Teaching for Spring 2024
AMATH 353 Partial Differential Equations I : Second order linear partial differential equations - the diffusion equation, wave equation, and Laplace's equation. Methods of solution - separation of variables and eigenfunction expansions, the Fourier transform. Physical interpretation of solutions in terms of diffusion, waves and steady states. First order non-linear partial differential equations and the method of characteristics. Applications are emphasized throughout.
Course information, and my lecture notes, are posted here (password protected).
MATH 119 Calculus 2 for Engineering : Elementary approximation methods: interpolation; Taylor polynomials and remainder; Newton's method, Landau order symbol, applications. Infinite series: Taylor series and Taylor's Remainder Theorem, geometric series, convergence test, power series, applications. Functions of several variables: partial derivatives, linear approximation and differential, gradient and directional derivative, optimization and Lagrange multipliers. Vector-valued functions: parametric representation of curves, tangent and normal vectors, line integrals and applications.
Course information is posted on the LEARN page