Deterministic OR Models - C &O 370 - Fall 1996
An applications-oriented course that illustrates how various
mathematical models and
methods of optimization can be used to solve problems arising in
business, industry and
Professor Henry Wolkowicz,
MC 6065, ext. 5589,
Graeme Hepworth - Office MC5136A - extension 5334 - email
address: ga2hepwo@barrow (two units)
Jacky Ho - Office MC5136A - extension 5334 - email address:
Office Hours:
Henry Wolkowicz, MC6065: M 1-2, R 3-4
Graeme Hepworth, MC5136A: W 10-12
Jacky Ho, MC5136A: F 11:30-12:30
(01) 10:00-11:30 TR, MC 2037
(02) 13:00-14:30 TR, MC 4041
Applied Mathematical Programming, Bradley, Hax and Magnanti
(typos found in text, please send me any typos you find!!)
GAMS, A User's Guide, Brooke, Kendrick and Merraus
Linear Programming, Chvatal
Intro. to Math. Programming, Hillier & Lieberman
Home Page, C&O 370,
Term Work:
will consist of homework problems, case studies,
and a research project.
(See attached schedule of assignments, due dates and instructions.)
Midterm Exam:
2-hour exam, 7-9PM,
Friday, Nov. 1, 1996 in MC 4042/MC 4045
(in case of conflicts the time will be 5-7PM in MC 4040)
Final Exam:
A 3-hour exam, scheduled by the registrar.
Marking Scheme:
Homework............ 13%
Case Studies........ 17%
Research Project.... 20%
Midterm Exam........ 20%
Final Exam.......... 30%
- Major Topics
- Sub-topics
- Resources
for the different topics are included.
Mathematical Programming ( Chapter 1)
Introduction to Operations Research
History, Impact, Careers, Software.
An Overview of Modeling
Formulation, Constructing a Model, Solution, Testing, Implementation.
Related Resources:
Linear Programming, LP, Review
The - Revised Simplex Method and Bounded
Variable Simplex Method ( Chapter 2 & Appendices A & B)
Duality ( Chapter 4: 4.1-4.6 and 4.8)
Sensitivity Analysis ( Chapter 3)
- Related Resources:
Nonlinear Programming, NLP( Chapter 13, 13.1-13.4, 13.8-13.9)
Sample Models, Local and Global Optimum, Convex Functions
Interior-point methods (for LP), SUMT
Lagrange Multipliers
Related Resources:
Network Programming ( Topics from Chapter 8)
Models of Production & Transportation
Network Flow Problems
Sensitivity Analysis
Integer Programming ( Sections 9.1-9.4)
Binary Variables, logistical equations
Cutting Stock (delayed column generation) (Chvatal, pgs 195-200)
Cutting Planes
Related Resources:
Dynamic Programming ( Topics from Chapter 11)
Models of Replacement & Allocation
Path Problems & Recursive Computation
Related Resources:
Algorithms and Software - Topics from all the above
Newton's Method ( Section 13.9)
Primal-Dual, Interior-Point Algorithms for LP and SDP ( Section 13.8)
Column Generation and Decomposition for large scale LPs
( Sections 9.1-9.4)
Implicit Enumeration; knapsack problem
There will be 4 homework assignments given throughout the term.
Each will consist of problems and specified readings from the text,
references and resource materials listed on the
C&O 370 homepage.
The problems are to be done individually and handed in for grading.
Some problems will be computational exercises giving practice
with implementing general algorithms,
using available software; and others will be modelling
exercises giving practice with extracting
precise mathematical formulations from applied problems.
- Format for Computational Exercises:
- Problem Statement
- Solution Summary
- Outline of Solution Method
Format for Modelling Exercises:
- Problem Statement
- Solution Summary (if appropriate)
- Model Development (see section on Case Studies for details)
- Brief Model Critique
The T.A.'s will mark a subset of the problems and will hold office hours to
help resolve any difficulties you may
The 10% contribution of homework to your course grade belies its
importance, as both exams will be based upon
homework readings and problems.
Following are the homework assignments and their due dates.
Homework #1 (Linear Programming)
Due: Tuesday, Sept. 24
Homework #2 (Nonlinear Programming)
Due: Thursday, October 10
- 2.1 B/H/M, p. 608, #3
- 2.2 B/H/M, p. 610-611, #5
- 2.4 B/H/M, pp. 621, #26
- 2.3 B/H/M, pp. 622-623, #28
comments from the marker
Homework #3 (Network Programming)
Due: Tuesday, November 5
- 2.1 B/H/M, p. 354, #10
- 2.2 B/H/M, p. 356, #14
- 2.3 B/H/M, p. 359, #17
- 2.4 Chvatal, p. 388, #22.10
comments from the marker
Homework #4 (Mixed Integer and Dynamic Programming)
Due: Tuesday, November 26
- 3.1 B/H/M, p. 496, #17
- 3.2 B/H/M, p. 414, #19
- 3.3 Chvatal, pp. 211-212, #13.2a
- 3.4 B/H/M, pp. 421-422, #26
(Only this last problem is Due: Thursday,
November 28, from old case study 4)
comments from the marker
Case Studies are definitive problems requiring a greater degree of analysis
and thoroughness of presentation than do
homework problems.
Generally, computer software such as GAMS will be a required component of
such problems.
Case Studies should be formal reports, as if done for a
They should be concise, clearly written and self-contained.
Format for Case Studies
- Problem Statement
- Solution Summary
- Model
- Assumptions
- Index Sets and Variables
- Data
- Program (objective function & constraints, clearly expressed and
- Assessment of Solution Validity
- Critique of Model Choice and Assumptions
- Appendices (e.g. GAMS Program & Output)
Each Case Study should be done in groups of 2 or 3 students.
These groups may be comprised of students from either of the two sections
of the course.
On the given due dates each group should submit one paper only, with each
group member's name, I.D. and course
section number on the title page.
Each case study will be graded and returned to you.
The grading will be based upon both technical accuracy and clarity of
It is imperative that you stretch your communication skills.
Following are the Case Studies and their due dates.
Diet Problem
(Due: Thursday September 26)
B/H/M, pp. 193-194, #6; include the solution of a sample problem
using the
Optimization Technology Center facility, i.e. their
Diet Problem model.
(Note: You will save a lot of time by checking out - clicking -
on their diet problem model. For those with no netscape:
no tables Diet Problem model for mosaic.)
Include sensitivity analysis information, e.g.
what happens if: the prices of the foods change; the nutrient
requirements change; new foods are added?
marking scheme for case study 1
marker comments for case study 1
Outer Approximation of Union of Ellipsoids
(Due: Tuesday October 15)
due date postponed to Thursday Oct 17 - Happy Thanksgiving.
Find the smallest volume ellipsoid that covers the union of p given
ellipsoids. Each ellipsoid is expressed via an associated quadratic function.
(Use random data to construct 5 ellipsoids.)
The software (matlab) for this problem has been copied and installed in
the directory: /u3/co370/maxdet
on the undergrad.math environment. Please use cayley, napier, or
descartes machines. You can copy the startup.m file to your
directory; which will set the path properly when you start matlab. You
will then be able to use these files from your own directory.
(Thanks to Colin Campbell in DCS for many hours of help to get this
installed. Thanks also to
Shao-Po Wu at Stanford for quick changes so that the installation
could proceed.)
local notes on geometrical problems (from notes by Boyd and Vandenberghe)
local copy of MAXDET complete package (from Boyd and Vandenberghe)
Note that the complete package can be obtained by anonymous ftp to
orion - if you encounter problems with downloading this using mosaic.)
Determinant maximization with linear matrix inequality constraints
(URL: http://WWW-ISL.Stanford.EDU/~boyd/maxdet.html)
MAXDET: software for determinant maximization
(URL: http://WWW-ISL.Stanford.EDU/~boyd/MAXDET.html)
for maxdet problems.
(URL: http://WWW-ISL.Stanford.EDU/~boyd/SDPSOL.html)
marker comments for case study 2
Faculty-Course Assignments (Ahuja, Magnanti, Orlin, 1993)
(Due: Thursday, November 7)
A graduate school of Management Science revamped its curriculum. This
change necessitated an increased centralization of the annual scheduling
of faculty to courses. The large size of the problem (100 faculty, 500
courses, and 3 semesters) suggested that a mathematical model would be
useful for determining an initial solution. The administration knows the
courses to be taught in each of the three teaching semesters (fall,
winter, and spring). Some courses can be taught in either of the two
specified semesters; this information is available. A faculty member
might not be available in all the semesters (due to leaves, sabbaticals,
or other special circumstances) and when he is available he might be
relieved from teaching some courses by using his project grants for
"faculty offset time." Suppose that the administration knows the
semesters when a faculty member will be available and the total number
of courses he will be teaching in those semesters. The school would
like to maximize the preferences of the faculty for teaching the
courses. The administration determines these preferences through an
annual faculty questionnaire. The preference weights range from -2 to +2
and the administration occasionally revises the weights to reflect
teaching ability and student inputs. Suggest a network model for
determining a teaching schedule. (Use your own sample data to test
the model.)
General: In groups of three or less, you are to solve one of the
attached problems.
You may use any resources as aids, provided you reference them carefully.
You may consult with instructors/tutors concerning your planned approach
and to obtain limited technical
Projects should be clearly written self-contained reports with the
narrative parts typed in English.
Guidelines: The project problems tend to be open-ended and are
unlikely to have unique solutions.
It is a good idea to solve completely a restricted, or core,
version of your problem by making
appropriate simplifying assumptions and then to do what you can with each
of a progression of harder versions, or
extensions, obtained by relaxing the assumptions.
Your project will be assessed primarily in terms of how well you
communicate your knowledge of both the problem and
your model.
Accordingly, make your analysis as thorough as possible, and make certain
that your model is an appropriate one.
In many instances you are not given specific data for the problem. In
this case, please make up your own data.
Format: The format should be similar to that of the case studies,
with the added components of a detailed
model critique and analyses of core problem extensions.
The report structure should include:
title page/table of contents/abstract/summary of results/mainbody/references/appendices.
The summary of results should offer motivation for the reader
to want to read the rest of the report.
It begins on a separate page (following the abstract), which is page number 1.
The main body should contain your model(s), clearly developed
and annotated, your core problem analysis,
your extensions and avenues for further study.
Divide the main body into subsections as appropriate.
References (not a bibliography) are associated with the
citations in the text.
Include books, papers, software and personal consultations.
Appendices should be used for such things as extended
background material, programmed versions of your
model(s) and output and any kind of lengthy detail that would interfere
with the flow of text.
Include, as a separate enclosure, a reproduction of
presentation materials which you would use for a 20
minute oral presentation of your work.
Well in advance of the project due date arrange a meeting with your
professor to discuss your overall study plan,
your choice of model(s) and the resources which you anticipate using.
Project Due Date: Tuesday, November 19, in class.
Presentation Dates: Tuesday, November 26 through Tuesday,
December 3.
Ellipsoidal Approximations
Study and solve the following geometrical problems:
Outer Ellipsoid:
Find the ellipsoid of minimal volume that contains p given points in
n-dimensional Euclidean space.
Find the ellipsoid of minimal volume that contains p given ellipsoids in
n-dimensional Euclidean space.
Inner Ellipsoid:
Find the ellipsoid of maximal volume contained in a given polytope in
n-dimensional Euclidean space.
Find the ellipsoid of maximal volume contained in the intersection of
p given ellipsoids in
n-dimensional Euclidean space.
(Use random data to construct ellipsoids.)
Routing and Oil Distribution
This project deals with routing sea-going vessels which
carry oil products from refineries to delivery depots.
Suggested problem data:
three oil refineries
twelve to fifteen depots (customers)
five different oil products
10 vessels (roughly 8 compartments per vessel)
5 vessels are owned but there is a daily cost to operate them.
5 vessels are rented and the demurrage (overtime) costs are
very high (say 10 x daily rate ); while the
regular daily rate
is the same as the "owned" vessels.
Each depot has unique storage and consumption patterns for each product
(assume a linear consumption rate),
and of course, an inventory at any point in time.
Not all the refineries produce each product.
Travel times are unknown and vary slightly. A normal travel time is in
order of days with about a 10\% error.
Since the depots do not place orders, it is part of the
project to determine order quantities to guarantee that
a customer never runs out of any product.
Depot storage capacities cannot be exceeded.
Only one product per compartment is allowed. All of this product must
be delivered to one customer (i.e. it cannot be split).
Refineries have unlimited capacity.
Minimize expected long run total distribution cost (not including
inventory holding costs), by developing a set of orders and vessel
Reference: W.J. Bell et al, "Improving the Distribution of
Industrial Gases with an On-line Computerized Routing and Scheduling
Optimizer", INTERFACES, Vol 13, No. 6, pp4-23, 1983.
Truck Scheduling
A division of an international trucking firm provides emergency freight
services with a fleet of over 200 trucks covering a geographic area east of
the Mississipi in the U.S. and Ontario and Quebec in Canada.
Their problem is to provide a level of service (response time) to
customers within this large service area. They want to get a vehicle (power
unit) to a customer's site within 90 minutes. Considering the time it takes
to get a vehicle moving, etc., this usually means they need a vehicle to be
within 60 miles of a customer when the emergency call is fielded.
The company would like to set up "service centers" that could
be anything where a truck (or set of trucks) could hang out. These service
centers (they could be truck stops, donut shops, etc...) would be located
such that a large number of the shipments (loads, pick ups) could be handled
within the 90 minute pick up tolerance level.
Construct a network where
the nodes would be the "service
centers" and the arcs would be the roads used to connect the "service
centers". The weighting on the nodes would be the number of loads (pick ups)
expected in a certain timeframe (i.e. within the next 12 hours). The
weighting on the links would be the number of times we travel between the
adjacent nodes. There might be two weightings on the links - since they
should probably be bi-directional.
Assume that several years worth of trip experience is known.
(Use fictitious data.)
Find the best placement for their trucks
so that customer service (time to respond to an
emergency pick up) is minimized; running trucks empty is minimized; and
turn downs (cannot take a load because we don't have the right truck in
the service center) is minimized. In short, find a way to
optimally position the fleet of trucks.
Some other points to consider:
- Assume orders arrive randomly in time.
- All vehicles are equipped with satellite tracking and communication
devices so they can begin the repositioning of a vehicle relatively quickly.
- All vehicles must adhere to the legal driving time regulations - which
may impact their ability to reposition quickly.
- Vehicles travel at 45 mph on average.
- Vehicles are 6 different types - minivan, cargo van, 1-ton, 3-ton, 5-ton
and tractor trailer. Demand and supply for each vehicle size needs to be in
the optimization equation.
- Most of the time there is one load per vehicle.
- To move a truck empty costs 50 cents a mile. A truck under load is
generating revenue. They want to minimize empty mile costs.
Designing a University Campus
Suppose that a new university is to be built on a given parcel of land.
After some preliminary analysis, certain fixed locations are chosen for the
buildings. Decide which buildings should go into which locations. You
should take into account
the cost of the building and the flow (people) between
different buildings.
(As a possible scenario, pick U. of W. and decide if the buildings can be
relocated in a more optimal way.)
Courier Service
Loomis Couriers of Mississauga is a company with a mandate to deliver
parcels anywhere in
Canada in an economical and QUICK manner.
One of the most unstructured delivery routes in Canada is that of Toronto's
downtown core. The
driver can not simply park on the side of the road as is done for all other
He would block traffic and get parking tickets.
Besides, this method would be much too slow.
The current solution is to have four "walkers" who are roughly stationed
at the four corners
of downtown.
The driver comes down off the freeway and chooses a walker to go see.
He drops the first batch of parcels to that walker and then makes a
decision as to whom he
should see next.
He continues until all parcels are delivered.
Develop a model by which the driver can minimize his total delivery time.
In general, the following information must be supplied to the model:
A map labelled with the times required for the driver to get from corner to
The number of parcels that each walker has to deliver
The time required for the walkers to deliver a parcel and for the driver to
deliver parcels to
the walkers
The number of parcels that one walker can can carry at a time.
Test your model using the following data:
Walker.............Intersection............Parcels to deliver
A............York & Wellington...............49
B............York & Queen......................31
C............Younge & Shuter..................43
D............Younge & King.....................22
Coal Tipple Operations
The Aspen-Boulder Coal Company runs a loading facility consisting of a
single large coal tipple.
When coal trains arrive, they are loaded from the tipple.
The standard train takes 3 hours to load and the tipple's capacity is 1-1/2
standard trainloads
of coal.
Each day, the railroad sends three standard trains to the loading facility
and they arrive any
time between 5 AM and 8 PM local time.
Each of these trains has three engines.
If a train arrives and sits idle while waiting to be loaded, the railroad
charges a special
fee, called a demurrage.
The fee is $5000 per engine per hour.
In addition, a high capacity train arrives once a week every Thursday
between 11AM and 1 PM.
This special train has five engines and holds twice as much coal as a
standard train.
An empty tipple can be loaded directly from the mine to its capacity in 6
hours by a single
loading crew.
This crew (and its associated equipment) costs $9000 per hour.
A second crew can be called to increase the loading rate by conducting an
tipple-loading operation at the cost of $12,000 per hour.
Because of safety requirements, during tipple loading, no trains can be loaded.
Whenever train loading is interrupted to load the tipple, demurrage charges
are in effect.
The management of the Coal Company has asked you to determine the expected
annual costs of this
tipple's loading operations.
Your analysis should include the following considerations:
How often should the second crew be called out?
What are the expected monthly demurrage costs?
If the standard trains could be scheduled to arrive at precise times, what
daily schedule would
minimize loading costs?
Can this tipple support a fourth standard train every day?
Operational Analysis
Select a local business, and determine in what ways it might benefit
from some sort of operational analysis.
For example, one might select a business such as Domino's Pizza
and determine in what ways its delivery policy
might be made more profitable.
Alternatively, one might select a manufacturing business such as
Brick Brewery and determine in what ways its
production-inventory schedule might be improved.
(In particular, Schneider's in Kitchener has an interesting "optimal
mixing" problem.)