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Data Sets, R/Splus/SAS Code and OutputEXAMPLE I: Tumorgenicity Data from Gail et al (1980)
EXAMPLE II: rhDNase Data | |||||||
Data and Code for SORA Workshop on May 15, 2008SAS and R/Splus Codes
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Data and Code for Medtronic Workshop on October 1-2, 2009Sample Code using the etm() Function in R The etm() function computes an empirical transition matrix for right-censored data based on the Aalen-Johansen estimate. It is available for download from the web-site of the R-project where an excellent documentation file can also be obtained. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=etmHere we give a brief illustration of how it can be used to estimate state occupancy probabilities and cumulative mean functions for the progressive multistate model in Figure 5.3 of Cook and Lawless (2007). The datafile below was obtained by simulating event times according to a time homogeneous Poisson process over the unit interval with rate 2, with 25% of patients censored before t=1 from an exponential censoring time.