power Flow Solution Using Trust Region and Interior-Point Methods.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, accepted, 12 pages. (2010)
- B. Tamimi, C.A. Cañizares, and S. Vaez-Zadeh,
Effect of Reactive Power Limit Modeling on Maximum System Loading and Active and Reactive Power Markets.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 25(2), pp. 1106-1116. (2010)
- B. Tamimi, C.A. Cañizares, and S. Vaez-Zadeh,
Economic Effect of Reactive Power Limit Modeling on Maximum System Loading and Active and Reactive Power Markets.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 25(2), pp. 1106-1116. (2010).
[Link to the article]
- A. Vaccaro, C.A. Cañizares and D. Villacci,
An Affine Arithmetic Based Methodology for Reliable Power Flow Analysis in the Presence of Data Uncertainty.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 25(2), pp. 624-632. (2010)
[Link to the article]
- H. Wei, H. Wolkowicz, Generating and solving hard instances in semide?nite programming. Math. Programming, 125(1), pp. 31�45. (2010)
- H. Wolkowicz, Generating eigenvalue bounds using optimization. In Nonlinear analysis and variational problems, Springer Optim. Appl. 35, pages 465�490. (2010) (invited article)
- H. Wolkowicz,
Generating Eigenvalue Bounds Using Optimization.
Nonlinear Analysis and Variational Problems. 35(2), pp.465-490, (2010).
[Link to the article]
- S. Wong, K. Bhattacharya and J.D. Fuller,
Coordination of Investor-Owned DG Capacity Growth in Distribution Systems.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 25(3), pp.1375-1383. (2010)
- S. Wong, K. Bhattacharya and J.D. Fuller,
Long-Term Effects of Feed-in Tariffs and Carbon Taxes on Distribution Systems.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 25(3), pp.1241-1253. (2010)
- H. Zareipour, K. Bhattacharya, and C.A. Cañizares,
Economic Benefits of Improving Electricity Market Price Forecasting Accuracy: A Demand-side Analysis,
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 25(1), pp. 254-262, (2010).
[Link to the article]
- J. Zhang, J.D. Fuller, and S. Elhedhli,
A Stochastic Programming Model for a Day Ahead Electricity Market with Real Time Reserve Shortage Pricing.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. 25(2), pp.703-713, (2010).
[Link to article]
- A. Algarni and K. Bhattacharya,
A Generic Operations Framework for Discos in Retail Electricity Markets.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. 24(1), pp. 356-367, (2009).
[Link to the article]
- A. Algarni and K. Bhattacharya,
Disco Operation Considering DG Units and Their Goodness Factors.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. 24(4), pp. 1831-1840, (2009).
[Link to the article]
- M.F. Anjos and G. Yen,
Provably Near-Optimal Solutions for Very Large Single-Row Facility Layout Problems.
Optimization and Software- special issue on Global Optimization. 24(4-5), pp.805-817, (2009).
[Link to the article]
- R. J. Avalos, C.A. Cañizares, F. Milano, and A. Conejo,
Equivalency of Continuation and Optimization Methods to Determine Saddle-node and Limit-induced Bifurcations in Power Systems.
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I. 56(1), pp. 210-223, (2009).
[Link to the article]
- H. Barot and K. Bhattacharya,
A Practical Approach to Transmission Reinforcement Planning.
IET Proceedings on Generation, Transmission and Distribution. (2009)
- P. Chitkara, J. Zhong and K. Bhattacharya,
Oligopolistic Competition of Gencos in Reactive Power Ancillary Service Provisions.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp.1256-1265, (2009).
[Link to the article]
- W. Chung, and J.D. Fuller,
Subproblem Approximation in Dantzig-Wolfe Decomposition of Variational Inequality Models with an Application to a Multi-Commodity Economic Equilibrium Model.
Operations Research, accepted. (2009)
- A. Deza, T. Terlaky, and Y. Zinchenko,
Central path curvature and iteration-complexity for redundant Klee-Minty cubes.
Advances in Mechanics and Mathematics, Vol. 17, pp. 223-256, (2009).
[Link to the article]
- A. Deza, T. Terlaky and Y. Zinchenko,
The continuous d-step conjecture for polytopes.
Discrete and Computational Geometry, Vol. 41, pp. 318-327, (2009).
[Link to the article]
A. Deza and F. Xie,
Hyperplane arrangements with large average diameter.
Centre de Recherches Mathematiques Series 48, pp. 103 - 114, (2009).
[Link to the article]
- K. Durda, L. Buchanan, R.J. Caron,
Grounding co-occurrence: Identifying features in a lexical co-occurrence model of semantic memory.
Behavior Research Methods 41 pp. 1210-1223. (2009)
- I. El-Samahy, C.A. Cañizares, K. Bhattacharya, and J. Pan,
Re-defining the Reactive Power Dispatch Problem in the Context of Competitive Electricity Markets.
IET Proceedings on Generation, Transmission and Distribution, special issue on "Markets and Economics in Power Systems, (2009).
[Link to the article]
- A. Engau, M.F. Anjos, and A. Vannelli,
A Primal-Dual Slack Approach to Warmstarting Interior-Point Methods for Linear Programming.
Operations Research and Cyber-Infrastructure, John W. Chinneck, Bjarni Kristjansson, Matthew J. Saltzman, Eds. Springer-Verlag, 2009, pp. 195-217.
[Link to the article]
- S.A. Gabriel and J.D. Fuller,
A Benders Decomposition Method for Solving Stochastic Complementarity Problems with an Application in Energy.
Computational Economics, Vol. 35(4), pp. 301-329. (2009)
- M. Gonzalez-Lima, H. Wei, and H. Wolkowicz,
A stable iterative method for linear programming. Comput Optim Appl, 44, pp.213-247, (2009).
[Link to the article]
- A. Hajimiragha, C.A. Cañizares, M. Fowler, and A. Elkamel,
Optimal Transition to Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles in Ontario-Canada Considering the Electricity Grid Limitations.
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, special issue on Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles, accepted, (2009).
[Link to the article]
- A. Hajimiragha, M. Fowler, and C.A. Cañizares,
Hydrogen Economy Transition in Ontario-Canada Considering the Electricity Grid Constraints.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 34(13), pp. 5275-5293, (2009).
[Link to the article]
- N. Krislock and H. Wolkowicz,
Explicit Sensor Network Localization using Semidefinite Representations and Clique Reductions. CORR 2009-04
[Link to the article]
- M.B. Liu, C.A. Cañizares, and W. Huang,
Reactive Power and Voltage Control in Distribution Systems with Limited Switching Operations.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 889-899, (2009).
[Link to the article]
- J. Naoum-Sawaya and S. Elhedhli,
Controlled Predatory Pricing in a Multiperiod Stackelberg Game: An MPEC Approach.
Journal of Global Optimization, accepted, (2009).
Available online DOI: 10.1007/s10898-010-9585-x.
- N. R. Ullah, K. Bhattacharya and T. Thiringer,
Wind Farms as Reactive Power Ancillary Service Providers- Technical and Economic Issues.
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion. 24(3), pp. 661-672, (2009).
[Link to the article]
- S. Shontz and S. Vavasis,
Analysis of and Workarounds for Element Reversal for a Finite Element-Based Algorithm for Warping Triangular and Tetrahedral Meshes.
BIT Numerical Mathematics, accepted. (2010)
- S. Vavasis,
On the complexity of nonnegative matrix factorization.
SIAM J. Optimization, 20(3), pp. 1364-1377, (2009).
[Link to the article]
- N.K. Vidyarthi, S. Elhedhli, and E. M. Jewkes,
Assemble-to-Order Supply Chain Network Design for Response Time Sensitive Markets.
IIE Transactions, accepted, (2009).
- S.M. Wong, K. Bhattacharya, and J.D. Fuller,
Electric Power Distribution System Design and Planning in a Deregulated Environment.
Generation, Transmission & Distribution, IET. 3(12), pp. 1061-1078. (2009).
[Link to the article]
- J. Zhang, J.D. Fuller, and S. Elhedhli,
A Stochastic Programming Model for a Day Ahead Electricity Market with Real Time Reserve Shortage Pricing.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, accepted. (2009)
- G.Q. Zhang and L. Ma,
Optimal acquisition policy with quantity discounts and uncertain demands.
International Journal of Production Research, 47(9), pp. 2409-2425, (2009).
[Link to the article]
- A.Y. Alfakih,
On the dual rigidity matrix.
Linear Algebra Appl 428, pp. 962-972, (2008),
[Link to the article]
- A.Y. Alfakih,
On the eigenvalues of Euclidean distance matrices.
Computational and Applied Mathematics. 27(3), pp. 237-250. (2008),
[Link to the article]
- H. Almutairi and S. Elhedhli,
A new Lagrangean approach to the pooling problem.
Journal of Global Optimization. 45(2), pp. 237-257. (2008),
[Link to the article]
- C. Anand, T. Ren, and T. Terlaky,
Optimizing Teardrop, and MRI Sampling Trajectory.
To appear in Optimization Methods and Software. 2008.
[Link to the article]
- C.K. Anand, S. Stoyan, and T. Terlaky,
Optimizing the gVERSE RF Pulse Design via Optimal Control.
Algorithmic Operations Research, accepted. (2008).
[Link to the article]
- M.F. Anjos and A. Vannelli,
Computing Globally Optimal Solutions for Single-Row Layout Problems Using Semidefinite Programming and Cutting Planes.
Accepted to INFORMS Journal on Computing (January 2008).
[Link to the article]
- H. Barot and K. Bhattacharya,
Security Coordinated Maintenance Scheduling in Deregulation Based on Genco Contribution to Unserved Energy.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. 23(4), pp. 1871-1882. (2008).
[Link to the article]
- C. Battistelli, C.A. Cañizares, M. Chehreghani, V. J. Gutierrez-Martinez, and C. R. Fuerte_Esquivel,
Practical Security-Boundry-Constrained Dispatch Models for Electricity Markets.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. 99, pp. 1-10, (2010).
[Link to the article]
- S. Benjaafar, Y. Li, D. Xu and S. Elhedhli,
Demand Allocation in Systems with Multiple Inventory Locations and Multiple Demand Sources.
Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 10, 1, pp. 43-60. (2008).
[Link to the article]
- M. Biggs, A. Ghodsi and S. Vavasis,
Nonnegative matrix factorization via rank-one downdate.
Proceedings of the 25th international conference on Machine learning. 307, pp. 64-71, (2008).
[Link to the article]
- E. Boman, B. Hendrickson and S. Vavasis,
Solving Elliptic Finite Element Systems in Near-Linear Time with Support Preconditioners.
SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 46, pp. 3264-3284, (2008).
[Link to the article]
- D. Bremner, A. Deza and M. Soltys (Editors),
Selected Papers from the the Franco-Canadian Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms.
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 16 (2008) 323.
[Link to the article]
D. Bremner, A. Deza and F. Xie,
The complexity of the envelope of line and plane arrangements.
Optimization - Modeling and Algorithms 21 Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo, pp. 1-7, (2008).
[Link to the article]
T. Craig, M. Sharpe, Y. Zinchenko, and T. Terlaky,
Controlling the dose distribution with gEUD-type constraints within the convex IMRTP framework.
Physics in Medicine and Biology, Vol. 53, pp. 3231-3250 (2008).
[Link to the article]
A. Deza, S. Huang, T. Stephen and T. Terlaky,
The colourful feasibility problem.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 156, pp. 2166-2177, (2008).
[Link to the article]
A. Deza, E. Nematollahi and T. Terlaky,
How good are interior point methods? Klee-Minty cubes tighten iteration-complexity bounds.
Mathematical Programming 113-1, pp. 1-14, (2008).
[Link to the article]
A. Deza, T. Terlaky, F. Xie and Y. Zinchenko,
Diameter and curvature: intriguing analogies.
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 31, pp. 221 - 225, (2008).
[Link to the article]
A. Deza, T. Terlaky and Y. Zinchenko,
Polytopes and arrangements : diameter and curvature.
Operations Research Letters 36-2, pp. 215-222, (2008).
[Link to the article]
P. Du, J. Peng, and T. Terlaky,
Self-Adaptive Support Vector Machines: Modelling and Experiments.
To appear in Computational Management Science, 2008.
[Link to the article]
I. El-Samahy, K. Bhattacharya, C.A. Cañizares, M.F. Anjos,
and J. Pan, A Procurement Market Model for Reactive Power Services
Considering System Security. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol.
23, No. 1, February 2008, pp. 137-149. Invited for presentation at the
Panel Reactive Power Management and Payment Mechanisms in Competitive
Electricity Markets. IEEE-PES General Meeting 2008, Pittsburgh, PA,
June 2008.
[Link to the article]
- B. Ghaddar, M.F. Anjos and F. Liers,
A Branch-and-Cut Algorithm based on Semidefinite Programming for the Minimum k-Partition Problem.
To appear in the Annals of Operations Research, accepted in November 2008).
[Link to the article]
A.R. Ghaffari-Hadigheh, O. Romanko, and T. Terlaky,
On bi-parametric programming in Quadratic Optimization.
Central European Journal on Operations Research, Vol. 16(2) 215-238, 2008. [Link to the article.
T. Illes, M. Nagy, and T. Terlaky,
An EP Theorem for Dual Linear Complementarity Problems.
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications. 140(2), pp. 233-238, (2008).
[Link to the article]
T. Illes, M. Nagy, and T. Terlaky,
A polynomial path-following interior point algorithm for general linear complementarity problems. Journal of Global Optimization. 47(3), pp. 329-342 (2008).
[Link to the article]
K. Jansen, H. Zhang,
Approximation algorithms for general packing problems and their application to the multicast congestion problem.
Mathematical Programming. 114(1), pp. 183-206, (2008). [Link to the article]
T. Jiao, J. Peng, and T. Terlaky,
A Fuzzy Voting Process for Ranking Problems Based on Support Vector Machines.
To appear in Annals of Operations Research, 2008.
C. Luo, M.F. Anjos, and A. Vannelli,
A Nonlinear Optimization Methodology for VLSI Fixed-Outline Floorplanning. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization. 16(4), pp.378-401. (2008).
[Link to the article]
L. Ma, and G.Q. Zhang, Configuring a Supply Network in the Presence of Volume Discounts. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 27, pp. 77-83, (2008).
[Link to the article]
E. Nematollahi and T. Terlaky,
A Redundant Klee-Minty Construction with All the Redundant Constraints Touching the Feasible Region.
Operations Research Letters. 36(4). pp. 414-418. (2008).
[Link to the article]
E. Nematollahi and T. Terlaky,
A Simpler and Tighter Redundant Klee-Minty Construction.
To appear in Optimization Letters, (2008).
[Link to the article]
M. Potaptchik, L. Tuncel, and H. Wolkowicz,
Large scale portfolio optimization with piecewise linear transaction costs.
Optimization Methods and Software, 23(6): pp. 929-952, (2008).
[Link to the article]
M. Saad, A. Vannelli, H. Zhang, and T. Terlaky,
Packing Trees in Communication Networks.
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization. 16(4), pp.402-423. (2008).
[Link to the article]
M. Saad, T. Terlaky, A. Vannelli, H. Zhang,
A Provably Good Global Routing Algorithm in Multilayer IC and MCM Layout Designs.
Operations Research and Cyber-Infrastructure. Operations Research/Computer Science Interfaces Series, Volume 47, III, Part 6, pp. 443-454, (2009).
[Link to the article]
G. Srijuntongsiri and S. Vavasis, A condition number analysis of a line-surface intersection algorithm, SIAM J.~Sci.~Comput., 30, pp. 1064-1081, (2008).
[Link to the article]
M.B. Stevens, M.W. Fowler, A. Elkamel, and S. Elhedhli,
Macrolevel optimized deployment of an electrolyzer-based hydrogen refueling infrastructure with demand growth.
Engineering Optimization. 40(10), pp.955-967, (2008)
[Link to the article]
G. Taljan, C.A. Cañizares, M. Fowler, and G. Verbic, The
Feasibility of Hydrogen Storage for Mixed Wind-Nuclear Power Plants.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 23, No. 3, August 2008, pp.
1507-1518. Highlighted on a news report at, August 6, 2008
[Link to the article]
G. Taljan, M. Fowler, C.A. Cañizares, and G. Verbic,
Hydrogen Storage for Mixed Wind-Nuclear Power Plants in the Context of a Hydrogen Economy.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 33, No. 17, pp. 4463-4475, (2008).
[Link to the article]
T. Terlaky, A. Vannelli, H. Zhang,
On routing in VLSI design and communication networks.
Discrete Applied Mathematics. 156(11), pp. 2178-2194, (2008). [Link to the article]
L. Tuncel and H. Wolkowicz,
Strong Duality and Minimal Representations for Cone Optimization. CORR 2008-07
[Link to the article]
K. Vorwerk, A. Kennings, and M.F. Anjos,
VLSI Floorplan Repair Using Dynamic Whitespace Management, Constraint Graphs, and Linear Programming.
Engineering Optimization, Vol. 40 (6), pp. 559-577, (2008).
[Link to the article]
G.Q. Zhang, Combining acquisition planning with inventory management under uncertain demand. INFOR, 46(2), pp. 129-135, (2008).
[Link to the article]
J. Zhu and T. Terlaky,
Comments on Dual Methods for Nonconvex Spectrum Optimization of Multicarrier Systems.
To appear in Optimization Letters, (2008).
[Link to the article]
A.Y. Alfakih and H. Wolkowicz,
Some necessary and some sufficient trace inequalities for Euclidean distance matrices.
Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 55(5): pp. 499-506, (2007).
[Link to the article]
Ch. Anand, R. Sotirov, Z. Zheng, and T. Terlaky,
Magnetic Resonance Tissue Density Quantification Using Optimal bSSFP Pulse-Sequence Design.
Optimization and Engineering, 8 (2), pp. 215-238, (2007).
[Link to the article]
E. Andersen, E. de Klerk, L. Tuncel, H. Wolkowicz, and S. Zhang, editors.
Large Scale Nonlinear and Semidefinite Programming, volume 109.
North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 2007. Dedicated to the memory of Jos Sturm, Math. Programming, Ser. B.
[Link to the article]
M.F. Anjos,
An Extended Semidefinite Relaxation for Satisfiability.
Journal on Satisfiability, Boolean Modeling and Computation, Vol. 4, pp. 15-31. (2007).
[Link to the article]
M.F. Anjos and S. Burer,
On Handling Free Variables in Interior-Point Methods for Conic Linear Optimization.
SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 18 (4), pp. 1310- 1325, (2007).
[Link to the article]
G. Bautista, M.F. Anjos, and A. Vannelli,
Formulation of Oligopolistic Competition in AC Power Networks: An NLP Approach.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 22 (1), pp. 105-115, (2007).
[Link to the article]
G. Bautista, M.F. Anjos, and A. Vannelli,
Modeling Market Power in Electricity Markets: Is the Devil Only in the Details?
The Electricity Journal, Vol. 20 (2), pp. 82-92, (2007).
[Link to the article]
G. Bautista, M.F. Anjos, and A. Vannelli,
Numerical Study of Affine Supply Function Equilibrium in AC Network-Constrained Markets.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 22 (3), pp. 1174-1184, (2007).
[Link to the article]
A. Deza and G. Indik,
A counterexample to the dominating set conjecture.
Optimization Letters 1, pp. 163-169, (2007).
[Link to the article]
A. Deza and W. Hua, Berge sorting. Pacific Journal of Optimization 3, pp. 27-35, (2007). [Link to the article]
- J.D. Fuller and W. Chung, Benders Decomposition for a Class of Variational Inequalities. European Journal of Operational Research, 85, 1, pp. 76 -91, (2007).
[Link to the article]
A. Ghaffari-Hadigheh, K. Mirnia, and T. Terlaky,
Active Constraint Set Invariancy Sensitivity Analysis in Linear Optimization.
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 133(3), pp. 303-315 (2007).
[Link to the article]
A.R. Ghaffari-Hadigheh, O. Romanko, and T. Terlaky,
Sensitivity Analysis in Convex Quadratic Optimization: Simultaneous Perturbation of the Objective and Right- Hand-Side Vectors.
Algorithmic Operations Research, 2(2), 94-111 (2007).
[Link to the article]
O. Grodzevich and H. Wolkowicz,
Regularization using a parameterized trust region subproblem.
Accepted to Math. Programming, April 28(CORR 2005 11):online publication, 2007.
[Link to the article]
S. Jibrin, A. Boneh, and R.J. Caron,
Probabilistic Algorithms for Extreme Point Identification.
Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics 10 (2007) 131—142
S.K.M. Kodsi and C.A. Cañizares, Application of a
Stability-constrained Optimal Power Flow to Tuning of Oscillation
Controls in Competitive Electricity Markets. IEEE Transactions on Power
Systems, Vol. 22, No. 4, November 2007, pp. 1944- 1954.
[Link to the article]
I. Polik and T. Terlaky,
A Survey of the S-Lemma.
SIAM Review, 49(3), 371-418. (2007)
[Link to the article]
M. Salahi, M.R. Peyghami, and T. Terlaky,
New Complexity Analysis of IIPMs for Linear Optimization Based on a Specific Self-Regular Function.
European Journal on Operational Research 182, pp. 502-513 (2007).
[Link to the article]
M. Salahi and T. Terlaky,
Adaptive Large Neighborhood Self-Regular Predictor- Corrector IPMs for LO.
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 132, pp. 143-160, (2007).
[Link to the article]
M. Salahi. and T. Terlaky,
Postponing the Choice of the Barrier Parameter in Mehrotra-Type Predictor-Corrector Algorithms. European Journal on Operational Research 182, pp. 502-513 (2007).
[Link to the article]
M. Salahi, J. Peng, and T. Terlaky,
On Mehrotra-Type Predictor-Corrector Algorithms.
SIAM Journal on Optimization, 18(4), pp. 1377-1397, (2007).
[Link to the article]
H. Zareipour, K. Bhattacharya and C. Cañizares,
Electricity Market Price Volatility: The Case of Ontario.
Energy Pricing, Vol.35, 2007, pp.4739-4748.
to the article]
H. Zareipour, C. Cañizares and K. Bhattacharya,
The Operation of Ontario's Competitive Electricity Market: Overview,
Experiences and Lessons.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol.22, No.4, Nov.2007, pp.1782-1793.
to the article]
Journals articles (submitted)
A.Y. Alfakih,
On global rigidity and universal rigidity of generic bar frameworks
with few vertices.
- B. Alipanahi, N. Krislock, and A. Ghodsi. Manifold learning by semidefinite facial reduction. Machine Learning Journal, submitted. (2010)
- B.P. Ames and H. Sendov, A New Derivation of a Formula by Kato. Linear Algebra and its Applications, submitted. (2010)
- B.P. Ames and S. Vavasis, Convex Relaxation for the Planted k-Disjoint-Clique Problem. Math. Programming, submitted. (2010). [Link to the article]
B. Ames and S. Vavasis, Nuclear norm minimization for the planted clique and biclique problems. 2009. [Link to the article]
- M.F. Anjos and M.V.C. Vieira, Semidefinite Resolution and Exactness of Semidefinite Relaxations for Satisfiability. Discrete Applied Mathematics. (submitted 2011)
M.F. Anjos, A. Engau and A. Vannelli,
A Hybrid Interior-Point Cutting-Plane Method for Semidefinite Programming Relaxations in Discrete Optimization.
[Link to the article]
- A. Baker, A. Deza, and F. Franek: A parameterized formulation for the maximum number of runs problem. (submitted 2011) [Link to the article]
A. Baker, A. Deza and F. Franek:
On the structure of run-maximal strings.
- A. Becker, D. Bertsimas, and X. V. Doan, The Generalized Restless Bandit Problems: Algorithms and Applications? Operations Research, submitted. (2010)
- S. Bernardi and M.F. Anjos, A Three-Stage Mathematical-Programming Method for the Multi-Floor Facility Layout Problem. Journal of the Operational Research Society, (submitted 2010)
- D. Bremner, A. Deza, W. Hua, and L. Schewe: More bounds on the diameters of convex polytopes. (submitted 2011)
- R.J. Caron and A.J. Hartfiel, Extreme point identification via the polar dual. Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, submitted. (2009)
- R.J. Caron, T. Traynor and S. Jibrin,
Feasibility and Constraint Analysis of Sets of Linear Matrix Inequalities.
Submitted to the INFORMS Journal on Computing, February 2, 2008
[Link to the article]
- M. Chehreghani, S. A. Hashmi, H. Hassen, C. A. Ca�izares, and K. Bhattacharya, Optimal Operation of Residential Energy Hubs in Smart Grids. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grids. (submitted 2011)
W. Chung and J.D. Fuller,
Dantzig-Wolfe-Jacobi Decomposition Method for a Class of Multi-commodity Economic Equilibrium Models.
- G.T. Costanzo, G. Zhu, M.F. Anjos, and G. Savard, A System Architecture for Autonomous Demand Side Load Management in the Smart Grid. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. (submitted 2011)
- G.T. Costanzo, A.M. Kosek, G. Zhu, L. Ferrarini, M.F. Anjos, and G. Savard, An Experimental Study on Load-Peak Shaving in Smart Homes by Means of Online Admission Control. 2012 American Control Conference. (submitted 2011)
J. Dang, J.D. Fuller and R.P. Sundarraj, 2007.
A Hybrid Decomposition Approach for Solving Block Angular Linear Programs.
- A. Deza, F. Franek, and M.J. Liu: On Erdős conjecture for multiplicities of cliques. (submitted 2011) [Link to the article]
A. Deza, C. Dickson, T. Terlaky, Anthony Vannelli and Hu Zhang:
Global routing in VLSI design: algorithms, theory, and computational practice.
- X.V. Doan and K. Natarajan, On the Complexity of Non-Overlapping Multivariate Marginal Bounds for Probabilistic Combinatorial Optimization Problems. Operations Research, submitted. (2010)
- A. Engau, M.F. Anjos and I.M. Bomze, An Interior-Point Algorithm with Selective Addition of Inequalities for Solving Doubly Non-Negative Relaxations of Maximum-Stable-Set and Maximum-Clique Problems. Computers & Operations Research. (submitted 2011)
- A. Engau and M.F. Anjos, A primal-dual interior-point algorithm for linear programming with selective addition of inequalities. Mathematical Programming (Series A). (submitted 2011)
- A. Engau, M.F. Anjos, and A. Vannelli, On Handling Cutting Planes in Interior-Point Methods for Solving Semidefinite Relaxations of Binary Quadratic Optimization Problems. Optimization Methods and Software, submitted. (2010)
A. Engau, M.F. Anjos and A. Vannelli,
On Interior-Point Warmstarts for Linear and Combinatorial Optimization.
[Link to the article]
J.D. Fuller,
Market Equilibrium Models with Continuous and Binary Variables.
- B. Ghaddar, J.C. Vera, and M.F. Anjos, Second-Order Cone Relaxations for Binary Quadratic Polynomial Programs. SIAM Journal on Optimization, submitted. (2010). [Link to the article]
- B. Ghaddar, J.C. Vera, and M.F. Anjos, A Dynamic Inequality Generation Scheme for Polynomial Programming. Mathematical Programming (Series A). (submitted 2011)
- A. Hajimiragha, C.A. Cañizares, M. W. Fowler, S. Moazeni, and A. Elkamel, A Robust Optimization Approach for Planning the Transition to Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, submitted, 8 pages. (2010)
- A. Hajimiragha, C.A. Cañizares, M. W. Fowler, S. Moazeni, A. Elkamel, and S. Wong, Sustainable Convergence of Electricity and Transport Sectors in the Context of a Hydrogen Economy. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, submitted, 34 pages. (2010)
- B. Hu, C.A. Cañizares, and M. Liu, Secondary and Tertiary Voltage Regulation Controls Based on Regional Optimal Power Flows. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, submitted, 10 pages. (2010). [Link to the article]
- Y. Huang, C. A. Ca�izares, and M. Liu, Transient Stability Control using Voltage Regulators. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution. (submitted 2011)
- F. Meunier and A. Deza: A further generalization of the colourful Carath�odory theorem. (submitted 2011) [Link to the article]
- J. Ostrowski, M.F. Anjos, and A. Vannelli, Tight Mixed Integer Linear Programming Formulations for Generator Self-Scheduling and Unit Commitment. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, submitted. (2010)
- C.H.J. Pang, Generalized differentiation with positively homogeneous maps. (2010). [Link to the article]
- C.H.J. Pang, Level set methods for finding saddle points of general Morse index. (2010). [Link to the article]
- C.H.J. Pang, First order dependence on uncertainty sets in robust optimization. (2010). [Link to the article]
- S. Shontz and S. Vavasis, A Robust Solution Procedure for Hyperelastic Solids with Large Boundary Deformation. Engineering with Computers, submitted. (2010)
A.A. Sousa, G. L. Torres and C.A. Cañizares,
Robust Optimal Power Flow Solution Using Trust Region and Interior-Point Methods.
G. Srijuntongsiri and S. Vavasis, A condition number analysis of a surface-surface intersection algorithm. [Link to the article]
S. Wong, K. Bhattacharya, J.D. Fuller,
Distribution System Design and Planning in a Deregulated Environment: Part I – Mathematical Framework.
S. Wong, K. Bhattacharya, J.D. Fuller,
Distribution System Design and Planning in a Deregulated Environment: Part II – Application and Policy Study.
Other publication
Review articles
Papers in refereed conference proceeding
- Andrew Baker, Antoine Deza, and Frantisek Franek, A parameterized formulation for the maximum number of runs problem. Proceedings of the Prague Stringology Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 2011. pp. 74-82. [Link to the article]
- C. Battistelli, C. A. Ca�izares, M. Chehreghani, V. J. Gutierrez-Martinez, and C. R. Fuerte-Esquivel, Practical Security-Boundary-Constrained Dispatch Models for Electricity Markets. Proc. Power Systems Computation Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, August 2011.
- David Bremner, Antoine Deza, William Hua, and Lars Schewe: Pushing the boundaries of polytopal realizability. Proceedings of the 23rd Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada (2011) 193 - 198. [Link to the article]
- Grant Custard, Antoine Deza, Tamon Stephen, and Feng Xie, Small octahedral systems. Proceedings of the 23rd Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, Fields Institute, Toronto, 2011. pp. 267-271. [Link to the article]
- Antoine Deza, Frantisek Franek, and Mei Jiang, A d-step approach for distinct squares in strings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6661 Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2011. pp. 77-89. [Link to the article]
- B. Ghaddar, J.C. Vera, and M.F. Anjos, An Iterative Scheme for Valid Polynomial Inequality Generation in Binary Polynomial Programming. Proceedings of the 15th Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization (IPCO XV), 2011. pp. 207-222
- J. C. Mu�oz and C. A. Ca�izares, Comparative Stability Analysis of DFIG-based Wind Farms and Conventional Synchronous Generators. Proc. Power Systems Conference and Exposition, Phoenix, AZ, USA, March 2011.
- D. Olivares, C. A. Ca�izares, and M. Kazerani, �A Centralized Optimal Energy Management System for Microgrids,� Proc. IEEE-PES General Meeting, Detroit, MI, USA, July 2011. Invited paper.
- M.H. Ahmed, K. Bhattacharya and M. M. A. Salama, Probabilistic Modeling and Analysis of Wind Generation Penetration into Distribution Systems, Power Systems Computation Conference, submitted November 2010.
- C. Battistelli, C.A. Cañizares, M. Chehreghani, V. J. Gutierrez-Martinez, and C. R. Fuerte-Esquivel, Practical Security-Boundary-Constrained Dispatch Models for Electricity Markets. Proc. Power Systems Computation Conference, submitted November 2010, 7 double-column pages.
- H. Haghighat, C. Cañizares and K. Bhattacharya, Dispatching Reactive Power Considering All Providers in Competitive Electricity Markets. IEEE PES Annual General Meeting 2010, Minneapolis, USA, July 2010.
- A. B. Humayd and K. Bhattacharya, A Heuristic Back-Propagation Approach To Multi-Year Distribution System Planning With Distributed Generation. Cigre Canada Conference on Power Systems, Vancouver, October 2010.
- J.C. Muñoz and C.A. Cañizares, Comparative Stability Analysis of DFIG-based Wind Farms and Conventional Synchronous Generators. Proc. Power Systems Conference and Exposition, submitted October 2010, 7 double-column pages.
- B. Tamimi, C. Cañizares and K. Bhattacharya, Modeling and Performance Analysis of Large Solar Photo-Voltaic Generation on Voltage Stability and Inter-area Oscillations, Power Systems Computation Conference, submitted November 2010.
- H. Barot, K. Bhattacharya and L. Singh, A Practical Approach to Short-Term Transmission Reinforcement Planning. CIGRE Canada Conference on Power Systems, Toronto, October 2009.
- X. Li and C.A. Cañizares ,
Chaotic Behavior Observations in a Typical Power System Model.
Proc. IEEE PowerTech, Bucharest, June 2009, 5 pages.
[Link to the article]
- A. Vaccaro, C.A. Cañizares , and D. Villacci,
A Simple and Reliable Algorithm for Computing Boundaries of Power Flow Solutions due to System Uncertainties. Proc. IEEE PowerTech, Bucharest, June 2009, 6 pages.
[Link to the article]
- A. Algarni and K. Bhattacharya,
Novel sensitivity indices based siting of distributed generation resources.
IEEE PES Annual General Meeting 2008, Pittsburg, USA.
to the article]
- R. J. Avalos, C.A. Cañizares, and M.F. Anjos,
A Practical Voltage-Stability-Constrained Optimal Power Flow.
Proc. IEEE-PES General Meeting, invited paper, Pittsburgh, PA, July 2008, 6 pages.
H. Barot and K. Bhattacharya,Novel locational reliability indices and their applications in competitive electricity markets. CIGRE Canada Conference on Power Systems, 19th - 21st Oct 2008, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
- A. Hajimiragha, M. Fowler, C.A. Cañizares,
Hydrogen Economy Impact on Optimal Planning and Operation of Integrated Energy Systems.
Proc. MICRO-COGEN, Ottawa, April 2008, 12 pages
- C. Luo, M.F. Anjos, and A. Vannelli,
Large-Scale Fixed-Outline Floorplanning Design Using Convex Optimization Techniques,
In: Proceedings of ASP-DAC 2008, 198-203.
[Link to the article]
- G. Taljan (Student), C.A. Cañizares, M. Fowler, and G. Verbic,
Study of Mixed Wind-Nuclear-Hydrogen Power Plants.
Submitted to Proc. North American Power Symposium (NAPS), Calgary, September 2008, 9 double-column pages.
- S. Wong, K. Bhattacharya and D.F. Fuller,
Environmental and economic analysis of Ontario's Standard Offer
Program for small power producers. IEEE PES Annual General Meeting 2008, Pittsburg, USA.
to the article]
J. Zhong and K. Bhattacharya,
Reactive Power Market Design and Its Impact on Market Power.
IEEE PES Annual General Meeting 2008, Pittsburg, USA.
to the article]
- A. Algarni, K. Bhattacharya and M. A. El-Kady, Restructuring issues of the electric power sector in open market environment in Saudi Arabia. 7th Saudi Engineering Conference, Riyadh, Saudi Arab, Dec 2007.
- Antoine Deza and Feng Xie, Line and plane arrangements with large average diameter. Proceedings of the 5th Hungarian-Japanese Symposium on Discrete
Mathematics and its Applications, Sendai, Japan (2007) 106-111.
- I. El-Samahy, C.A. Cañizares , K. Bhattacharya , and J. Pan, An Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch Model for Deregulated Electricity Markets.
IEEE-PES General Meeting, Tampa, Florida, July 2007, 7 pages.
[Link to the article]
- H. Ghasemi and C.A. Cañizares , Validation of a STATCOM Transient Stability Model through Small-Disturbance Stability Studies. Proc. IEEE International Conference on System of Systems Engineering, San Antonio, Texas, April 2007, 6 pages. [Link to the article]
- A. Hajimiragha, C.A. Cañizares , M. Fowler, M. Geidl, and G. Andersson,
Optimal Energy Flow of Integrated Energy Systems with Hydrogen Economy Considerations.
Proc. Bulk Power Systems Dynamics and Control VII Symposium, IREP, Charleston, South Carolina, August 2007, 11 pages. [Link to the article]
Monographs, books, and book chapters
- M.F. Anjos, Progress in Semidefinite Optimization Techniques for Satisfiability. In: Progress in Combinatorial Optimization, A.R. Mahjoub (ed), to appear (accepted August 2011)
- M.F. Anjos and J.B. Lasserre, Eds. Handbook of Semidefinite, Conic and Polynomial Optimization: Theory, Algorithms, Software and Applications. International Series in Operational Research and Management Science. To be published by Springer in 2011. ISBN 978-1-4614-0768-3.
- M.F. Anjos and J. Lasserre, Introduction to Semidefinite, Conic and Polynomial Optimization. In: Handbook on Semidefinite, Cone and Polynomial Optimization, M.F. Anjos and J. Lasserre (eds), to appear (accepted January 2011)
- M.F. Anjos and F. Liers. Global Approaches for Facility Layout and VLSI Floorplanning. In: Handbook on Semidefinite, Cone and Polynomial Optimization, M.F. Anjos and J. Lasserre (eds), to appear (accepted January 2011)
- H.H. Bauschke, R.S. Burachik, P.L. Combettes, V. Elser, D.R. Luke, and H. Wolkowicz, Eds. Fixed-Point Algorithms for Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, Optimization and Its Applications 49. Springer, 2011.
- N. Krislock, H. Wolkowicz, Euclidean distance matrices and applications. In: Handbook on Semide?nite, Cone and Polynomial Optimization, M.F. Anjos and J. Lasserre (eds). (to appear 2011)
- David Avis, David Bremner and Antoine Deza (Editors):
Polyhedral Computation.
Centre de Recherches Mathematiques Series 48 (2009).
- David Bremner, Antoine Deza, and Michael Soltys (Editors), Foreword: Selected Papers from the Franco-Canadian Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 16 (2008) 323.
- R.J. Caron and T. Traynor, A General Framework for the Analysis
of Sets of Constraints. Chapter 4 in: S. K. Neogy, R. B. Bapat, A. K.
Das and T. Parthasarathy, eds., Mathematical Programming and Game
theory for Decision Making. , World Scientific (2007) pp. 33-45
- R.J. Caron, Redundancy in nonlinear programs. In Encyclopedia of
Optimization, Second Edition(C.A. Floudas and P. M. Pardalos,
Eds.) Kluwer Academic Publishers (2008) 3262-3263
- R. Bhatia, R. Guralnick, S. Kirkland, and H. Wolkowicz, editors.
12th ILAS Conference Proceeding, Regina 2005, volume 421. 2007. Held in Regina, SK, June 26-29, 2005.
[Link to the article]
Letters, notes, communications
E. Andersen, E. de Klerk, L. Tuncel, H. Wolkowicz, and S. Zhang.
Foreword: special issue on large-scale nonlinear and semidefinite programming.
Math. Program., 109(2-3, Ser. B):207--209, 2007.
[Link to the article]
S. Kirkland R. Bhatia, R. Guralnick and H. Wolkowicz.
Preface to the 12th ILAS Conference Proceedings, Regina 2005.
Linear Algebra Appl., 421(1):1--2, 2007. Held in Regina, SK, June 26--29, 2005.
[Link to the article]
Government publications(N/A)
Non-referred Contribution
Paper in non-refereed conference proceeding
- Elspeth Adams, A Semidefinite Programming Model for the Facility Layout Problem. MASc. thesis, University of Waterloo, 2010. [Link to the article]
- Syed Ahsan Hashmi, Evaluation and Improvement of the Residential Energy Hub Management System. MASc. thesis, University of Waterloo, 2010.
- Kian Aladdini, EMS Response Time Models: A Case Study and Analysis for the Region of Waterloo. MASc. thesis, University of Waterloo, 2010. [Link to the article]
- Amirhossein Hajimiragha, Sustainable Convergence of Electricity and Transport Sectors in the Context of Integrated Energy Systems. MASc. thesis, University of Waterloo, 2010. [Link to the article]
- Hussin Hassen, Implementation of Energy Hub Management System for Residential Sector. MASc. thesis, University of Waterloo, 2010.
- Alvin Hsieh, Linear Optimization Model of the Flying ProbeTest System. MSc. thesis, McMaster University, 2010.
- Nathan Krislock, Semidefinite Facial Reduction for Low-Rank Euclidean Distance Matrix Completion. Ph.D. thesis, University of Waterloo, 2010. [Link to the article]
- Kaiyu Li, Economic Operation and Planning of Distribution System Sources. MASc. thesis, University of Waterloo, 2010. [Link to the article]
- Mehrdad Pirnia, Capacity Pricing in Electric Generation Expansion. MASc. thesis, University of Waterloo, 2009. [Link to the article]
- Oleksandr Romanko, Multiobjective and Parametric Optimization with Applications in Finance. Ph.D. thesis, McMaster University, 2010.
- Steven Wong, Some Aspects of Distribution System Planning in the Context of Investment in Distributed Generation. Ph.D. thesis, University of Waterloo, 2010. [Link to the article]
- Jiaping Zhu, Transmit Power Control: Theory and Application in Cognitive Radio. Ph.D. thesis, McMaster University, 2010.
- Steve Wong,
"Some Aspects of Distribution System Planning in the Context of Investment
in Distributed Generation"
- Hemantkumar Barot,
"New Paradigms in Medium-Term Operations and Planning of Power Systems in
- Ayed Algarni,
"Operational and Planning Aspects of Distribution Systems in Deregulated
Electricity Markets"
- Deepak Sharma,
"Generation Capacity Expansion Planning in Deregulated Electricity
- Stuart McGillivray,
"Curvature-based Image Registration: Review and Extensions"
- Brendan Eagen, Analysis of Scheduling in a Diagnostic Imaging
Department: A simulation Study, Ind. Eng. July 2009, Co-supervised
with Dr. Walid Abdul-Kader.
- Vera Vasilyeva, An analysis of Murty's proposed interior point method
for quadratic programming, Mathematics, April 2008, co-supervised with
Dr. Traynor.
C. Luo,
Novel Convex Optimization Approaches for VLSI Floorplanning.
PhD thesis, University of Waterloo, ECE (Anjos/Vannelli)
[Link to the article]
- I. El-Samahy,
Secure Provision of Reactive Power Ancillary Services in Competitive Electricity Markets.
PhD thesis, University of Waterloo, ECE (Canizares/Bhattacharya)
[Link to the article]
J.R. Avalos-Muñoz,
Analysis and Application of Optimization Techniques to Power System Security and Electricity Markets.
PhD thesis, University of Waterloo, E&CE (Canizares/Anjos)
[Link to the article]
- M. Nekuii,
Soft Demodulation Schemes for MIMO Communication Systems.
PhD thesis, McMaster University, ECE (Davidson)
- M.B. Shenouda,
Design of Linear and Non-Linear MIMO Transceivers.
PhD thesis, McMaster University, ECE (Davidson)
- W. Mesbah,
Power and Channel Resource Allocation in Cooperative Multiple Access Schemes.
PhD thesis, McMaster University, ECE (Davidson)
- G. Yen,
Cutting-plane Separation Strategies for Semi-definite Programming Models to Solve Single-row Facility Layout Problems.
Masters thesis, University of Waterloo, MSCI (Anjos)
[Link to the article]
Unimodularity in Solving ILP Model
M.Sc. Thesis, by Min Jing Jessie Liu (August 2009) (Deza / Terlaky)
An Open Source Object Oriented Platform for Rapid Design of High-Performance Path Following IPMs M.Sc. Thesis, by Voicu Chis
(August 2008) (Terlaky)
Implementation of an Interior Point Cutting Plane Algorithm
M.Sc. Thesis, by Hamid R. Ghaffari (September 2008) (Terlaky)
Face Lattice Computation under Symmetry
M.Sc. Thesis, by Jonathan Li (August 2008) (Deza)
New Large Neighborhood Interior Point Methods for Semidefinite Optimization
M.Sc. Thesis, by Yang Li (August 2008) (Terlaky)
Worst-Case Examples of Interior-Point Trajectories
Ph.D. Thesis by Eissa Nematollahi (June 2008) (Terlaky)
Nonstandard Duality Concepts in Conic and Quadratic Optimization
Ph.D. Thesis by Imre Pólik (September 2007) (Terlaky)
Hyperplane Arrangements with Large Average Diameter (Deza)
M.Sc. Thesis, by Feng Xie (August 2007) (Deza)
Berge Metrics for Binary Strings
M.Sc. Thesis by Sandra Gregov (August 2007) (Deza)
Colourful Feasibility: Algorithms, Bounds, and Implications
M.Sc. Thesis, by Sui Huang (May 2007) (Deza / Terlaky)
Global Routing in VLSI: Algorithms, Theory, and Computation
M.Sc. Thesis, by Chris Dickson (May 2007) (Deza)
Technical and internal reports
- A. Baker, A. Deza, F. Franek, A parameterized formulation for the maximum number of runs problem. AdvOL-Report 2010/02, McMaster University. (2011) [Link to the article]
- A. Deza, F. Franek, M. Jiang, A d-step approach for distinct squares in strings. AdvOL-Report 2010/0, McMaster University. (2011) [Link to the article]
- F. Meunier, A. Deza, A further generalization of the colourful Carath�odory theorem. AdvOL-Report 2010/03, McMaster University. (2011) [Link to the article]
- M-H. Lin, H. Wolkowicz, An eigenvalue majorization inequality for positive semide?nite block matrices: In memory of Ky Fan. Technical Report CORR 2011-04, University of Waterloo. (2011)
- B. Alipanahi, N. Krislock, A. Ghodsi, H. Wolkowicz, L. Donaldson, M. Li, SPROS: An SDP-based protein structure determination from NMR data. Technical report, University of Waterloo. (2011)
- X.V. Doan, H. Wolkowicz, Numerical computations and the ?-condition number. Technical Report CORR 2011-03, University of Waterloo. (2011)
- N. Krislock, F. Rendl, H. Wolkowicz, Noisy sensor network localization using semide?nite representations and facial reduction. Technical Report CORR 2010-01, University of Waterloo. (2010)
- L. Tuncel, H. Wolkowicz, Strong duality and minimal representations for cone optimization. Technical Report CORR 2008-07, University of Waterloo (2008, under revision)
- Grant Custard, Antoine Deza, Tamon Stephen, and Feng Xie, Small Octahedral Systems. AdvOL-Report 2010/06, McMaster University (2010)
- Antoine Deza and Frantisek Franek, A d-step analogue for runs on strings. AdvOL-Report 2010/02, McMaster University (2010)
- Antoine Deza, Frantisek Franek and Jessie Liu, On Erdös' conjecture for multiplicities. AdvOL-Report 2010/04, McMaster University (2010)
- Antoine Deza, Sonoko Moriyama, Hiroyuki Miyata, and Feng Xie, Hyperplane Arrangements with Large Average Diameter: a Computational Approach. AdvOL-Report 2010/03, McMaster University (2010)
- Antoine Deza, Tamon Stephen, and Feng Xie, More Colourful Simplices. AdvOL-Report 2010/01, McMaster University (2010)
David Bremner, Antoine Deza, William Hua and Lars Schewe,
More bounds on the diameters of convex polytopes.
AdvOL-Report 2009/5, McMaster University (2009)
Andrew Baker, Antoine Deza and Frantisek Franek,
On the structure of run-maximal strings.
AdvOL-Report 2009/4, McMaster University (2009)
Antoine Deza, Chris Dickson, Tamas Terlaky, Anthony Vannelli and Hu Zhang,
Global routing in VLSI design: algorithms, theory, and computational practice.
AdvOL-Report 2008/2, McMaster University (2008)
A. Deza, F. Franek, W. Hua, M. Meszka and A. Rosa,
Solutions to the Oberwolfach problem for orders 18 to 40.
AdvOL-Report 2008/06, McMaster University (2008).
[Link to the article]
Y. Li and T. Terlaky,
A New Class of Large Neighborhood Path-Following Interior Point
Algorithms for Semidefinite Optimization with Iteration Complexity
AdvOL-Report 2008/04, McMaster University (2008).
[Link to the article]
A. Deza, C. Dickson, T. Terlaky, A. Vannelli, and H. Zhang,
Global Routing in VLSI Design: Algorithms, Theory, and Computational Practice.
AdvOL-Report 2008/02, McMaster University (2008).
[Link to the article]
A. Ghaffari-Hadigheh, O. Romanko and T. Terlaky,
Bi-Parametric Convex Quadratic Optimization.
AdvOL-Report 2008/01, McMaster University (2008).
[Link to the article]
E. Nematollahi and T. Terlaky,
A Redundant Klee-Minty Construction with All the Redundant Constraints Touching the Feasible Region.
AdvOL-Report 2007/18, McMaster University (2007).
[Link to the article]
A. Deza, T. Terlaky and Y. Zinchenko,
The continuous d-step conjecture for polytopes.
AdvOL-Report 2007/16, McMaster University (2007).
[Link to the article]
Y. Zinchenko, T. Craig, H. Keller, M. Sharpe and T. Terlaky,
Controlling the dose distribution with gEUD-type constraints within the convex IMRTP framework.
AdvOL-Report 2007/15, McMaster University (2007).
[Link to the article]
D. Bremner, A. Deza and F. Xie,
The complexity of the envelope of line and plane arrangements.
AdvOL-Report 2007/14, McMaster University (2007).
[Link to the article]
Industrial reports
E. Jewkes, Technical Report to Grand River Hospital on Process improvements to their Emergency Department. (2010).
Patent Applications
- A. Vaccaro, T. H. M. El-Fouly, C. A. Cañizares, K. Bhattacharya, and Gord Ellis, "System, Method and Computer Program for Forecasting Energy Price," US Provisional Patent 61559295, November 14, 2011.
- M. Chehreghani, H. Hassen, and S. A. Hashmi, C. A. Cañizares, K. Bhattacharya, and G. D. Ellis, "System, Computer Program, and Method for Providing an Energy Hub," US Provisional Patent 61470098, March 31, 2011.