Reduced word compatible sequence graph generator
Java Applet developed with Hannah Kolb-Spinoza, under the guidance of Alexander Yong.
Space of octagons
Java Applet developed with Gregory Puleo, under the guidance of Jayadev Athreya and George Francis.
Space of octagons
Henneberg's minimal surface
I coded a program using Python and OpenGL for the Illinois Simulator Lab's immersion environment, the CUBE, under the guidance of George Francis.
Henneberg's minimal surface
I coded several of fractal Applets using Java.
Mathematical art
Fractal flame art created using Apophysis and GIMP.
Mathematical art
Mathematical gastronomy
A number of tasty mathematical treats.
Mathematical gastronomy
Mathematical knitting and crocheting
Some hand-crafted mathematical structures.
Mathematical knitting and crocheting
I really enjoy folding and then assembling modular structures out of paper.