All publications
Naji's characterization of circle graphs
arXiv:1801.03263. With Edward Lee. -
Matroid fragility and relaxations of circuit hyperplanes
arXiv:1801.03263. With Florian Hoersch. -
On the complex-representable excluded minors for real-representability
arXiv:1801.08656. With Rutger Campbell. -
A generalization of the Grid Theorem
arXiv:1609.09098. With Benson Joeris. -
Representation of matroids with a modular plane
arXiv:1304.6448. With Rohan Kapadia.
Infinitely many excluded minors for frame matroids and for lifted-graphic matroids
JCTb 2018. With Rong Chen. -
Explicit bounds for graph minors
JCTb 2018. With Tony Huynh, R. Bruce Richter -
Improved bounds for Rota's Basis Conjecture,
Combinatorica, accepted. With Sally Dong. -
The structure of matroids with a spanning clique or projective geometry,
JCTb 2017., With Peter Nelson. -
The densest matroids in minor-closed classes with exponential growth rate,
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 2017. With Peter Nelson. -
Quasi-graphic matroids,
JGT 2017. With Bert Gerards and Geoff Whittle. -
Computing girth and cogirth in perturbed graphic matroids,
Combinatorica 2017. With Rohan Kapadia. -
On Rota's Conjecture and nested separations in matroids
JCTb 2016. With Shalev Ben-David. -
The critical number of dense triangle-free binary matroids,
JCTb 2016. With Peter Nelson. -
Certifying Non-representability of Matroids Over Prime Fields
JCTb 2016. With Geoff Whittle -
Odd circuits in dense binary matroids,
Combinatorica 2015. With Peter Nelson. -
The number of lines in a matroid with no $U_{2,n}$-minor
European J. Combin. 2015. With Peter Nelson -
Projective geometries in exponentially dense matroids. I
JCTb 2015. With Peter Nelson -
Matroid $3$-connectivity and branch width
JCTb 2015. With Stefan van Zwam. -
A Density Hales-Jewett Theorem for matroids
JCTb 2015. With Peter Nelson. -
Representability of matroids with a large projective geometry minor
JCTb 2015. With Rohan Kapadia. -
Matroids denser than a clique,
JCTb 2015. With Peter Nelson. -
The highly-connected matroids in minor-closed classes,
Annals of Combinatorics 2015. With Bert Gerards and Geoff Whittle. -
Solving Rota's Conjecture
AMS Notices 2014, With Bert Gerards and Geoff Whittle -
An analogue of the Erdos-Stone theorem for finite geometries
Combinatorica 2014. With Peter Nelson. -
A geometric version of the Andrasfai-Erdos-Sos theorem,
AAM 2014 -
Inequivalent representations of matroids over prime fields
AAM 2013. With Geoff Whittle -
Characterizing graphic matroids by a system of linear equations
JCTb 2013. With Bert Gerards. -
On minor-closed classes of matroids with exponential growth rate
AAM 2013. With Peter Nelson -
Structure in minor-closed classes of matroids.
Surveys in Combinatorics 2013. With Bert Gerards, Geoff Whittle -
Small cocircuits in matroids
European J. Combin. 2011. -
On inequivalent representations of matroids over non-prime fields
JCTb 2010. With Bert Gerards and Geoff Whittle -
The projective plane is a stabilizer.
JCTb 2010. With Geoff Whittle -
The number of points in a matroid with no $n$-point line as a minor.
JCTb 2010. With Peter Nelson -
Circle graph obstructions under pivoting.
JGTb 2009. With Sang-il Oum. -
Tangles, tree-decompositions, and grids in matroids
JCTb 2009. With Bert Gerards and Geoff Whittle -
Growth rates of minor-closed classes of matroids.
JCTb 2009. With Joseph Kung and Geoff Whittle -
The Erdos-Posa property for matroid circuits.
JCTb 2009. With Kasper Kabell -
The odd-minor variant of Hadwiger's conjecture,
JCTb 2009. With Bert Gerards, Bruce Reed, Paul Seymour, Adrian Vetta. -
Projective geometries in dense matroids.
JCTb 2008. With Kasper Kabell -
Some open problems on excluding a uniform matroid.
AAM 2008. -
Excluding a group-labelled graph
JCTb 2008. With Bert Gerards -
An algorithm for packing non-zero $A$-paths in group-labelled graphs
Combinatorica 2008. With Maria Chudnovsky and Bill Cunningham -
Generating weakly $4$-connected matroids
JCTb 2008. With Xaingqian Zhou -
Straight line embeddings of planar graphs with integer edge lengths
JGT 2008. With Anjie Guo and David McKinnon. -
Excluding a planar graph from GF$(q)$-representable matroids
JCTb 2007. With Bert Gerards and Geoff Whittle -
On integer programming and the branch-width of the constraint matrix
IPCO 2007, With Bill Cunningham -
On Rota's Conjecture and excluded minors containing large projective geometries
JCTb 2006. With Bert Gerards and Geoff Whittle -
Packing non-zero $A$-paths in group-labelled graphs
Combinatorica 2006. With Chudnovsky, Gerards, Goddyn, Lohman, and Seymour -
A splitter theorem for internally $4$-connected matroids
SIDMA 2006. With Xaingqian Zhou -
Obstructions to branch-decomposition of matroids
JCTb 2006. With Bert Gerards, Neil Robertson, and Geoff Whittle -
Matroid T-connectivity
SIDMA 2006. With Bert Gerards and Geoff Whittle -
Matroid matching via mixed skew-symmetric matrices
Combinatorica 2005. With Satoru Iwata -
Regular matroid decomposition via signed graphs
JGT 2005. With Bert Gerards -
Bridging separations in matroids
SIDMA 2005. With Petr Hlineny and Geoff Whittle -
A short proof of non-GF$(5)$-representability of matroids
JCTb 2004. With James Oxley, Dirk Vertigan and Geoff Whittle -
Inequivalent representations of matroids having no $U_{3,6}$-minor
JCTb 2004. With Dillon Mayhew and Geoff Whittle -
Embedding grids in surfaces
European J. Combin. 2004. With Bruce Richter, Gelasio Salazar -
Cliques in dense GF$(q)$-representable matroids
JCTb 2003. With Geoff Whittle -
Disjoint cocircuits in matroids with large rank
JCTb 2003. With Bert Gerards and Geoff Whittle -
On the excluded minors for the matroids of branch-width $k$
JCTb 2003. With Bert Gerards, Neil Robertson, and Geoff Whittle -
The linear delta-matroid parity problem
JCTb 2003. With Satoru Iwata and Kazuo Murota. -
Branch-width and Rota's conjecture
JCTb 2002. With Geoff Whittle -
Branch width and well-quasi-ordering in matroids and graphs
JCTb 2002. With Bert Gerards and Geoff Whittle. Correction -
Packing odd circuits into Eulerian graphs
JCTb 2002. With Bertrand Guenin -
Totally free expansions of matroids
JCTb 2002. With James Oxley, Dirk Vertigan and Geoff Whittle -
Matroid $4$-connectivity: a deletion-contraction theorem
JCTb 2001. With Geoff Whittle -
The excluded minors for GF$(4)$-representable matroids
JCTb 2000. With Bert Gerards and Ajai Kapoor -
An algebraic matching algorithm
Combinatorica 2000. -
On the excluded minors for quaternary matroids
JCTb 2000. With James Oxley, Dirk Vertigan and Geoff Whittle -
On matroids without a non-Fano minor
Discrete Math. 1999. -
Weak Maps and Stabilizers of Classes of Matroids
AAM 1998. With James Oxley, Dirk Vertigan, Geoff Whittle -
Principally unimodular skew-symmetric matrices
Combinatorica 1998. With Andre Bouchet and Bill Cunningham. -
Integral solutions of linear complementarity problems
Math. OR. 1998. With Bill Cunningham. -
The optimal path-matching problem
Combinatorica 1997. With Bill Cunningham. -
A Generalization of Tutte's Characterization of Totally Unimodular Matrices
JCTb 1997. -
A two-dimensional Steinhaus theorem.
Australas. J. Combin. 1993. With Jamie Simpson.
Not submitted for publication
- Colouring graphs with no odd-$K_n$ minor. With Tony Huynh. 2002
- On Tutte's paper "How to draw a graph". 2012
- Lectures on jump systems. 1996
- Matching Theory. EIDMA minicourse. 2001
- An algebraic approach to matching problems. 2001
- My PhD dissertation: Matchings, matroids and unimodular matrices 1995