Research Interests :
I am interested in differential geometry and geometric analysis. Specifically, I work on manifolds with special holonomy.
More specifically, I work on manifolds with G2 or Spin(7) structure. I think about :
- General flows of G2 or Spin(7) structures.
- Laplacian flow for closed G2 structures.
- Calibrated submanifolds or more generally, minimal submanifolds of G2 or nearly G2 manifolds.
- Construction of torsion-free compact examples of manifolds with a G2 or Spin(7) structures.
- Some problems in Metric geometry.
Publications :
Research Papers and Preprints :
- Flows of G2 structures Ⅱ: Curvature, torsion, symbols
and functionals (with Panagiotis Gianniotis
and Spiro Karigiannis), in preparation (2020)
- Deformation theory of nearly G2 manifolds (with Ragini Singhal), submitted (2020)
- A gradient flow of isometric G2 structures (with Panagiotis Gianniotis
and Spiro Karigiannis), Journal of Geometric Analysis, to appear (2019)
- Some results on Ricci-Bourguignon and Ricci-Bourguignon almost solitons, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, to appear (2020)
[journal] [arXiv]
- Minimal Hypersurfaces in Nearly G2 manifolds, Journal of Geometry and Physics , 135C (2019),
253-264. [journal]
Book :
- Hamiltonian group actions and Equivariant cohomology (with Jon Herman, Lisa Jeffrey,
and Theo van den Hurk), SpringerBriefs in Mathematics (2019).
Thesis :
Topics in G2 geometry and geometric flows, PhD thesis, University of Waterloo (2020).