Michael Brannan 's Publications and Preprints

Refereed Publications

  1. Quantum expanders from property (T) discrete quantum groups (with E. Culf and M. Vernooij).
    Submitted [pdf]

  2. Quantum graphs, subfactors and tensor categories I (with R. Hernández Palomares).
    Submitted [arXiv]

  3. Quantum no-signalling bicorrelations (with S. Harris, I. Todorov, and L. Turowska).
    Advances in Mathematics 449 (2024), 109732. [arXiv]

  4. Quantum edge correspondences and quantum Cuntz-Krieger algebras (with M. Hamidi, L. Ismert, B. Nelson and M. Wasilewski).
    Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 107 (2023), no. 2, 886--913. [arXiv]

  5. Crossed product equivalence of quantum automorphism groups (with F. Elzinga, S. Harris, and M Yamashita).
    International Mathematics Research Notices, No. 20 (2023), 17749--17787. [arXiv]

  6. Synchronicity for quantum non-local games (with S. Harris, I. Todorov, and L. Turowska).
    Journal of Functional Analysis 284 (2023), no. 2, Paper No. 109738. [arXiv]

  7. The quantum-to-classical graph homomorphism game (with P. Ganesan and S. Harris).
    Journal of Mathematical Physics 63 (2022), no. 11, Paper No. 112204, 34 pp. [arXiv]

  8. Quantum Cuntz-Krieger Algebras (with K. Eifler, C. Voigt and M. Weber).
    Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 9 (2022), 782--826. [arXiv]

  9. Complete Logarithmic Sobolev inequalities via Ricci curvature bounded below, II (with L. Gao and M. Junge).
    Journal of Topology and Analysis, in press https://doi.org/10.1142/S1793525321500461. [arXiv]

  10. Complete Logarithmic Sobolev inequalities via Ricci curvature bounded below (with L. Gao and M. Junge).
    Advances in Mathematics 394 (2022), 108129. [arXiv]

  11. Actions, quotients and lattices of locally compact quantum groups (with A. Chrivasitu and A. Viselter).
    Documenta Mathematica 25 (2020), 2553-2582. [arXiv]

  12. Property RD and hypercontractivity for orthogonal free quantum groups (with R. Vergnioux and S. Youn).
    International Mathematics Research Notices 2021 (2021), 1573-1601. [arXiv]

  13. Temperley-Lieb quantum channels (with B. Collins, H.H. Lee and S. Youn).
    Communications in Mathematical Physics 376 (2020), 795-839. [arXiv]

  14. Topological generation and matrix models for quantum reflection groups (with A. Chirvasitu and A. Freslon).
    Advances in Mathematics 363 (2020), 106982. [arXiv]

  15. Bigalois extensions and the graph isomorphism game (with A. Chirvasitu, K. Eifler, S. Harris, V. Paulsen, X. Su, and M. Wasilewski).
    Communications in Mathematical Physics 375 (2020), 1777-1809. [arXiv]

  16. Property (T), property (F) and residual finiteness for discrete quantum groups, (with A. Bhattacharya, A. Chirvasitu and S. Wang).
    Journal of Noncommutative Geometry 14 (2020), 567-589. [arXiv]

  17. Dual bases in Temperley-Lieb algebras (with B. Collins).
    Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics 80 (2019), 43-52. [pdf]

  18. On the similarity problem for locally compact quantum groups (with S. Youn).
    Journal of Funcional Analysis 276 (2019), 1313-1337. [arXiv]

  19. Entanglement and the Temperley-Lieb Category (with B.Collins).
    Contemporary Mathematics 747 (2020), 27-50. [pdf]

  20. Dual bases in Temperley-Lieb algebras, quantum groups, and a question of Jones (with B.Collins).
    Quantum Topology 9 (2018), 715-748. [arXiv]

  21. Orthogonal free quantum group factors are strongly 1-bounded (with R. Vergnioux).
    Advances in Mathematics 329 (2018), 133-156. [arXiv]

  22. Quantum groups, property (T), and weak mixing (with D. Kerr).
    Communications in Mathematical Physics 360 (2018), 1043-1059. [arXiv]

  23. Complete metric approximation property for q-Araki-Woods algbras (with S. Avsec and M. Wasilewski).
    Journal of Functional Analysis 274 (2018), 544-572. [arXiv]

  24. Highly entangled, non-random subspaces of tensor products from quantum groups (with B.Collins).
    Communications in Mathematical Physics 358 (2018), 1007--1025. [arXiv]

  25. Leinert sets and complemented ideals in Fourier algebras (with B. Forrest and C. Zwarich).
    Studia Mathematica 239 (2017), 273-296. [arXiv]

  26. Approximation properties for locally compact quantum groups .
    Banach Center Publications 111 (2017), 185-232. [arXiv]

  27. L_p-representations of discrete quantum groups (with Z.-J. Ruan).
    Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 732 (2017), 165-210. [arXiv]

  28. The Connes embedding property for quantum group von Neumann algebras (with B. Collins and R. Vergnioux).
    Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 369 (2017), 3799-3819. [arXiv]

  29. Quantum groups and generalized circular elements (with K. Kirkpatrick).
    Pacific Journal of Mathematics 282 (2016), 35-61. [arXiv]

  30. Strong asymptotic freeness for free orthogonal quantum groups.
    Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 57 (2014), 708-720. [arXiv]

  31. Extending multipliers of the Fourier algebra from a subgroup (with B. Forrest).
    Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 142 (2014), 1181-1191. [pdf]

  32. Reduced operator algebras of trace-preserving quantum automorphism groups.
    Documenta Mathematica 18 (2013), 1349-1402. [arXiv]

  33. Completely bounded representations of convolution algebras of locally compact quantum groups (with M. Daws and E. Samei).
    Münster Journal of Mathematics 6 (2013), 445-482. [arXiv]

  34. Approximation properties for free orthogonal and free unitary quantum groups.
    Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 672 (2012), 223-251. [arXiv]

  35. Quantum symmetries and strong Haagerup inequalities.
    Communications in Mathematical Physics 311 (2012), 21-53. [arXiv]

  36. The similarity problem for Fourier algebras and corepresentations of group von Neumann algebras (with E. Samei).
    Journal of Functional Analysis 259 (2010), 2073-2097. [pdf]

  37. Error estimates for Dominici's Hermite function asymptotic formula and some applications (with R. Kerman and M. L. Huang).
    ANZIAM Journal 50 (2009), 550-561. [pdf]

Book Reviews and Other Publications

  1. Book review: ``Alice and Bob meet Banach--The interface of asymptotic geometric analysis and quantum information theory'', by Guillaume Auburn and Stanislaw J. Szarek.
    Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society (2020). In press.
  2. Operator spaces and ideals in Fourier algebras.
    Master of Mathematics Thesis, University of Waterloo (2008). [pdf]