In Section 2.5, we defined the (linear) flow
of the linear system
In this section, we define the (nonlinear) flow,
of the nonlinear system
be an open set. Suppose
for any
system (3.12) admits a
unique solution
x(t, x0) existing on a maximal
interval J(x0). Then for any
we define a mapping
Theorem 3.3.1: Let
be the flow
associated with system (3.12). Suppose that for any
system (3.12) admits a unique
x(t, x0) with
x(0, x0) =
x0. Then
Proof: (omitted)
Remark: The flow
describes all
solutions of system (3.12) for all possible initial values
x0, and hence describes fully the evolution of
the physical system. For a fixed t,
gives the state of the system
at time t for all initial
states x0. On the other hand, for a fixed
gives the state of the system for all
x(0) = x0 initially.
If we only abstract, from the differential system (3.12),
the one-parameter family of mappings
satisfies property (i) and (ii), then we call
a dynamical system.
Definition 3.3.1: A dynamical system is a
C1 map
which satisfies
Remark: Let
be an open subset of
Rn. Then every dynamical system
gives rise to a differential equation.
In fact, define f by
Conversely, given differential system (3.12), its flow
defined by (3.13) may define a dynamical
system. However, this converse process is much more
complicated. We still need to investigate the dependence
of the solutions of (3.12) on the initial value. To
establish dependence of the solution on initial values we
first give a result due to T.H. Gronwall, which is also of
independent interest.
Lemma 3.3.1: (Gronwall) Suppose that m(t) is a continuous real valued function that satisfies
Proof: (omitted)
Theorem 3.3.2: Let
an open subset and f(x) satisfy a Lipschitz
condition on
Proof: (omitted)
Theorem 3.3.3: Let
Then the solution
x(t, x0) of (3.12) is
continuously differentiable at x0 for all
Proof: See L. Perko, P. 79-82.
Thus, given differential system (3.12) with
being an open subset of
Rn. Then the flow
of (3.12) is a
dynamical system if an only if
the solution of
x(t, x0) of
(3.12) is defined for all
In this case, we say
is the dynamical system on
defined by (3.12). The following definition
will be needed in the next section.
Definition 3.3.2: Let
Then E is called (i) a positively invariant set of
(3.12) if
for all
(ii) a negatively invariant set of (3.12) if
for all
(iii) an
invariant set if
for all