We will introduce, in this section, an important concept called limit set, which is invariant. The invariant property of a limit set will enable us to weaken the conditions on asymptotic stability given in Theorem 3.5.1.
Consider the nonlinear system
Definition 3.7.1: Let
be the solution of
(3.29). Then a point
is called an
-limit (
-limit) point x0 if
there exists a sequence
such that
By Definition 3.7.1, it is clear that if
an asymptotically stable equilibrium, it is the
-limit set of every point in its basin of
attraction. Any equilibrium is its own
-limit set
-limit set. A closed orbit is the
-limit set of every point on it.
Example 3.7.1: Consider the nonlinear system in
Example 3.7.2: Consider the magneto-elastic
beam. Let q denote the displacement of the tip of
the beam from the line of symmetry. Set, for simplicity,
the mass of the beam m=1. Then the force (elastic +magnetic) is
x0 = (xi, 0), i=1,2,3, as shown. Then
we see
It should be noted that an -limit set
with respect to a flow
is an
-limit set
with respect
to the flow
Thus we only need to
discuss the properties of
-limit set. Clearly, the
long-term behaviour of the physical system whose evolution
is governed by (3.29) is described by the
of the given initial state
In order to determine the
-limit set, it is helpful to know a positively
invariant set since orbits entering a positively invariant
set never leave it, i.e. if E is invariant, then
Theorem 3.7.1: Let
Proof: (omitted)
Here is a phase portrait of a nonlinear system to
illustrate the second possibility in the theorem.
Corollary 3.7.1: If
is a bounded and positively invariant set of (3.29),
is invariant.
In order to determine the -limit sets, we again
resort to Lyapunov functions. The idea is that if
for all
then V(x) will keep decreasing along
any solution
staying in
for all
until the solution
approaches its
-limit set
Thus we expect
which is a strong restriction on
the possible
-limit sets. Based on this
observation and the invariance property of the limit set,
Barbashin and Krasovski generalized, in 1952, Lyapunov's
theorem (Th. 3.5.1) on asymptotic stability to the case
when the derivative of a Lyapunov function along solutions
of (3.29) is only semi-negative definite for periodic
differential equations. Inspired by their results, LaSalle
considered autonomous systems and made a number of
contributions. The general result is now known as
LaSalle's invariance principle.
Theorem 3.7.2: Let
be continuously differentiable and
bounded from below . Assume that
Proof: (omitted)
contains only whole orbits of
(3.29), the next result follows easily from Theorem 3.7.2
and Corollary 3.7.1.
Corollary 3.7.2: Assume that
In view of Theorem 3.5.1 and Corollary 3.7.2, we obtain the following result which gives asymptotic stability under weaker conditions.
Theorem 3.7.3: Let
be an
equilibrium point of (3.29),
be an open set containing
be continuously differentiable such that
Example 3.7.3: Consider the nonlinear system
It should be noted that since the constant M is
for any
i.e. the domain of the attraction of (0,0) is R2. This is often called that (0,0)
is globally asymptotically stable.
Example 3.7.4: Consider the predator prey system
For x > 0 and y > 0, let
Then V(x,y) >0 for x,y >
0 and
Example 3.7.5: Consider the damped
magneto-elastic beam
Remark: In applying the theorem, one must keep
in mind that the -limit set
is a whole orbit or the union of whole orbits. Thus one
has to find the whole orbits in the set
Example 3.7.6: Consider the damped pendulum
positive invariant. Thus
by Corollary 3.7.2
To conclude this section, it should be noted that although
the invariance property of the limit sets enables us to
weaken Lyapunov's theorem on asymptotic stability, the
structure of limit sets can be very complicated, and far
from being understood, e.g. the ``strange attractor'' for
the Lorenz system, see Perko,
P180-181. In fact, it
is still a very active area of current research especially
for higher
dimensional systems. For two dimensional
systems, the limit sets are fairly simple and will be
discussed in depth in the next chapter.