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Mathematica Notebooks

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Linear Noise Approximation - I have written an automated implementation of the Linear Noise Approximation that uses the functionality of the Cellerator add-on package for Mathematica. It is available as a Mathematica notebook (zipped).

Effective Stability Approximation - I have written an automated implementation of the Effective Stability Approximation. It is available as a Mathematica notebook. The examples and generated plots coincide with the figures from this article.

Reprints of Papers by N. G. van Kampen

N. G. van Kampen has written some of the finest, most direct and no-nonsense papers on modeling physical phenomena with stochastic processes. Unfortunately, several of these appear in out-of-print conference proceedings that can be difficult to get a hold of. In some cases, the task has been made simpler with the publication of van Kampen's informal collected works: Views of a Physicist, Paul H. E. Meijer, Ed. (World Scientific, 2000). Nonetheless, there are several wonderful articles that are not contained in that volume. Below, I have reproduced a few of my favourites in hopes that they may find a wider audience:

  • Fluctuations by N. G. van Kampen. Reprinted from: Irreversibility in the Many-Body Problem: Sitges International School of Physics, May 1972. Edited by J. Biel and J. Rae. Plenum Press, New York, 1972. pp. 349-386.

  • The Diffusion Approximation for Markov Processes by N. G. van Kampen. Reprinted from: Thermodynamics & kinetics of biological processes. Edited by I. Lamprecht and A. I. Zotin. Walter de Gruyter & Co., New York, 1982. pp. 181-195.

  • Fluctuations in Nonlinear Systems by N. G. van Kampen. Reprinted from: Chapter 5 of Fluctuation Phenomena in Solids. Edited by R. E. Burgess. Academic Press, 1965. pp. 139-177.

  • Fluctuations in Continuous Systems by N. G. van Kampen. Reprinted from: Topics in Statistical Mechanics and Biophysics: A memorial to Julius L. Jackson. Edited by R. A. Piccirelli. American Institute of Physics, 1976. pp. 153-186.

  • �2008 Matt Scott. Layout design created by Francis Poulin.