<   Oliver Pechenik: Algebraic Combinatorics and Schubert Calculus   >


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† denotes undergraduate mentee.
See also, Google Scholar, MathSciNet (subscription required), and zbMath.
  1. A universal characterization of the shifted plactic monoid (with Santiago Estupiñán-Salamanca) Down Arrow

    Submitted, 19 pages.
  2. Degrees of P-Grothendieck polynomials and regularity of Pfaffian varieties (with Matthew St.Denis) Down Arrow

    Submitted, 24 pages.
  3. Web bases in degree two from hourglass plabic graphs (with Christian Gaetz, Stephan Pfannerer, Jessica Striker and Joshua Swanson) Down Arrow

    Submitted, 24 pages.
  4. Rotation-invariant web bases from hourglass plabic graphs (with Christian Gaetz, Stephan Pfannerer, Jessica Striker and Joshua Swanson) Down Arrow

    Submitted, 65 pages.
  5. The Kromatic symmetric function: A K-theoretic analogue of XG (with Logan Crew and Sophie Spirkl) Down Arrow

    Submitted, 15 pages.
    📹 video (part 1) and video (part 2) by Logan Crew
  6. Quasisymmetric Schubert calculus (with Matthew Satriano) Down Arrow

    Submitted, 32 pages.
    📹 video
  7. Web invariants for flamingo Specht modules (with Chris Fraser, Rebecca Patrias and Jessica Striker) Down Arrow

    Algebraic Combinatorics, to appear, 2024, 31 pages.
  8. An inverse Grassmannian Littlewood-Richardson rule and extensions (with Anna Weigandt) Down Arrow

    Forum of Mathematics, Sigma 12, 2024, article e114, 24 pages.
    📹 video by Anna Weigandt
  9. Promotion permutations for tableaux (with Christian Gaetz, Stephan Pfannerer, Jessica Striker and Joshua Swanson) Down Arrow

    Combinatorial Theory 4(2), Article No. 15, 2024, 56 pages.
  10. Proof of a conjectured Möbius inversion formula for Grothendieck polynomials (with Matthew Satriano) Down Arrow

    Selecta Mathematica 30, Article No. 83, 2024, 8 pages.
  11. Castelnuovo–Mumford regularity of matrix Schubert varieties (with David Speyer and Anna Weigandt) Down Arrow

    Selecta Mathematica 30, Article No. 66, 2024, 44 pages.
    📹 video
  12. James reduced product schemes and double quasisymmetric functions (with Matthew Satriano) Down Arrow

    Advances in Mathematics 449, Paper No. 109737, 2024, 28 pages.
    📹 video
  13. Tableau evacuation and webs (with Rebecca Patrias) Down Arrow

    Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. Series B 10, 2023, 341-352.
  14. A web basis of invariant polynomials from noncrossing partitions (with Rebecca Patrias and Jessica Striker) Down Arrow

    Advances in Mathematics 408, Paper No. 108603, 2022, 33 pages.
    📹 video (part 1) and video (part 2)
  15. K-theoretic crystals for set-valued tableaux of rectangular shapes (with Travis Scrimshaw) Down Arrow

    Algebraic Combinatorics 5(3), 2022, 515-536.
  16. Curious cyclic sieving on increasing tableaux (with Christian Gaetz, Jessica Striker and Joshua Swanson) Down Arrow

    Enumerative Combinatorics and Applications 2(3), Article #S2R18, 2022, 8 pages.
  17. Minuscule analogues of the plane partition periodicity conjecture of Cameron and Fon-Der-Flaass Down Arrow

    Combinatorial Theory 2(1), Paper No. 15, 2022, 20 pages.
  18. Gröbner geometry of Schubert polynomials through ice (with Zachary Hamaker and Anna Weigandt) Down Arrow

    Advances in Mathematics 398, Paper No. 108228, 2022, 29 pages.
    📹 video
  19. Crystal structures for symmetric Grothendieck polynomials (with Cara Monical and Travis Scrimshaw) Down Arrow

    Transformation Groups 26(3), 2021, 1025-1075.
  20. Path-cordial abelian groups (with Rebecca Patrias) Down Arrow

    Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 80(1), 2021, 157-166.
  21. Polynomials from combinatorial K-theory (with Cara Monical and Dominic Searles) Down Arrow

    Canadian Journal of Mathematics 73(1), 2021, 29-62.
  22. Dynamics of plane partitions: Proof of the Cameron–Fon-Der-Flaass conjecture (with Rebecca Patrias) Down Arrow

    Forum of Mathematics, Sigma 8, 2020, article e62, 6 pages.
    📹 video
  23. Asymmetric function theory (with Dominic Searles) Down Arrow

    Schubert Calculus and Its Applications in Combinatorics and Representation Theory, Springer, 2020, 73-112.
    Proceedings of the International Festival in Schubert Calculus (Guangzhou, China, 2017).
  24. Derivatives of Schubert polynomials and proof of a determinant conjecture of Stanley (with Zachary Hamaker, David Speyer, and Anna Weigandt) Down Arrow

    Algebraic Combinatorics 3(2), 2020, 301-307.
    📹 video
  25. The genomic Schur function is fundamental-positive Down Arrow

    Annals of Combinatorics 24(1), 2020, 95-108.
  26. Doppelgängers: Bijections of plane partitions (with Zachary Hamaker, Rebecca Patrias, and Nathan Williams) Down Arrow

    International Mathematics Research Notices 2020(2), 2020, 487-540.
  27. Decompositions of Grothendieck polynomials (with Dominic Searles) Down Arrow

    International Mathematics Research Notices 2019(10), 2019, 3214-3241.
  28. Unique rectification in d-complete posets: Towards the K-theory of Kac-Moody flag varieties (with Rahul Ilango and Michael Zlatin) Down Arrow

    Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 25(4), 2018, 1-35.
  29. Orbits of plane partitions of exceptional Lie type (with Holly Mandel) Down Arrow

    European Journal of Combinatorics 74, 2018, 90-109.
  30. Deformed cohomology of flag varieties (with Dominic Searles) Down Arrow

    Mathematical Research Letters, 25, 2018, 649-657.
  31. Rhombic tilings and Bott-Samelson varieties (with Laura Escobar, Bridget Tenner, and Alexander Yong) Down Arrow

    Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 146, 2018, 1921-1935.
  32. Promotion of increasing tableaux: Frames and homomesies Down Arrow

    Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 24(3), 2017, 1-14.
  33. Genomic tableaux (with Alexander Yong) Down Arrow

    Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 45, 2017, 649-685.
  34. Resonance in orbits of plane partitions and increasing tableaux (with Kevin Dilks and Jessica Striker) Down Arrow

    Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 148, 2017, 244-274.
  35. Equivariant K-theory of Grassmannians II: The Knutson-Vakil conjecture (with Alexander Yong) Down Arrow

    Compositio Mathematica 153, 2017, 667-677.
  36. Equivariant K-theory of Grassmannians (with Alexander Yong) Down Arrow

    Forum of Mathematics, Pi 5, 2017, article e3, 128 pages.
  37. K-theoretic Schubert calculus and applications Down Arrow

    Ph.D. Thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2016, 255 pages.
  38. Proofs and generalizations of a homomesy conjecture of Propp and Roby (with Jonathan Bloom and Dan Saracino) Down Arrow

    Discrete Mathematics 339, 2016, 194-206.
  39. Genomic tableaux and combinatorial K-theory (with Alexander Yong) Down Arrow

    Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science Proceedings FPSAC`15, 2015, 37-48. FPSAC 2015, Daejeon, Korea.
  40. Cyclic sieving of increasing tableaux and small Schröder paths Down Arrow

    Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 125, 2014, 357-378.
  41. Generalized graph cordiality (with Jennifer Wise) Down Arrow

    Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory 32(3), 2012, 557-567.
  42. A midsummer knot's dream (with Allison Henrich, Noel MacNaughton, Sneha Narayan, Robert Silversmith, and Jennifer Townsend) Down Arrow

    College Mathematics Journal 42(2), 2011, 126-134.
  43. Classical and virtual pseudodiagram theory and new bounds on unknotting numbers and genus (with Allison Henrich, Noel MacNaughton, Sneha Narayan, and Jennifer Townsend) Down Arrow

    Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications 20(4), 2011, 625-650.
  44. Large cardinals Down Arrow

    Undergraduate Honors Thesis, Oberlin College, 2010
  45. Zero-divisor ideals and realizable zero-divisor graphs (with Michael Axtell, Joe Stickles, et al.) Down Arrow

    Involve 2(1), 2009, 17-27.
  46. The nilradical and non-nilradical graphs of commutative rings (with Abigail Bishop, Thomas Cuchta and Kathryn Boddie) Down Arrow

    International Journal of Algebra 2(20), 2008, 981-994.
  47. Effects of temperature, salinity, and air exposure on development of the estuarine pulmonate gastropod Amphibola crenata (with Islay Marsden and Jan Pechenik) Down Arrow

    Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 292(2), 2003, 159-176.