
The workshop schedule is listed below. Here is a PDF file with a side-by-side view of each day's schedule, and here is A PDF file listing the abstracts of the invited talks.
All talks take place in QNC 0101, which is accessed via QNC 1101. The breakfast at the beginning of each day will feature cookies and light snacks, along with coffee and tea. Here are a couple of maps:

  • Map showing the location of the talks, reception, poster session, and banquet.
  • First-floor plan of QNC, showing QNC 1101 (the entrance to QNC 0101) and the reception area.
July 17
8:30-8:50am Breakfast
8:50-9am Welcome and opening remarks
9-9:45am Gérard Cornuéjols

Blocking theory and the replication conjecture

9:50-10:10am Break
10:10-10:55am Dan Král

Matroid depth and width parameters

11:05-11:50am Cynthia Vinzant

Log-concavity in matroids and beyond

12-2:30pm Lunch
2:30-3:15pm Ola Svensson

Advancements in online edge coloring algorithms

3:20-3:50pm Break
3:50-4:35pm Jinyoung Park

When sunflowers meet thresholds

4:45-5:30pm Jim Geelen

Average plane size

6-8:30pm Reception (QNC atrium)
July 18
8:30-9am Breakfast
9-9:45am Maria Chudnovsky

Forbidding induced subgraphs: structure and algorithms

9:50-10:10am Break
10:10-10:55am Penny Haxell

Independent transversals, topology and resource allocation

11:05-11:50am Michel Goemans

From Ford-Fulkerson's network flows to information or linking flows

12-2pm Lunch
2-2:45pm Éva Tardos

Stability and learning in strategic games

2:55-3:40pm Satoru Iwata

Finding maximum edge-disjoint paths between multiple terminals

3:50-4:20pm Break
4:20-6pm Lightning talks
6:30-7pm Poster session (Fed Hall)
7-9pm Banquet (Fed Hall)
July 19
8:30-9am Breakfast
9-9:45am Ravi Kannan

The random separating hyperplane theorem and learning latent polytopes

9:50-10:10am Break
10:10-10:55am Thomas Rothvoss

The subspace flatness conjecture and faster integer programming

11:05-11:50am Sam Fiorini

Integer programs with nearly totally unimodular matrices: the cographic case

12-2pm Lunch
2-2:45pm Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi

Three-edge-coloring projective planar cubic graphs: A generalization of the Four Color Theorem

2:55-3:30pm Break
2:30-4:15pm (Special Tutte Colloquium) Paul Seymour

Nearly-linear stable sets

4:25-4:30pm Closing remarks
4:30-6pm Tutte Colloquium Reception

Important Information

The deadline for requesting funding support is Jun 21.

Registration is open.

Students and postdocs: When registering, you can indicate if you are interested in presenting a lightning talk and if you need funding support.
Some information on poster preparation has been posted.

Workshop dates:
July 17-19, 2024.