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Projects and Collaborations
Emprical growth laws in bacterial physiology
Exponential growth imposes constraints on resource allocation within the organism. By tracking the abundance of ribosomes (which drive protein synthesis) and expression of unregulated proteins under a variety of growth perturbations, together with Terry Hwa (UCSD) we have uncovered a series of 'growth laws' that provide insight into indirect regulation of endogenous and synthetic genetic elements within a growing cell.
coarse-grained view of physiology afforded by the 'growth laws'
provides a new approach to the optimization of heterologous protein
expression for biomanufacturing processes (in collaboration with Perry Chou (Chemical Engineering,
UWaterloo)), elucidation of how
infection virulence impacts apparent
susceptibility to antibiotic treatment (in collaboration with Rosalind
Allen (UEdinburgh)), and design-principles at work
in the earliest stages of life on this planet.
Modelling DNA replication
in the eukaryotic cell cycle
Misregulation of the cell division cycle occurs in the development of
most cancers. Together with Bernie Duncker (Biology,
UWaterloo) our group has developed a differential-equation based model
that describes the initiation of DNA replication in the eukaryotic cell
cycle. Ongoing work involves characterizing the dynamics of cell cycle
checkpoints in our model organism, Saccharomyces
Model-based design of
bioprocess operations
With Marc Aucoin (Chemical Engineering,
UWaterloo), we are developing stochastic models of viral infection
events in a virus-delivery based protein-production process. Genes for
the recombinant protein are delivered to insect cell hosts via
infection by engineered herpes virus. Our model aims to predict the
dynamics of infection in the culture, with the aim of reducing the cost
of pre-process viral production while maintaining product yield.
Elimination of antibiotic
resistance plasmids
Antibiotic resistant bacteria now present a significant health
challenge. In many instances, the genes responsible for resistance are
carried on an extra-chomosomal genomic element, called a plasmid.
Building on initial modelling efforts, we are investigating a means of
eliminating plasmids from bacterial populations by taking advantage of
the copy-number-control mechanisms that naturally limit their abundance
in individual cells. This work is coupled to our efforts to model the
environmental spread of antibiotic resistance plasmids through
wastewater treatment plants, begin carried out in collaboration with Chris Yost (URegina).
Selected Publications M. Scott, P. Greulich, M. Evans, R. J. Allen (2015)
Growth-dependent bacterial susceptibility to ribosome-targeting antibiotics. Molecular
Systems Biology 11: 796. [pdf]. M. Scott, S. Klumpp, E. M.
Mateescu and T. Hwa (2014)
Emergence of robust growth laws from optimal regulation of ribosome
synthesis. Molecular
Systems Biology 10: 747. [pdf]