Cook RJ and Lawless JF.
Selection processes, transportability, and failure time analysis in life history studies.
Biostatistics. , 2025,
26 (1), in press.
Bühler A*, Cook RJ and Lawless JF.
Estimands and cumulative incidence function regression in clinical trials: some new results on interpretability and robustness.
Statistics in Medicine. , 2024,
43 (29), 5513-5533.
Cook RJ and Lawless JF.
Estimands in clinical trials of complex disease processes.
Clinical Trials , 2024,
21 (5), 604-611.
Cook RJ and Lawless JF.
Methodological challenges in studying disease processes using observational cohort data.
Japanese Journal of Statistics and Data Science , 2024,
Cook RJ and Lawless JF.
Statistical and scientific considerations concerning the interpretation, replicability and transportabilityof research findings.
The Journal of Rheumatology , 2024,
51 (2), 117–129.
Cook RJ and Moodie EEM.
A retrospective and prospective study of biostatistics in Canada.
The Canadian Journal of Public Health , 2024,
Mao F* and Cook RJ.
Two-phase biomarker studies for disease progression with multiple registries.
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society - Series C , 2024,
Mao F, Cheung L and Cook RJ.
Two-phase designs with failure time processes subject to non-susceptibility.
Biometrics , 2024,
80 (1).
Boher JM, Filleron T, Bunouf P and Cook RJ.
Group sequential methods based on supremum logrank statistics under proportional and nonproportional hazards.
Statistical Methods for Medical Research , 2024,
33 (7), 1137-1151.
Akkaya-Hocagil T*, Ryan LM, Cook RJ, Dang K-D, Carter RC, Richardson GA, Day NL, Coles CD, Carmichael Olson H, Jacobson SW and Jacobson JL.
Benchmark dose profiles for bivariate exposures.
Risk Analysis , 2024,
Li K*, Akkaya-Hocagil T*, Cook RJ, Ryan L, Dang KD, Carter C, Jacobson S, Jacobson J.
Generalized propensity scores for causal analysis with multiple exposures.
Statistics in Biosciences , 2024,
Yang C*, Diao L, Li X, Cook RJ.
Regression trees for interval-censored failure time data based on censoring unbiased transformations and pseudo-observations.
Canadian Journal of Statistics , 2024,
Dang K-D, Ryan LM, Akkaya-Hocagil T†, Cook RJ, Richardson GA, Day NL, Coles CD, Carmichael Olson H, Jacobson SW, Jacobson JL.
Bayesian structural equation modeling for data from multiple cohorts: application to a meta-analysis of the effect of pre-natal alcohol on child cognition.
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics , 2023,
65 (3), 167-186.
Boher JM, Filleron T, Bunouf P and Cook RJ.
New late-emphasis and combination tests based on infimum and supremum logrank statistics
with application in oncology trials.
Statistics in Medicine , 2023,
42 (12), 1981-1994.
Bühler A*, Cook RJ and Lawless JF.
Multistate models as a framework for estimand specification in clinical trials of complex processes.
Statistics in Medicine , 2023,
42 (9), 1368-1397.
Cuerden M*, Diao L, Cotton CA and Cook RJ.
Doubly weighted mean score etimating functions with
a partially observed effect modifier.
Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods ,
published online on January 19, 2023.
Dang K-D, Ryan LM, Cook RJ, Akkaya-Hocagil T*, Jacobson SW, Jacobson JL.
Bayesian outcome selection modeling.
STAT , 2023,
12 (1), e568.
Mao F* and Cook RJ.
Two-phase designs with current status data.
Statistics in Medicine , 2023,
42 (8), 1207-1232.
Akkaya-Hocagil T*, Ryan LM, Cook RJ, Jacobson SW, Richardson GA, Day NL, Coles CD, Carmichael Olson H, Jacobson JL.
A hierarchical meta-analysis for settings involving
multiple outcomes across multiple cohorts.
STAT , 2022,
11 (1), e462.
Cuerden M*, Diao L, Cotton CA and Cook RJ.
Doubly weighted estimating equations and weighted multiple imputation
for causal inference with an incomplete subgroup variable.
Biostatistics and Epidemiology , 2022,
6 (2): Special Issue on Causal Inference, 266-284.
Cheung LC, Albert PS, Das S, Cook RJ.
Multistate models for the natural history of cancer progression.
British Journal of Cancer , 2022,
127 , 1279-1288.
Cook RJ and Lawless JF.
Life history analysis with multistate models: a review and some current issues.
Canadian Journal of Statistics : Special Issue - 50th Aniversary of CJS, 2022,
50 (4), 1270-1298.
Cook RJ, Lawless JF, Xie B*.
Marker-dependent observation and carry-forward of internal covariates in Cox regression.
Lifetime Data Analysis: Special Issue Dedicated to David Oakes, 2022,
28 (4), 560-584.
Cook RJ, Lee K-A, Lo B, MacDonald RL.
Classical regression and predictive modeling.
World Neurosurgery , 2022,
161 , 251-264.
Diao L and Cook RJ.
Nested doubly robust estimating equations for causal analysis
with an incomplete effect modifier.
Canadian Journal of Statistics , 2022,
50 (3), 776-794.
Jiang S and Cook RJ.
Estimating the polytomous discrimination index for multistate processes under intermittent observation.
Statistics in Medicine , 2022,
41 (19), 3661-3678.
Mao F* and Cook RJ.
Spatial dependence modeling of latent susceptibility and
time to joint damage in psoriatic arthritis.
Biometrics , published online on October 13, 2022.
Wu Y* and Cook RJ.
Assessing the accuracy of predictive models with interval-censored data.
Biostatistics , 2022,
23 (1), 18-33.
Yang C*, Diao L, Cook RJ.
Adaptive response-dependent two-phase designs:
some results on robustness and efficiency.
Statistics in Medicine , 2022,
41 (22), 4403-4425.
Akkaya-Hocagil T*, Cook RJ, Jacobson SW, Jacobson JL and Ryan LM.
Propensity score analysis for a semi-continuous exposure variable:
a study of gestational alcohol exposure and childhood cognition.
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society) , 2021,
184 (4), 1390-1413.
Andersen PK, Perme MP, van Houwelingen HC, Cook RJ,
Joly P, Martinussen T, Taylor JMG, Abrahamowicz M, Therneau TM
for the STRATOS TG8 topic group.
Analysis of time-to-event for observational studies:
Guidance to the use of intensity models.
Statistics in Medicine , 2021,
40 (1), 185-211.
Cook RJ and Lawless JF.
Independence conditions and the analysis of life history studies with intermittent observation.
Biostatistics , 2021,
22 (3), 455-481.
Jacobson JJ, Akkaya-Hocagil T*, Ryan LM, Dodge NC, Richardson GA,
Olson HC, Coles CD, Day NL, Cook RJ, Jacobson SW.
Effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on cognitive and behavioral development:
findings from a hierarchical meta-analysis of data from six prospective longitudinal U.S. cohorts.
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research , 2021,
45 (1), 2040-2058.
Jiang Y, Chiu C-Y, Yan Q, Chen W, Gorin MB, Conley YP, Lakhal-Chaieb ML,
Cook RJ, Amos CI, Wilson AF, Bailey-Wilson JE, McMahon FJ, Vazquez AI,
Yuan A, Zhong X, Xiong M, Weeks DE, Fan R.
Gene-based association testing of dichotomous traits with
generalized linear mixed models using extended pedigrees:
Applications to age-related mascular degeneration.
Journal of the American Statistical Association , 2021,
116 (534), 531-545.
Lee J* and Cook RJ.
The illness-death model for family studies.
Biostatistics , 2021,
22 (3), 482-503.
Yang C*, Diao L and Cook RJ.
Survival trees for current status data.
Proceedings of AAAI Spring Symposium on Survival Prediction -
Algorithms, Challenges and Applications , 2021,
PMLR 146 , 83-94.
Zhang B, Chiu C-Y, Yuan F, Sang T, Cook RJ, Wilson AF,
Bailey-Wilson JE, Chew EY, Xiong M, Fan R.
Gene-based analysis of bi-variate survival traits via
functional regressions with applications to eye diseases.
Genetic Epidemiology , 2021,
45 (5), 455-470.
Zhong Y and Cook RJ.
Selection models for efficient two-phase design of family studies.
Statistics in Medicine , 2021,
40 (2), 254-270.
Zhong Y and Cook RJ.
Semiparametric recurrent event versus time-to-first-event analyses
in randomized trials: estimands and model misspecification.
Statistics in Medicine , 2021,
40 (16), 3823-3842.
Cook RJ and Lawless JF.
Failure time studies with intermittent observation and losses to followup.
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics , 2020,
47 (4), 1035-1063.
Jiang S* and Cook RJ.
Composite likelihood for aggregate data from clustered multistate processes
under intermittent observation.
Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods , 2020,
49 (12), 2913-2930.
Jiang S*, Cook RJ and Zeng L.
Mitigating bias from intermittent measurement of
time-dependent covariates in failure time analysis.
Statistics in Medicine , 2020,
39 (13), 1833-1845.
Jiang S* and Cook RJ.
A mixture model for bivariate interval-censored failure times with dependent susceptibility.
Statistics in Biosciences , 2020,
12 , 37-62.
Lakhal-Chaieb L, Cook RJ and Zhong Y.
Testing the heritability and parent-of-origin hypotheses for ages at onset of psoriatic arthritis under biased sampling.
Biometrics , 2020,
76 (1), 293-303.
Shen H and Cook RJ.
Regression with incomplete multivariate surrogate responses for a latent covariate.
Journal of Biostatistics and Epidemiology , 2020,
4 (1), 247-264.
Zeng L, Cook RJ and Lee J*.
Multistate analysis from cross-sectional and auxiliary samples.
Statistics in Medicine , 2020,
39 (4), 387-408.
Chiu C-Y, Yuan F, Zhang B-S, Yuan A, Li X, Fang H-B, Lange K,
Weeks DE, Wilson AF, Bailey-Wilson JE, Musolf AM,
Stambolian D, Lakhal-Chaieb ML, Cook RJ, McMahon FJ, Amos CI, Xiong M, Fang R.
Linear mixed models for association analysis of quantitative traits with
next-generation sequencing data.
Genetic Epidemiology , 2019,
43 (2), 189-206.
Chiu C-Y, Zhang B, Wang S, Shao J, Lakhal-Chaieb L, Cook RJ, Weeks DE,
Lee M-L, Wilson AF, Bailey-Wilson JE, Xiong M, Fan R.
Gene-based association analysis of survival traits via functional regression
based mixed effect Cox models for related samples.
Genetic Epidemiology , 2019,
43 (8), 952-965.
Jiang S* and Cook RJ.
Score tests based on a finite mixture model of Markov processes under intermittent observation.
Statistics in Medicine , 2019,
38 (16), 3013-3025.
Lawless JF and Cook RJ .
A new perspective on loss to follow-up in failure time and life history studies.
Statistics in Medicine , 2019,
38 (23), 4583-4610.
Lee J* and Cook RJ.
On estimands arising from misspecified semiparametric rate-based analysis of recurrent episodic conditions.
Statistics in Medicine , 2019,
38 (25), 4977-4998.
Lee J* and Cook RJ.
Dependence modeling for multi-type recurrent events via copulas.
Statistics in Medicine , 2019,
38 (21), 4066-4082.
Moon NC*, Zeng L and Cook RJ.
Cohort study design for illness-death processes with disease status under intermittent observation.
Biostatistics and Epidemiology , 2019,
3 (1), 178-200.
Sfumato P, Filleron T, Giorgi R, Cook RJ, Boher JM.
Goftte: A R package for assessing goodness-of-fit in proportional (sub) distributions hazards regression models.
Computational Methods and Programs in Biomedicine , 2019,
177 , 269-275.
Sun T, Liu Y, Cook RJ, Chen W, Ding Y.
Copula-based score test for bivariate time-to-event data, with application to a genetic study of AMD progression.
Lifetime Data Analysis , 2019,
25 (3), 546-568.
Zhong Y* and Cook RJ.
The effect of omitted covariates in marginal and partially conditional recurrent event analyses.
Lifetime Data Analysis , 2019,
25 (2), 280-300.
Jiang S* and Cook RJ.
Cost-effective design of growth studies with aggregation and tracking.
Journal of Biometrics and Biostatistics , 2018,
9 (3), 406.
DOI: 10.4172/2155-6180.1000406
Moon N*, Zeng L and Cook RJ.
Tracing studies in cohorts with attrition: selection models for efficient sampling.
Statistics in Medicine , 2018,
37 (15), 2354-2366.
Wu Y* and Cook RJ.
Variable selection and prediction in biased samples with censored outcomes.
Lifetime Data Analysis , 2018,
24 (1), 72-93.
Zeng L, Cook RJ and Lee KA.
Design of cancer trials based on progression-free survival with intermittent assessment.
Statistics in Medicine , 2018,
37 (12), 1947-1959.
Zhong Y* and Cook RJ.
Second-order estimating equations for clustered current status data
from family studies using response-dependent sampling.
Statistics in Biosciences , 2018,
10 (1), 160-183.
Boher JM, Filleron T, Giorgi R, Kramar A, Cook RJ.
Goodness-of-fit test for monotone proportional subdistribution
hazards assumptions based on weighted residuals.
Statistics in Medicine , 2017,
36 (2), 362-377.
McIsaac MA* and Cook RJ.
Statistical methods for incomplete data: some results on model misspecification.
Statistical Methods for Medical Research , 2017,
26 (1), 248-267.
Wu Y* and Cook RJ.
A two-phase model for chronic disease processes under intermittent observation.
Statistics in Medicine , 2017,
36 (13), 2016-2031.
Boruvka A* and Cook RJ.
Sieve estimation in a Markov illness-death process under dual censoring.
Biostatistics , 2016
17 (2), 350-363.
Fan R, Wang Y, Yan Q, Ding Y, Weeks DE, Lu Z, Ren H,
Cook RJ, Xiong M, Swaroop A, Chew EY, Chen W.
Gene-based association analysis for censored traits via fixed effect functional regression.
Genetic Epidemiology , 2016,
40 (2), 133-143.
Sutradhar R* and Cook RJ.
A conditional frailty model for bivariate interval-truncated failure
time data: an application to a study on siblings diagnosed with schizophrenia.
Journal of Medical Statistics and Informatics , 2016,
4 , Article 1, 1-9.
DOI: 10.7243/2053-7662-4-1
Zhong Y*¹ and Cook RJ.
Augmented composite likelihood for copula modeling in family studies under biased sampling.
Biostatistics , 2016,
17 (3), 437-452.
(¹Winner of the 2015
Murray Martin Prize)
Aalen OO, Cook RJ and Roysland K.
Does Cox analysis of a randomized survival study yield a causal treament effect?
Lifetime Data Analysis , 2015,
21 (4), 579-593.
Boruvka A* and Cook RJ.
A Cox-Aalen model for interval-censored data.
Scandanavian Journal of Statistics , 2015,
42 (2), 414-426.
McIsaac MA* and Cook RJ.
Adaptive sampling in two-phase designs: a biomarker study for progression in arthritis.
Statistics in Medicine , 2015,
34 (21), 2899-2912.
Shen H* and Cook RJ.
Analysis of interval-censored recurrent event processes subject to resolution.
Biometrical Journal , 2015,
57 (5), 725-742.
Wu Y* and Cook RJ.
Penalized regression for interval-censored times of disease progression:
selection of HLA markers in psoriatic arthritis.
Biometrics , 2015,
71 (3), 782-791.
Zeng L, Cook RJ, Wen L and Boruvka A*.
Bias in progression-free survival analysis due to intermittent assessment of progression.
Statistics in Medicine , 2015,
34 (24), 3181-3193.
Zhao J*, Cook RJ and Wu C.
Multiple imputation for the analysis of incomplete compound variables.
Canadian Journal of Statistics , 2015,
43 (2), 240-264.
Zhong Y* and Cook RJ.
Sample size and robust marginal methods for cluster-randomized trials with censored event times.
Statistics in Medicine , 2015,
34 (6), 901-923.
Cook RJ and Lawless JF.
Statistical issues in modeling chronic disease in cohort studies.
Statistics in Biosciences , 2014,
6 , 127-161.
Cotton CA, Wu Y* and Cook RJ.
Correcting for sampling variation and measurement error in Cox regression with circulating tumour cells.
Journal of Medical Statistics and Informatics , 2014,
2 (1), 1-10.
DOI: 10.7243/2053-7662-2-1
Diao L* and Cook RJ.
Composite likelihood for joint analysis of multiple multistate processes via copulas.
Biostatistics , 2014,
15 (4), 690-705.
McIsaac MA* and Cook RJ.
Response-dependent two-phase sampling designs for biomarker studies.
Canadian Journal of Statistics , 2014,
42 (2), 268-284.
Shen H* and Cook RJ.
A dynamic mover-stayer model for recurrent event processes subject to resolution.
Lifetime Data Analysis , 2014,
20 (3), 404-423.
Wu L* and Cook RJ.
Marginal methods for multivariate failure times under event-dependent censoring.
International Journal of Statistics and Probability , 2014,
3 (3), 111-125.
DOI: 10.5539/ijsp.v3n3p111
Zhong Y* and Cook RJ.
Measurement error for age of onset in prevalent cohort studies.
Applied Mathematics , 2014,
5 (11), 1672-1683.
DOI: 10.4236/am.2014.511160
Cook RJ.
Number needed to treat for recurrent events.
Biometrics and Biostatistics , 2013,
4 (3), 1-6.
DOI: 10.4172/2155-6180.1000167
Cook RJ.
Authors' redress on `Robustness of methods for blinded sample size re-estimation with overdispersed count data'
by Schneider et al. (2013).
Statistics in Medicine , 2013,
32 (22), 3955-3957.
Cook RJ and Lawless JF.
Concepts and tests for trend in recurrent event processes.
Journal of the Iranian Statistical Society , 2013,
12 (1), 35-69.
Cook RJ, Lee K-A, Cuerden M* and Cotton CC.
Inverse probability weighted estimating equations for randomized trials in transfusion medicine.
Statistics in Medicine , 2013,
32 (25), 4380-4399.
Diao L*, Cook RJ and Lee K-A.
A copula model for marked point processes.
Lifetime Data Analysis , 2013,
19 (4), 463-489.
McIsaac MA*, Cook RJ and Poulin-Costello M.
Incomplete data in randomized dermatology trials: Consequences and statistical methodology.
Dermatology , 2013,
226 (1), 19-27.
Shen H* and Cook RJ.
Regression with incomplete covariates and left-truncated time-to-event data.
Statistics in Medicine , 2013,
32 (6), 1004-1015.
Wu L* and Cook RJ.
The design of intervention trials involving recurrent and terminal events.
Statistics in Biosciences , 2013,
5 (2), 261-285.
Chen B*, Yi GY, Cook RJ and Zhou X-H.
Marginal methods for clustered longitudinal binary data with incomplete covariates.
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference , 2012,
142 (10), 2819-2831.
Lawless JF, Cigsar C and Cook RJ.
Testing for monotone trend in recurrent event processes.
Technometrics , 2012,
54 (2), 147-158.
Wu L* and Cook RJ.
Misspecification of Cox regression models with composite endpoints.
Statistics in Medicine , 2012,
31 (28), 3545-3561.
Chen B*, Yi GY and Cook RJ.
Progressive multi-state models for informatively incomplete longitudinal data.
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference , 2011,
141 (1), 80-93.
Cook RJ and Bergeron P-J*.
Information in the sample covariate distribution in prevalent cohorts.
Statistics in Medicine , 2011,
30 (12), 1397-1409.
Cotton CA, Cuerden MS* and Cook RJ.
Causal inference in nonrandomized studies via propensity score methods.
Transfusion , 2011,
51 (12), 2536-2539.
Yi GY, Zeng L and Cook RJ.
A robust pairwise likelihood method for incomplete longitudinal binary data arising in clusters.
Canadian Journal of Statistics , 2011,
39 (1), 34-51.
Chen B*, Yi GY and Cook RJ.
Analysis of interval-censored disease progression data via
multi-state models under a nonignorable inspection process.
Statistics in Medicine , 2010,
29 (11), 1175-1189.
Chen B*, Yi GY and Cook RJ.
Weighted generalized estimating functions for longitudinal response and
covariate data that are missing at random.
Journal of the American Statistical Association , 2010,
105 (489), 336-353.
Cook RJ, Lawless JF and Lee K-A.
A copula-based mixed Poisson model for bivariate recurrent
events under event-dependent censoring.
Statistics in Medicine , 2010,
29 (6), 694-707.
Cook RJ, Yi GY and Lee K-A.
Sequential testing with recurrent events over multiple treatment periods.
Statistics in Biosciences , 2010,
2 (2), 137-153.
Lakhal-Chaieb L, Cook RJ and Lin X.
Inverse probability of censoring weighted estimates of Kendall's tau for gap time analyses
Biometrics , 2010,
66 (4), 1145-1152.
Pullenayegum E* and Cook RJ.
The analysis of treatment effects for recurring episodic conditions.
Statistics in Medicine , 2010,
29 (14), 1539-1558.
Tolusso D* and Cook RJ.
Local likelihood for right and interval censored recurrent event data.
Advances and Applications in Statistical Sciences , 2010,
1 , 343-369.
Yi GY, Cook RJ, Chen B*.
Estimating functions for evaluating treatment effects in cluster-randomized longitudinal
studies in the presence of drop-out and non-compliance.
Canadian Journal of Statistics , 2010,
38 (2), 232-255.
Zeng L, Cook RJ and Warkentin TE.
Regression analysis with a misclassified covariate from a current status observation scheme.
Biometrics , 2010,
66 (2), 415-425.
Chen BE* and Cook RJ.
The analysis of multivariate recurrent events with partially missing event types.
Lifetime Data Analysis , 2009,
15 (1), 41-58.
Chen B*, Yi GY and Cook RJ.
Likelihood analysis of joint marginal and conditional models for longitudinal categorical data.
Canadian Journal of Statistics , 2009,
37 (2), 182-205.
Cook RJ, Bergeron P-J*, Boher J-M*, Liu Y*.
Two-stage design of clinical trials involving recurrent events.
Statistics in Medicine , 2009,
28 (21), 2617-2638.
[R program]
Cook RJ, Lawless JF, Lakhal-Chaieb L* and Lee K-A.
Robust estimation of mean functions and treatment effects for recurrent
events under event-dependent censoring and termination: Application to
skeletal complications in cancer metastatic to bone.
Journal of the American Statistical Association , 2009,
104 (485), 60-75.
Cook RJ and Tolusso D*.
Second-order estimating equations for the analysis of clustered current status data.
Biostatistics , 2009,
10 (4), 756-772.
Sutradhar R* and Cook RJ.
A bivariate mover-stayer model for interval-censored recurrent event data:
Application to joint damage in rheumatology.
Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods , 2009,
38 (18), 3389-3405.
Tolusso D* and Cook RJ.
Robust estimation of state occupancy probabilities for interval-censored
multistate data: An application involving spondylitis in psoriatic arthritis.
Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods , 2009,
38 (18), 3307-3325.
Cook RJ, Zeng L and Lee K-A.
A multistate model for bivariate interval censored failure time data.
Biometrics , 2008,
64 (4), 1100-1109.