This course provides a rigorous up-to-date treatment of topics in
Continuous Optimization (Nonlinear Programming). This includes a
hands-on approach with exposure to existing software packages.
Professor Henry Wolkowicz,
MC 6065, ext. 5589,
Office Hours:
Henry Wolkowicz, MC6065: M 12:30-1:30, R 3-4
Additional References:
Practical Optimization,
P.E. Gill, W. Murray, M.H. Wright.
Numerical Methods for Unconstrained Optimization and
Nonlinear Equations, J.E. Dennis and R.B. Schnabel
Nonlinear Programming: theory and algorithms, M.S. Bazaraa, C.M. Shetty, Sherali
Linear and Nonlinear Programming, D.G. Luenberger, Second Edition
Nonlinear Programming, Peressini, Sullivan, Uhl
Practical Methods of Optimization, R. Fletcher
Mathematical Programming Methods, G, Zoutendijk
Nonlinear Programming, G.P. McCormick
Mathematical programming : theory and algorithms,
M. Minoux (QA402.5.M5613)
Optimization by Vector Space Methods, D.G. Luenberger
Convex Analysis, R.T. Rockafellar
Theory of Extremal Problems, A.D. Ioffe and V.M. Tihomirov
Home Page, C&O 466/666,
Term Work:
will consist of homework problems
(See attached schedule of assignments.)
Final Exam:
A 3-hour exam, scheduled by the registrar.
(Please see the detailed course outline for topics covered during the
Marking Scheme:
Homework............ 50%
Final Exam.......... 50%
- Major Topics
- Sub-topics
- Resources
for the different topics are included.
(These are included for your
interest. You are not responsible for these topics for the exams or
assignments. However, they are useful aids.)
Unconstrained Optimization ( Chapter 1, except for Section 1.9.)
Optimality Conditions
first and second order; proofs; convex case
Gradient Methods - Convergence
Steepest Descent; stepsize rules; rates of convergence; Armijo rule with
proof; concepts of sufficient decrease and gradient related; behaviour
on quadratic functions
Newton's Method and Variations
(outline of Conjugate Gradient, Quasi-Newton, and Trust Region Methods);
details of proof of convergence, with rates, for Newton's method;
steepest descent convergence on quadratics
Least Squares Problems
Optimization Over a Convex Set (Chapter 2, except for Sections 2.4 and
Optimality Conditions
Feasible Directions Methods
Lagrange Multiplier Theory (Chapter 3, except for Section 3.4.)
Necessary Conditions for Equality Constraints
Sufficient Conditions and Sensitivity Analysis
Inequality Constraints
Lagrange Multiplier Algorithms ( Chapter 4, except for parts of
Sections 4.2 and 4.3.)
Barrier and Interior Point Methods
Penalty and Augmented Lagrangian Methods
The Quadratic Penalty Function Method
Exact Penalty Methods - Sequential Quadratic Programming
Lagrangian Methods
Duality and Convex Programming (Chapter 5, the first three sections and
a selection from Section 5.4.)
The Dual Problem
Lagrange Multipliers, The Weak Duality Theorem
Strong Duality
Duality Methods (Chapter 6)
Nondifferentiable Optimization Methods
Lagrangian Relaxation
Nonlinear Programming Software
Homework #1 (Unconstrained Optimization)
Due: Thursday January 22
- Bertsekas, topics in Chapter 1 and Appendices A and B
- Bertsekas, pp16, 1.1.8 (Steiner's Problem)
- Bertsekas, 1.2.12
- Bertsekas, 1.3.5
- Bertsekas, 1.8.3
solutions Assignment 1, thanks to John MacPhail.
Homework #2 (Optimization Over a Convex Set)
Due: Tuesday February 10
- Bertsekas, topics in Chapter 2
- Bertsekas, 1.4.7 (Trust Regions)
- Bertsekas, 2.2.7 (Simplicial Decomposition)
- Bertsekas, 2.3.1 (Scaled Gradient Projection)
Homework #3 (Lagrange Multiplier Theory)
Due: Tuesday February 24
- Bertsekas, topics in Chapter 3
- Bertsekas, Pgs 187-188, 2.1.10 and 2.1.11(2nd order optimality)
- Bertsekas, Pg 245, 2.6.1 (affine scaling)
- Bertsekas, Pgs 270-271, 3.1.4 and 3.1.5 (Lagrange multipliers)
Homework #4 (Lagrange Multiplier Algorithms)
Due: Tuesday March 10
- Bertsekas, topics in Chapter 4
- Bertsekas, Page 327, 4.1.1.
- Bertsekas, Page 328, 4.1.6.
- Bertsekas, Page 359, 4.2.6.
- Bertsekas, Page 361, 4.2.9.
Homework #5
Due: Thursday April 2
- Bertsekas, topics in Chapters 5 and 6