Recent and not-so-recent public talks by Ross Willard
Association for Symbolic Logic (ASL) N. American annual meeting (Ames, May 2024), "The Constraint Satisfaction Problem Dichotomy Theorem" (tutorial),
lecture 1 (975 KB),
lecture 2 (423 KB),
lecture 3 (1.4 MB).
Panglobal Algebra and Logic Seminar (Colorado, February 2022),
"Characterizing [α,β]=0 using Kiss terms,"
slides (pdf) (1.8 MB).
Panglobal Algebra and Logic Seminar (Colorado, April 2021),
"Inherently nonfinitely based nonassociative algebras,"
slides (pdf) (213 KB).
Mathematics and Statistics Colloquium (Missouri S&T, February 2021),
"Universal algebra at a crossroads,"
slides (pdf) (11.5 MB).
Second Algebra Week (June 2019, Siena),
"New algebraic insights from the solutions to the dichotomy conjecture,"
slides (pdf) (548 KB).
AAA98 (June 2019, Dresden),
"Similarity, critical relations, and Zhuk's bridges,"
slides (pdf) (10.8 MB).
BLAST 2019 (May 2019, Boulder, CO),
"The constraint satisfaction dichotomy theorem for beginners" (tutorial),
Part 1 (pdf) (11 MB),
Part 2 (pdf) (1.7 MB),
Part 3 (pdf) (1.7 MB).
Algebras and Lattices in Hawai'i (May 2018, U. Hawai'i at Manoa),
"Independence of multi-term commutators and centralizers,"
slides (pdf) (8.5 MB).
BLAST 2017 (August 2017, Nashville, TN),
"The finite basis problem, Jónsson's speculation, and weird algebras"
Part 1,
Part 2 (pdf).
AMS Spring Southeastern Sectional Meeting (March 2017, Charleston, SC),
"My favourite open problems in universal algebra,"
slides (pdf) .
AMS Fall Western Sectional Meeting (October 2016, Denver, CO),
"Series-parallel posets having a near-unanimity polymorphism,"
slides (pdf) .
Logic Colloquium 2016 (August 2016, Leeds, UK),
"The decidable discriminator variety problem,"
slides (pdf) .
Algebra and Computation (May 2016, Boulder, CO),
"Constraint Satisfaction Problems: a Survey" (with corrections),
slides (pdf) .
The Constraint Satisfaction Problem: Complexity and Approximability
(July 2015, Dagstuhl),
"Maltsev constraints revisited,"
slides (pdf) .
Open Problems in Universal Algebra (Nashville, May 2015),
"Maltsev constraints,"
slides (pdf) .
SSAOS 2014 (September 2014, Stará Lesná, Slovakia),
"Constraints in universal algebra" (3 lectures), slides (pdf),
lecture 1,
lecture 2,
lecture 3.
- AAA87 (February 2014, Linz, Austria),
"The finite basis problem revisited,"
slides (pdf) .
- AMS Fall Southeastern Sectional Meeting (October 2013,
Louisville, KY),
"Varieties with a difference term and Jónsson's problem,"
slides (pdf) .
- GAIA 2013 (July 2013, Melbourne, Australia),
"Varieties with a difference term and Park's conjecture,"
slides (pdf) .
- NSAC 2013 (June 2013, Novi Sad, Serbia),
"Graphs, polymorphisms, and multi-sorted structures,"
slides (pdf).
- AMS Spring Western Sectional Meeting (April 2013, Boulder, CO),
"Bipartite graphs and their idempotent polymorphisms,"
slides (pdf).
- Mathematics seminar
(April 2013, Prince George, BC),
"Groups in action: or, how to count (mod symmetry),"
slides (pdf).
- The Constraint Satisfaction Problem: Complexity and Approximability
(November 2012, Dagstuhl),
"A tutorial on algebra and CSP, Part 2,"
slides (pdf).
- LICS 2012 (June 2012, Dubrovnik),
"Near unanimity constraints have bounded pathwidth duality,"
slides (pdf) (146 KB).
- Universal Algebra and Lattice Theory (June 2012, Szeged),
"Proving inconsistency: towards a better Maltsev CSP algorithm,"
slides (pdf).
- AMS sectional meeting (March 2012, Honolulu),
"Meditation on Isaev's algebra,"
slides (pdf) (191 KB).
- Fields Summer School, "Universal algebra for CSP,"
Lecture 1 slides,
Lecture 2 slides.
- OAL2.0 (June 2011, Krakow),
"Relational structures, Maltsev conditions, and CSP,"
slides (pdf) (229 KB).
- AMS sectional meeting (March 2011, Iowa City),
"A new property of finite NU(4) algebras" (with M. Kozik),
slides (pdf) (172 KB).
- CP 2010 (St. Andrews, Scotland), "Testing expressibility is hard,"
slides (pdf) (229 KB).
- BLAST 2010 Tutorial lecture 1 (pdf) (200 KB),
lecture 2 (pdf) (204 KB).
Summer School on Algebra and Ordered Sets (Trest, Czech Republic, 2008),
"Universal Algebra and Computational Complexity," a tutorial:
slides 1 (pdf) (292 KB);
slides 2 (pdf) (308 KB);
slides 3 (pdf) (352 KB).
Workshop on Universal Algebra and the Constraint Satisfaction Problem (Nashville, 2007),
"Quick course in universal algebra and tame congruence theory,"
slides (pdf) (232 KB).
Order, Algebra, and Logics (Nashville, 2007), "Four unsolved problems in congruence permutable
slides (pdf) (188 KB).