QSopt offers a graphical user interface for Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP as well as an interface written in Java. Linear Programming Problems can be interactively defined as well as read from files, edited, solved, and saved. Changing and re-solving a problem is easily done by editing the problem in the input pane and clicking on the Run command on the toolbar. The editor accepts input in LP and MPS format , two industry standard formats. The user can switch from one format to the other with the convinience of a mouse click.
QSopt for developers The graphical user interface is based on the Callable Function Library, which is distributed as a dynamic link library. For developers who wish to implement their own linear programming applications using the library functions, a C include file and the corresponding dynamic link library (.dll) and its libraries interface (.lib) file is included in the distribution, as well as a Reference Manual detailing all functions. Alternatively development can be done under cygwin, a Linux-like environment for Windows. The same qsopt.h include file is used, but instead of a dynamic link library an archive (.a) file contains QSopt's functions.QSopt command line tools
The standard distribution includes two command line executables: QSsolver and QSreader. Both programs read linear programming problems from an LP or MPS format file. QSsolver solves the problems it reads. It can be parameterized to apply the primal or dual simplex and to use different pricing schemes. QSreader parses its input file and, if it is correct, it writes the linear programming problem in LP or MPS format to an output file. QSopt for cygwinQSopt has been compiled so that its command line tools can be executed within the cygwin environment. QSopt applications may be developed within cygwin as well, see cygwin developement. Under cygwin the QSopt user interface is not available though.
For more information see The graphical User interface , Components included in the distribution, Developer Information, and Callable Function Library.
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