In classical mechanics, free vibrations of a conservative
system can be described by
If we set p = q', then it is easy to see, from
(3.25) and (3.26), that
Thus is we take H as a Lyapunov function, then it is easy to see, by Theorem 3.5.1, that the equilibrium is stable if the potential energy function V(q) is positive definite with respect to . This establishes the famous Lagrange's theorem. An equilibrium state is stable if the potential energy has local minimum at .
This is a result which is rather expected from physical intuition.
Example 3.6.1: Marble moving along landscapes
Marble rolling back and forth about .
In general, the potential minima yield stable equilibria and maxima yield unstable (hyperbolic) equilibria. >
Example 3.6.2: Consider the mass-spring system
subject to a force
k >
corresponds to a ``hard'' spring,
corresponds to a ``soft''
spring, i.e. the restoring force becomes zero at
The potential energy is, for
general ,
(0,0) is stable, are unstable.
are stable and
are unstable. A complete understanding of the phase
portraits for this problem is made possible with the
Hamiltonian function
Note that periodic orbits have energies , orbits which travel from one unstable equilibrium to another have energies and trajectories with energy move above or below the x1-space. The trajectories connecting the saddle points at are called separatrices since they separate regions of phase space with qualitatively different dynamical behaviour.
From the preceding discussion, you may guess that if the DE describes a physical system, then the choice of Hamiltonian or total energy as a Lyapunov function will always work. Unfortunately, this is somewhat incorrect, especially when we question what ``always work'' means. The following example should illustrate the idea.
Example 3.6.4: Consider the damped linear
The question arises: ``Can't we do better with the Lyapunov approach?''
The answer is ``yes'', only that we should choose a ``more suitable'' Lyapunov function. To ascertain what is ``more suitable'', we look at where the problem arose above.
The problem
occurs only for y=0.
If we look at the picture below, we see that, on the line
y=0, the direction field,
points only in the y direction, but
points along the
x-axis for y =0. The problem then, lies in the fact
that the ellipses defined by level curves of
have their
principal axes lying along the x and y
Remark: We conclude from the above example that
the mechanical energy function is not the best Lyapunov
function. Indeed, it was the energy function for
mechanical systems which inspired Lyapunov's stability
method. But the latter have exhibited much greater power
than the former method and it can be applied to very
general systems. Perhaps, the applicability of this method
today has gone beyond the imagination of Lyapunov himself.